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1、关于中秋节的传说英语作文模板 And lifted the 10th out of disaster, processing on the hardships, day and night to go hunting ravaged earth monsters. In the central plains to smothering weight, sealing thin hurt the most. Smothering study this is the yellow emperor of one country warlord, unfortunately assassinated

2、by two negative and dangerous. Yellow emperor had mercy on him innocent lives, please WuPeng, wu arrived, WuYang, wu shoe, WuFan, wu phase six kunlun mountains on offering consultation, developed not death medicine made him back from the dead. Smothering the life of this study is to pick up back, bu

3、t pletely lost nature, just wake up, even rolling and crawling into the mountain, plunged into a weak water, bees a dragon tiger PAWS, trumpeter man-eating monster like baby crying. Processing of deep smothering weight nest, just another arrow, and makes the second back to its dead, this time is des

4、erve to die. At one end of the central plains xianchi &jingshou and tusks as ji, lselection hundreds of cows, frame big wild boar sealing thin copper sheet; Dilute the rampage, arch destroyed crops, villages, the place was in ruins. Processing, bounces around eyes blind boar, but they capture it. So

5、, smothering study, capture the sealing thin, after processing to the south, in ShouHua wild chase and teeth. Tooth-digging personal beast face, the murder weapon is out of the mouth of two five or six feet long, shaped like a chisel teeth, to cope with bows and arrows, it specially take a big and s

6、olid shield, it didnt understand until death, processing of the arrow is how to perate the shield, heart into it. Repair the snake oupy of dongting lake, lift ZuoLang, swallows countless, countless eat people. It got wind of marksman processing has been to the south, and latent lake, disappeared. Wa

7、ves cover, white demon, processing of the magic shot skill also had nowhere to go, he resolutely bow hold sword and jump into bottomless lake, through thousand of refugees, finally long sword is broken in white snake; Dongting lake water, unexpectedly to snake blood dyed the red half. The legend of

8、the Mid-Autumn festival the thesis 6 position the legend of the Mid-Autumn festival North, monster with nine heads of nine baby is still in the fierce flame spit water area, water flooded city township burn; East, giant bird wind is still in the green hills of ze winds, destroyed homes rooted tree.

9、Processing of Crusades QiuZe, with moss tethered to arrow tail, an arrow lightning flyby of winds. The big wind flying, it is to escape, wounded but lashing on the arrow, like a kite, can only be processing. Monster with nine heads and nine baby thinks nine head, nine lives, and have no fear of the

10、northern expedition processing, it has 9 members, spewing out DuYan, spurts of turbidity current, water warfare, interwoven into a disaster to processing of trapped. Processing of know nine babies have nine lives, a head shot, it not only wont die, and can heal quickly, so to make serial archery, ni

11、ne arrow is almost the same time put into nine baby nine head, nine baby nine lives a also didnt leave. 解除了十日并出的灾难,羿马不停蹄,日夜兼程,去捕猎肆虐人间的怪兽。中原地区,以窒窳、封稀为害最烈。窒窳本是黄帝辖下的一国诸侯,不幸被贰负和危暗杀了。黄帝怜悯他无辜丧命,请巫彭、巫抵、巫阳、巫履、巫凡、巫相六大神医上昆仑山会诊,研制出不死神药使他死而复生。窒窳的命是捡回来了,却完全迷失了本性,刚一醒来,就连滚带爬地窜下山,一头扎进弱水,变成了一条龙首虎爪、号声如婴儿啼哭的吃人怪兽。羿深入窒窳

12、巢穴,仅一箭,就令它死了第二回,这一回是死有余辜。 在中原的桑林还有一头獠牙如戟、力胜百牛、铁骨铜皮的大野猪封稀;封稀横冲直撞,拱毁庄稼、村落,所经之地顿成废墟。羿左右施射,刺瞎野猪双睛,将它生擒活捉。 诛杀窒窳、捕获封稀之后,羿转战南方,在寿华之野追及凿齿。凿齿人身兽脸,它的杀人利器是突出嘴外的两根五六尺长、形似凿子的牙齿,为了应付弓箭,它特地带上一面宏大而巩固的盾牌,它至死也没弄清楚,羿的神箭是如何穿透盾牌,扎进它心窝的。 修蛇盘据洞庭湖,掀波作浪,覆舟无数,吃人无数。它风闻神射手羿已至南方,便潜伏湖底,销声匿迹。万顷波涛掩盖妖踪,羿的神奇射技也就没有了用武之地,他毅然舍弓持剑,跃入深不可

13、测的大湖,历千险万难,终于在滔天白浪中剑断长蛇;洞庭湖水,竟给蛇血染红了一半。 中秋节的传说作文6篇中秋节的传说作文6篇 北方,九头怪九婴仍在凶水一带喷火吐水,淹乡焚城;东方,巨型鸟大风仍在青丘之泽掀起狂风,毁屋拔树。羿东征青丘泽,用青丝绳系于箭尾,一箭射中闪电式飞掠的大风。那大风力大善飞,尚欲带伤逃生,无奈箭上系绳,只能像一只风筝一样被羿收回。 九头怪九婴自恃有九颗脑袋、九条命,丝毫不惧北伐的羿,它九口齐张,喷吐出一道道毒焰、一股股浊流,交织成一张凶险的水火网,企图将羿困住。羿知道九婴有九条命,射中一个头,它非但不会死,而且能很快痊愈,故再使连环箭法,九支箭几乎同一时刻插到了九婴的九颗头上,九婴的九条性命一条也没留下。



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