最新人教版四年级上册英语教学设计 Unit 4

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1、Unit 4 My home第一课时Let s talk & Let s play教学目标1 .能用“Is it ? ”询问物品所在。2. 能熟练朗读、模仿、表演本节课对话。3. 能在实际生活中运用本节课对话,能听懂、会说:Is she in the bedroom? Yes, she is. /No, she isn t. Is it-? Yes, it is. /No, it isn t. I have- Where is-*? 教学重点掌握一般疑问句“Is he/she/it及其回答。教学难点能根据图片用一般疑问句进行提问。教具准备教学挂图,教学光盘,人物头饰。教学过程一、热身(Warm

2、 up)1. 教师将书包放在不同的位置,并运用句型“Where is the schoolbag?”引导学 生运用It s in/on/under/near 来回答。2. 教师发指令,学生做动作,如:Putyournotebook under your schoolbag.Putyourpencil in your desk.Putyourpencil box on your chair.Putyour二、新课教学eraser near your pencil box.(Presentation)(-)话题交流,导入新课。1. 学习 cute。T: I have a nice home. Yo

3、u have a nice home. I think the school is our home too, right? Look! Who is coming?SS: He is Liu Qian.T: Yes. He is a magician. He will put on a magic show. ( monkey, mouse, duck, cat)2. 魔术停留在出现的cat” 上,T: I have a cat. She s cute. What about you? (板书:I have a . She, s cute.)引导学生介绍自己的宠物:I have aShe,

4、s cute.(-)情景创设,理解语意。学习:Is she in ? Yes, she is. / No, she isn, t.1 .在魔术中,最后出现的 dog 消失了。T: Oh! Where s my dog? Let s guess:where is she?T: Is she in the bedroom/study/1iving room/kitchen/bathroom?(播放ppt , 一组猜,一组答,集体操练。)2. 学习:Yes, she is. No, she isn, t.找学生猜的时候,点击图片,学习这两 个句子。让学生利用身边的事物学习和巩固句(三)交际练习,板书

5、呈现。教师把宠物猫拿出来放到门外(播放敲门声),询问:Where is she? Is she in the classroom?引导学生回答:No, she isn, t.并解释。然后询问:Is she in the school? 引导回答:Yes, she is.把猫拿进来,询问:Is she in the classroom ?引导回答: Yes, she is.答对有奖励。板书:Where is ? Is she in ? Yes, she is. No, She isn, t.(四)问题视听,整体感知。T: I find my cat. But Amy s cat is missi

6、ng. Let s go and find. Where is Amy s cat ?借助图片帮助学生理解文本(听录音之前先猜测:Is she in the?) : Is she in the bedroom?三、巩固练习(Consolidation and extension)1. 完成Let s play部分的任务。2. 巩固歌谣并表演。I have a cat. It is cute. Where is she? Where is she?Is she in the study? No. No, she isn t.四、家庭作业(Homework)将Let s talk部分的对话读给家长

7、听。板书设计Unit 4 My homeI have a cat. She is cute.Is she in the living room?Yes, It is/No, It isn t.Unit 4 My home第二课时Let s learn & Let s do教学目标1 .能听、 说、 认读 study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen 等单词并 能在日常生活中运用。2. 能听懂Lef s do中的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。3. 能运用句型“Is she in the - Yes, she is. ”来灵活问答地点。教学重点能

8、听、 说、 认读 study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen 等单词并能 在日常生活中运用。教学难点单词 bathroom, bedroom 的发音。教具准备教学挂图,单词卡片。教学过程一、热身(Warm up)1. Let s chant.I have a cat. It is cute. Where is she? Where is she?Is she in the bedroom?No. No, she isn, t.Is she in the study?No. No, she isn, t.Look, Look, She s in

9、the kitchen.表演Let s talk部分的对话。二、新课教学(Presentation)1. 教师出示bedroom的图片,问学生:What s in it?当学生回答出bed时,教 师说:Yes, there is a bed in it. We sleep in a bedroom.(做动作帮助学生理解)This is a bedroom.教读bedroom,并板书,让学生认读。2. 教师出示 living room 的图片,T: Are there many books here? Is it a study? SS: No. T: Good. This isn, t a s

10、tudy. It s a living room. We watch TV in a living room.教读单词living room,并板书,让学生认读。3. 教师出示study的图片,T:这是什么? SS:书房。教读单词study,并板书,让学生认读。教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:We read the books in the study.4. 教师出示kitchen的图片,问学生:Is this a bathroom?教师可让学生用中文 说出这是哪儿。然后教读单词kitchen,并板书,学生认读单词。教师可请学生看图片 说句子:This is a kitchen.5. 教师出示 b

11、athroom 的图片,T: Is this a study? Is this a living room? Is this a bedroom? SS: No. T: This is a bathroom. We take a shower in a bathroom.(用 动作帮助学生理解)教读单词bathroom,并板书,让学生认读。6. 通过展示本课时教学图片,让学生在短时间内说出对应的英语单词。三、巩固练习(Consolidation and extension)1. 学习Let,s do部分的内容。(1) 教师播放录音,学生跟唱。(2) 教师说前一部分的指令,让学生说后一部分的指令

12、并做出相应的动作。T:Goto the living room.SS: Watch TV.Gotothestudy.Readbook.Gotothekitchen.Havesnack.Gotothebathroom.Takeshower.Gotothebedroom.Havenap.(3) 学生小组表演Let,s do部分的内容。(4)教师奖励优秀小组。2. 教师出示单词卡,让学生开火车认读单词。四、家庭作业(Homework )自己设计一套房子并用英语写好各个房间的名称。 板书设计Unit 4 My homeGo to the living room.Go to the study.Watc

13、h TVUnit 4 My home第三课时Let s spell教学目标1能通过拆音、拼音和分类等语音意识训练活动内容,帮助学生归纳字母U在单词 中的发音规律。2. 能听,说,认读所给例词。3. 能根据字母发音规律拼读类似单词。4. 能完成Let s spell部分的练习。教学重点掌握元音字母u在单词中的发音规律。教学难点根据朗读获得的语感发掘元音U的发音规律。教具准备教学挂图,教学光盘,教学课件。教学过程一、热身(Warm up)1 .教师播放Let s do部分的录音,学生跟唱。Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read

14、a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. Go to the bedroom. Have a nap. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.2. 教师利用教学课件展示曾经学过的语音单词,复习学过的字母语音。二、新课教学(Presentation)1. 情景创设,理解词意。教师利用教学课件展示教学挂图,呈现use, cute, excuse三个单词,让学生读这 三个单词,引导学生拼读,并找一找这三个单词的构词特点和发音特点,引导学生发现 并说出其共同字母ue,鼓励学生自己发现并归纳出字母u在这三个单词中的的发音是其 本身的音

15、:/J u/o2. 句中学习,领读词卡。对单词use, cute, excuse进行拆音训练。3. 通过板书呈现单词,并让学生听录音模仿正确的发音。4. Let s chant.利用动画呈现语音歌谣,学生在理解歌谣的基础上跟着动画吟唱。三、巩固练习 (Consolidation and extension)1. 听音摘气球:听录音,选择听到的单词所对应的气球。2. Listen, circle and say.圈出所听到的单词,并在小组内汇报交流朗读。3. 完成 Listen, circle and write 部分的任务。(1) 教师播放录音,让学生听录音独立完成单词书写。(2) 师生一起订正答案。四、家庭作业(Homework )将含有字母ue的单词整理在笔记本上,并朗读。板书设计Unit 4 My homeuse cute excuseUnit 4 My homeU!第四课


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