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1、名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Unit 1 Linda comes to LondonLinda: Hi,Karen.Where are you.Karen: Im in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit.Im waiting for you,and I mhaving a cup of coffee.Karen: Where are you,and what are you doing.Linda:Im in the Baggage Hall.Im waiting for my sui

2、tcase.Linda:Ah,I can see it.It s coming round now. There it is.Linda:Oh,Karen. Is Paul with you. Karen:Yes,of course he is.Hes standing here beside me.Im giving him my phone now. Karen:Here you are,Paul.Talk to your mother.Paul:Hello,Mum. Linda:Hello,Paul.Iv got my suitcase,andIm coming out now.琳达来到

3、伦敦琳达:嗨,卡伦!你在哪儿? 卡伦:我在进港口旁的咖啡馆;我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡;卡伦:你在哪儿?在做什么?琳达:我在行李领取厅, 在等我的皮箱;琳达:啊,我看到箱子了!立刻就转过来了! 到了!琳达: 哦,卡伦!保罗和你在一起吗?卡伦:当然在;他就站在我身旁; 我现在把电话给他;卡伦:给,保罗!和你妈妈说说话! 保罗:你好,妈妈! 琳达:你好,保罗!我拿到皮箱了, 立刻就出来 .Lesson11.机 场 的 ) 进 港 处Arrivals2.出口exit3.等待wait for4.行 李 领 取 厅Baggage Hall5.手提箱,皮箱suitcase6.来到邻近come round7.

4、电话phone8.出来come out9.坐sitLesson21.三明治sandwich2.扶手椅armchair3.起立,站起来stand up4.读read5.听listen to 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday.祝你周日好运!Reporter:My name s Tom French. I m speaking to you from the ExCel Centre in London s Docklands.We

5、are visiting this years Marathon Expo.Reporter:This is the Trade Fair of the London Marathon.It s very noisy.There are hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here.Reporter:Thisis a big international event.But it s like a village.People are talking and laughing like old friends.Reporter:I m

6、standingwithoneofthe competitors.Let me introduce Paul Bruce. Hi,Paul.Paul:Hi,Tom.Reporter:Paul,please tell our listeners.This is your first Marathon,isn t it.Paul:Yes,it is.记者:我是汤姆弗兰奇;我现在在伦敦多克兰的卓著中心为您报道;我们正在参观今年的马拉松展览;记者:这是伦敦马拉松贸易博览会;这里人声沸腾,有几百家参展商和成千上万的参观者;记者:这是一国际盛事;但这里却像一个村镇,人们像老伴侣一样说说笑笑;记者:站在我身

7、旁的是一位参赛者,我来介绍一下保罗布鲁斯;你好,保罗! 你好,汤姆!记者:保罗,请告知我们的听众, 这是你第一次参与马拉松吗?保罗:是的;Reporter:Are you looking forward to Sunday.Paul:Yes,I am.Reporter:That s the spirit,Paul. Good luck on Sunday.Lesson31.运气luck2.记者reporter3.中心centre4.参观,拜访visit5.贸易博览会trade fair6.嘈杂的,热闹的noisy7.数以百计的hundreds of8.参展者exhibitor9.数以千计的th

8、ousands of10.参观者visitor11.村庄village12.大笑laugh13.竞争者,参赛者competitor14.听众listener15.希望,期望look forward to记者:你很期望周日吗?保罗:是的;记者:这就对了,保罗!祝你周日好运!16.电影film17.说say18.市镇,城镇town19.城市cityLesson4 1.收音机radio2.学习learn3.新闻news4.回家come home5.寂静的quiet 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - -

9、 - - -Unit 3 Is this yours.Jack:Thats strange.What s this note in my pocket. It isnt mine.Is it yours,Daisy. Daisy:No,it isnt mine. Let me see.Oh,it belongs to Paul. The handwriting is his.Jack:So why is it in my pocket.Daisy:I dont know.It looks like Paul s “to-do ”list. Let me read it.Wednesday,18

10、 April8a.m.Drivetotheairportwith Karen10 a.m. Pick Mumup and drive to Barnet1 p.m. Training run5 p.m. Pick Clair up from college Jack:Hmm.Give it to me,Daisy.Yes,it is Pauls,isnt it.Daisy:Yes,Jack.Put it back.Jack:But whyonearthis itin my pocket.这是你的吗?杰克:真古怪,我衣袋里的这张便条是什么? 这不是我的;是你的吗,黛西? 黛西:不是我的;让我看看

11、;哦,这是保罗的;是他的笔迹;杰克:那它为什么在我的衣袋里? 黛西:我不知道;看上去像保罗的工作清单;我来读一下; “4 月 18 日 星期三早上 8 点和卡伦开车去机场早上 10 点 接妈妈,开车去巴尼特下午 1 点练习跑步下午 5 点 去学校接克莱尔; ” 杰克:嗯,给我吧,黛西;是的,这是保罗的,对吧?黛西: 是的, 杰克, 把他放回去吧;杰克:可是它到底为什么会在我的 衣袋里呢?Lesson 5 1.古怪的strange2.便条note3.口袋,衣袋pocket4.属于belong to5.他的(全部物)his6.任务清单to-do list7.飞机场airport8.接pick up

12、9.长跑训练training run10.回原处back11.到底,到底Whyon earth. 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Unit 4 The top three percentVolunteer:Congratulations.Two hours and fifty-nine minutes. Thats fantastic.What s your name. Paul:Paul.Paul Bruce. Volunteer:Well done,Paul. How are

13、 you feeling.Paul:Im OK.Thanks.Volunteer:Good.Now,Paul. Heres your foil jacket.Put it on.You mustnt get cold. Paul:Yes.Thanks.Volunteer:Justahundredand seventy-nine minutes.Paul,youre a hero.Paul:Thanks. Volunteer:Now,Paul,walk this way. Pick up your medal.It s yours.Volunteer:Therearethirty-five thousandrunnersinthisrace,and youreinthetopthree percent.Congratulations.跑在前面的百分之三理想者:庆贺你!2 小时 59 分;太棒了!你叫什么?保罗:保罗;保罗布鲁斯;记者:做得好,保罗!你感觉怎么样?保罗:不错;感谢! 理想者:很好!保罗,这是你的保暖夹克; 穿上吧,你可别感冒了; 保罗:好,感谢!理想者:只用了179 分钟!保罗,你是个英雄!保罗:感谢!理想者:好,保罗,来这边领取你的奖章;这是你的!理想者:这次竞赛有35000 名选手参与,而你是跑在最前面的百分之三!庆


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