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1、2021年徐州市英语中考试题、选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. In the picture, the students are.A. swimming B. playing ball gamesC. flying kites D. doing morning exercises2.1 have my own advantages and my friends haveA. hisB. hersC. theirsD. ours3. Miss Li studied at a college in Beiji

2、ng from 2016B. ofC. in2020.A. toD. with4. Which colour do you like, purple, orange or pink?A. wellB. good C. betterD. best5. In my school days, Ia lot of reading in English every day. That was how Ilearned English at that time.A. doB. didC. have done D. will do6. If you don*t think something will ha

3、ppen and then it happens, you will feel.A. surprised B. stressed C. scaredD. satisfied7.1 was full,the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help trying it.A. andB. butC. soD. or8. you raise your feet off the floor? Id like to see if my pen is under the desk.A. MustB. CanC. ShouldD. May9. Mary, pu

4、t on theto keep your hands warm.A. gloves B. glasses C. socksD. jeans10.1 learned to skate quickly. At first, I fell down a few times, but now Ifall down.A. always B. oftenC. sometimes D. seldom11. The 19th Asian Gamesin Hangzhou in September 2022. 1 cant wait!A. were held B. will be held C. have he

5、ld D. are held12. Agattha Christie was a female writer is considered the queen of crime novels.A. what B. whose C. who D. which13. -Amy had so many phone calls today.-Yes. As soon as one call was over, another call .A. took up B. showed off C. handed out D. came in14. -How many members are there in

6、your club?Eight this term, but there will be twenty next term.A. at least B. at present C. at all D. at once15. Will you be able to finish the report before Thursday?Yeah, , buddy.A. that1 s right B. don* t mention it C. no womes D. forget it二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面的对话,从对话后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最

7、佳选项。(In an English class)Tianwen 1 probeMr Wu: Boys and girls, yesterday I asked you to collect some informationabout Chinas Tianwen 1 probe. Lets see what youve16_Li Ping: I downloaded something. May I use the PPT, Mr Wu?Mr Wu: Sure. 17Li Ping: Look at this picture. On May 15, Chinas Tianwen 1 prob

8、e made a historic landing onMars! Following the US, China is now the 18country in the world to 19 land aprobe on Mars. It will give Chinese20their first chance to study the Red_Planetclosely.Gu Yue: 21 was Tianwen 1 probe sent?Li Ping: In July 2020. The probe entered Mars orbit (轨道)in February 2021.

9、 Experts said the22 of sending the probe into orbit was equal to hitting a small ball from Parisand landing it in a hole in Tokyo. And the final 23 was even more difficult.He Mei: I hear its_ 24 called the nine minutes of terror.Li Ping: Yes. In nine minutes, the probe had to reduce its 25 from 20,0

10、00 km per hour tozero, landing from 125 km above Mars. 26 he probe is 320 million km away fromEarth, there is a signal delay(延迟)of over 10 minutes if the research team tries to controlit from Earth. So the probe had to 27 the landing on its own!Gu Yue: Thats amazing!Li Ping: Indeed. When the probe f

11、inally slowed down, at 100 meters above Mars, it stayed in theair and 28 the landing area. It had to move away from the objects in its way such asrocks, 29 finally touching down.Mr Wu: Well done, Li Ping! Thank you for showing our 30 Tianwen 1 probe. Lets see whohas something else to share .16. A. r

12、ealizedB. foundC. understoodD. met17. A. Better notB. Not at allC. Go aheadD. With pleasure18. A. firstB.secondC. thirdD. fourth19. A. successfullyB. carefullyC. speciallyD. peacefully20. A. inventorsB. fightersC. passengersD. scientists21. A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. Why22. A. possibilityB. gravityC. d

13、ifficultyD. safety23. A. kickingB. hittingC. sendingD. landing24. A. stillB. insteadC. everD. also25. A. speedB. heightC. weightD. length26. A. ThoughB. UntilC. UnlessD. As27. A. put outB. carry outC. run outD. look out28. A. checkedB. coveredC. protectedD. avoided29. A. whileB. onceC. beforeD. afte

14、r30. A. luckyB. comfortableC. fantasticD. energetic三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面四篇短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。ASMain sections:Top NewsNationThree-child policyNationWorldBusinessSportsEntertainmentFAMILYWorldCOVID-19 vaccinesBusinessWebsite search:GoInternet search:GoBelt-road trades go upOther s

15、ections:Free e-mailChatroomMeeting-roomSportsVolleyball NationsLeagueEntertainmentZhang Yimous hotnew movieAdvertisementLins FruitOrder online!31. How many main sections are there in the website?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.32. What can visitors to the website do?A. Write news.B. Talk with other people.C. Get free fruit.D. Make short movies.33. Where is the adverti



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