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1、湖北省襄阳市襄州第二中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. -What shall we do with our project, stop or continue, sir? -_ and try to finish it _. A. Go ahead with it; ahead of time B. Go on doing it; before time C. Go on to do it; ahead of time D. Continue to do it; before the time参考答案:A2. Students soon get _ if you critici

2、ze them too often.A. discouraging B. encouraging C. discouraged D. encouraged参考答案:C3. How are your children in their new home? Fine. The good thing is that theyve _very easily to new environments. Aused Bbelonged Cadapted Dturned参考答案:C4. There was an immediate _when the alarm sounded. People fled in

3、 different directions.A. surprise B. panic C. joy D.wonder参考答案:B5. Did Linda see the traffic accident?No, no sooner _ than it happened.A. had she goneB. she had goneC. has she goneD. she has gone参考答案:A6. Not all parts of the interior (腹地) of Australia are easily _, because it is very hot and not man

4、y people live there. A. admirable B. available C. adjustable D. accessible参考答案:D7. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they _ on their life journey. A. give up B. set off C. get through D. settle down参考答案:B8. Ebola control and prevention is a _ t

5、o West Africa as well as the whole world.A.threat B.surprise C. challenge D.reaction参考答案:C9. _ you write so well?By reading and keeping diaries every day.A. How is it B. What is it C. How is it that D. What is it that参考答案:C10. The deer was lucky enough to the hunter.A. escape from B. escapes being s

6、hot C. escape being caught D. escape catching参考答案:A11. He had wanted to write _ childrens book for many years, but one thing or another always got in _ way.A. a; / B. the; theC. /; the D. a; the参考答案:D考查冠词。句意:许多年来,他都想写一本儿童读物,但是一件又一件的事情挡道。泛指一本儿童书籍用a;固定搭配get in the way意为“妨碍,挡道”,故选D。12. - Can you climb

7、that tree, my boy? - _? A. I B. Myself C. Mine D. Me参考答案:D13. Well learn _ benefits us no matter which country it comes from.A. which B. all C. whatever D. anything参考答案:C14. -Im sorry I made a mistake ! -_. Nobody is perfect . A. Take your time. B. Youre right. C. Whatever you say. D. Take it easy.参

8、考答案:D15. Robert is indeed a wise man.Oh, yes. How often I have regretted his advice.A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking参考答案:D16. He didnt make _clear when and where the meeting would be held.A. this B. that C. it D. these D. / 参考答案:C二、 书面表达17. 写作(满分30分) 某中学生英文报近期开辟专栏,讨论学习习惯问题。请你结合自身学习实

9、际,按以下提示,用英文为该专栏写一篇稿件。1. 说明学习习惯与学习效果之间的关系;2. 介绍一种好的学习习惯并提出养成习惯的建议;3. 描述自己在学习习惯方面存在的某个问题并给出改进措施。注意:1. 词数120-150,开头语已为你写好;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行为连贯;3. 文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称。Its useful and necessary to discuss learning habits._参考答案:One possible version: Its useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. Our good l

10、earning habits will make us study more easily and efficiently and absorb knowledge completely.Time is precious for us students, so in my opinion, making a suitable timetable is necessary and important for us to make good use of our time. Besides, the timetable should be updated according to the process of our study from time to time. Whats more


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