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1、贵州省遵义市第十二中学2022年高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. You cant the diploma which shows your highon marketing unless you work hard.A.attain;competenceB.lose;possibilityC.witness;luckD.rise;speech参考答案:A提示:从cant 和diploma看出“如果你不努力学习,你将不能够得到毕业证,这个毕业证能够说明你在营销方面的能力”。空白处应该填入表示“获得”的词。attain“获得”;witness“目击”;rise的意思是“上升”,为不及物动词

2、,不能接宾语。competence的意思是“能力”;possibility的意思是“可能性”。2. What he wants is _ his mother as quickly as he can; and what he must do is _ to the hospital at onceAto see; going Bto see; go Csee; to go Dsee; go参考答案:B3. Three months! Dad _, as my mother thrust a cup of sweet tea into my hands. Well, thats big of

3、him, given shes worked like a ruddy Trojan in that place for the last six years.A. betrayedB. explodedC. swallowedD. assessed参考答案:B【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“三个月!”爸爸勃然大怒,妈妈把一杯甜茶塞到我手里。“他可真大方,过去六年她在那卖力工作。A. betrayed背叛;B. exploded勃然大怒;C. swallowed吞咽;D. assessed评估。根据“Well, thats big of him, given shes worked like

4、 a ruddy Trojan in that place for the last six years”( 他可真大方, 过去六年她在那卖力工作),可知这里说对方大方是讽刺,爸爸因为感到不公平而勃然大怒。故选B。4. If you dont know that _ failure is the mother of success, you are sure to be _ failure in life. A. /; / B. a; a C. a ; / D. /; a 参考答案:D5. I saw Tom _ into the classroom without _. A. slide;

5、found B. sliding; find C. sliding; being found D. to slide; being found参考答案:C6. The difficulty we had _ to the local life has now been removed. A. adaptation B. to adaptC. adaptedD. adapting参考答案:D7. - Whats that noise? - Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _.A. was tested B. will be testedC. i

6、s being tested D. has been tested参考答案:C8. Wet umbrellas are not allowed _ into the classroom. If there is any, then the monitor is _ .A. to be taken, to blame B. to be taken, to be blamedC. being taken, to blame D. taken, to be blamed参考答案:A略9. Out _, on hearing the shout, A fire!. A. did the workers

7、 rushB. rushed the workersC. rush did the workersD. the workers rushed参考答案:B10. It was _ back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go参考答案:C11. -How often do you eat out?-_, but u

8、sually once a week. A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D.Generally speaking参考答案:B12. We are supposed to _newspapers, magazines and other related books when writing a report. A. refer to B. look up to C. look forward to D. see to参考答案:A略13. Taken in by the story the young man _at the railway st

9、ation,I gave him some money.A. turned up B. gave up C.picked up D. made up参考答案:D14. It has been proved _ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.A. if B. that C. when D. because参考答案:B15. The road conditions there were very good, _ was more than we

10、could expect. A. it B. what C. which D. that参考答案:C略16. unwise steps Japan takes over Diaoyu Islands, it will not change the fact that Diaoyu Islands belong to China. A.However B. Whatever C. No matter where D. Whichever参考答案:B26.The computer costs 5, 000 yuan, but I spent _ 4,200 saving 800 yuan.A. n

11、ot more than B. no less than C. no more than D. more than参考答案:C略18. He _ the person referred to be put in prison.A. said B. demanded C. agreed D. thought参考答案:B19. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, visit Beijing this summer.A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to D. were going t

12、o参考答案:A二、 新的题型20. A small town in New Zealand has announced a(n) 61 (usual ) plan to ban domestic cats in order to protect native wildlife.Those 62 currently own cats will not be forced to give them away, according to the plan. However, after their cats pass away, they will not be allowed 63 (get)an

13、other one. The cats will need to have microchips (芯片) 64 (put ) just below the surface of 65 skins so that they can be found at any time.Village officials say the plan 66 ( need ) because domestic cats 67 ( attack ) wild animals in the area. Because of this, the areas native wildlife is 68 ( rapid ) disappearing.New Zealand has listed 150 animal species as being seriously endangered and in need of _69 ( protect ). These animals include a kind o


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