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1、浙江省湖州市长兴县雉城中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The volleyball match _ on for ten minutes when he turned on the TV. A. has been B. had been C. will be D. would be参考答案:B2. It is the _for Westerners to celebrate Christmas . A. way B. habit C. manner D. custom 参考答案:D3. - Do you know Annas telephone number? - _. As a

2、matter of fact, I dont know any Anna, either.A.I think so B.I hope so C.Id rather not D.I am afraid not参考答案:D4. Dick enjoys painting but he knows the fact _he doesnt have _it takes to be a professional.A. that; thatB. which; whatC. what; thatD. that; what参考答案:D5. Four and half hours of discussion to

3、ok us up to midnight, and break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.A. a; a B. the; the C.不填;the D. a; 不填参考答案:A6. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of _ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.A. how B. what C. why D. which参考答案:A略7. _that you left your coat?A. It was whereB. Where wa

4、s it C. Was it where D. Was that where参考答案:B. 解析: 对特殊疑问词where进行强调。8. Throughout _history, man has had to accept _fact that all living things must die.A. the; the B. a; a C. /; the D. /; /参考答案:C9. - Are you going to take part in the speech contest? - _ Its too good an opportunity to miss. A. No probl

5、em! B. Thats for sure. C. Why me? D. Why bother?参考答案:B10. The salesman scolded the girl caught _ and let her off.A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing参考答案:D11. -I hear youre going to spend your holiday in Hawaii.-Oh, its _,for my money is almost gone.A. out of the question B. o

6、ut of question C. no problem D. all the best参考答案:A12. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered参考答案:A13. Thanks to the work of UNICEF. Otherwise many children the chance of living a good life. A. will not ha

7、ve B. have not had C. do not have D. would not have 参考答案:D14. The witness by the police just now gave different descriptions of the fight.A. questioned B. being questioned C. to be questioned D. having questioned参考答案:A15. It is recommended by the representatives that traditional cultures_. A. should

8、 preserve B. have been preserved C. be preserved D. must be preserved参考答案:C16. The stronger the _ is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.A. AdmirationB. communication C. association D. motivation参考答案:D17. As a new graduate, he doesnt know _ it takes to start a business here.A.ho

9、w B.what C.when D.which 参考答案:B二、 完型填空18. One day, a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor_41_ the question papers,with the text facing down as usual. _42_ he handed them all out

10、, he asked his students to _43_ the page and begin. To everyones surprise, there were no _44_, just a black dot in the center of the page.The professor, seeing the expression on everyones face, told them the following:“I want you to write what you _45_ there.”The students, _46_, got started on the i

11、nexplicable (费解的) task.At the end of the class, the professor _47_ all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them, with no _48_, described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. After all had been _49

12、_, the classroom was silent, and the professor began to explain:“Im not going to grade (打分) this. I _50_ wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the _51_ part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot, and the same happens in our _52_We have a white paper to observe and

13、 _53_, but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a _54_ given to us with love and care, and we always have _55_ to celebrate:nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us, the job that _56_ our livelihood and the miracles we see every day._57_, we insist on focusing only on the dark spots:the health issues that bother us,the lack of money, the _58_ relationship with colleagues, the _59_ with a friend, and etc.The dark spots are very _60_ compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds.”41. A. wrapped up B. handed out


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