【英文文学】Keeping up with Lizzie

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1、【英文文学】Keeping up with LizzieChapter 1KEEPING UP WITH LIZZIEIN WHICH THE LEADING TRADESMEN OF POINTVIEW BECOME A BOARD OF ASSESSORSThe Honorable Socrates Potter was the only scientific man in the village of Pointview, Connecticut. In every point of manhood he was far ahead of his neighbors. In a way

2、he had outstripped himself, for, while his ideas were highly modern, he clung to the dress and manners that prevailed in his youth. He wore broadcloth every day, and a choker, and chewed tobacco, and never permitted his work to interfere with the even tenor of his conversation. He loved the old time

3、s and fashions, and had a drawling tongue and often spoke in the dialect of his fathers, loving the sound of it. His satirical mood was sure to be flavored with clipped words and changed tenses. The stranger often took him for a hayseed, but on further acquaintance opened his mouth in astonishment,

4、for Soc. Potter, as many called him, was a man of insight and learning and of a quality of wit herein revealed. He used to call himself an attorney and peacemaker, but he was more than that. He was the attorney and friend of all his clients, and the philosopher of his community. If one man threatene

5、d another with the law in that neighborhood, he was apt to do it in these terms, Well see what Soc. Potter has to say about that.All right! Well see, the other would answer, and both parties would be sure to show up at the lawyers office. Then, probably, Socrates would try his famous lock-and-key ex

6、pedient. He would sit them down together, lock the door, and say, Now, boys, I dont believe in getting twelve men for a job that two can do better, and generally he would make them agree.He had an office over the store of Samuel Henshaw, and made a specialty of deeds, titles, epigrams, and witticism

7、s.He was a bachelor who called now and then at the home of Miss Betsey Smead, a wealthy spinster of Pointview, but nothing had ever come of it.He sat with his feet on his desk and his mind on the subject of extravagance. When he was doing business he sat like other men, but when his thought assumed

8、a degree of elevation his feet rose with it. He began his story by explaining that it was all true but the names.Illustration: With his mind on the subject of extravagance.This is the balloon age, said he, with a merry twinkle in his gray eyes. The inventor has led us into the skies. The odor of gas

9、oline is in the path of the eagle. Our thoughts are between earth and heaven; our prices have followed our aspirations in the upward flight. Now here is Sam Henshaw. Sam? Why, hes a merchant prince o Pointviewgrocery businesshad a girlname o Lizziesmart and as purty as a wax doll. Dan Pettigrew, the

10、 noblest flower o the young manhood o Pointview, fell in love with her. No wonder. We were all fond o Lizzie. They were a hansome couple, an together about half the time.Well, Sam began to aspire, an nothing would do for Lizzie but the Smythe school at Hardcastle at seven hundred dollars a year. So

11、they rigged her up splendid, an away she went. Prom that day she set the pace for this community. Dan had to keep up with Lizzie, and so his father, Bill Pettigrew, sent him to Harvard. Other girls started in the race, an the first we knew there was a big field in this maiden handicap.Well, Sam had

12、been aspirin for about three months, when he began to perspire. The extras up at Hardcastle had exceeded his expectations. He was goin a hot pace to keep up with Lizzie, an it looked as if his morals was meltin away.I was in the northern part o the county one day, an saw some wonderful, big, red, ta

13、sty apples.What ye doin with yer apples? says I to the grower.Ive sent the most of em to Samuel Henshaw, o Pointview, an hes sold em on commission, says he.What do ye get for em ? I asked.Two dollars an ten cents a barrel, says he.The next time I went into Sams store there were the same red apples t

14、hat came out o that orchard in the northern part o the county.How much are these apples? I says.Seven dollars a barrel, says Sam.Illustration: Seven dollars a barrel.How is it that you get seven dollars a barrel an only return two dollars an ten cents to the grower? I says.Sam stuttered an changed c

15、olor. Id been his lawyer for years, an I always talked plain to Sam.Wal, the fact is, says he, with a laugh an a wink, I sold these apples to my clerk.Sam, yere wastin yer talents, I says. Go into the railroad business.Sam was kind o shamefaced.It costs so much to live I have to make a decent profit somewhere, says he. If you had a daughter to educate, youd know the reason.I bought a bill o goods, an noticed that ham an butter were up two cents a pound, an flour four cents a sack, an other things in proportion. I didnt say a word, but I see that Sam proposed to tax t


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