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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上蒙娜丽莎的微笑中英文对照台词All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College. So when a position opened in the Art History department she pursued it single-mindedly until she was hired.她一生所梦寐以求的便是在韦尔斯利学院执教。于是,当该校美术历史系有了一个职位后,她便一门心思去实现这个梦想, 直至被聘请.It was whispered that Katherine Watson a first

2、-year teacher from Oakland State made up in brains what she lacked in pedigree. Which was why this bohemian from California was on her way to the most conservative college in the nation.本片讲述了凯瑟琳 沃森一位来自于奥克兰市仅有一年教学经历的教师,可以想象她是多么不谙世故.这就是为什么这位在加州长大的的波希米亚人会跑到全国最保守的学院任职的原因.-Excuse me, please. -Oh , sorry.

3、-劳驾,请让一下. -哦,抱歉.Excuse me.抱歉Excuse me. The bus?劳驾. 请问公车在哪里乘?-Keep walking, maam. -Thank you.-再往前走, 女士. -谢谢.But Katherine Watson didnt come to Wellesley to fit in.但是凯瑟琳 沃森不仅 想成为韦尔斯利学院的一员.She came to Wellesley because she wanted to make a difference.她来韦尔斯利学院是因为想有所作为.-Violet. -My favorite ltalian profe

4、ssor.-维奥莱特. -我们最受欢迎的意大利文教授.-Nice summer? -Terrific, thanks.-暑假过的如何? -棒极了, 谢谢.-Whos that over there? -Where?-那边是谁? -哪儿?Oh, Katherine Watson. New teacher. Art History. Im dying to meet her.噢, 凯瑟琳 沃森。美术史系的新老师. 我好想认识她.Who knocks at the Door of Learning?是谁叩响了知识殿堂的大门?-I am every woman. -What do you seek?-

5、我,一位普通的女性. -你在寻求什么?To awaken my spirit through hard work and dedicate my life to knowledge.通过苦学获得灵魂,将我的一生献给知识.Then you are welcome.那么,欢迎你.All women who seek to follow you can enter here.所有和你怀有同样的抱负的女性都将受到欢迎.I now declare the academic year begun.现在我宣布新学年开始A shame you didnt come yesterday. Its so quie

6、t before the girls arrive.你要是昨天就到多好. 在女孩们报到之前,是那么宁静祥和.Just a few rules. No holes in the walls.只有几条规定. 墙上不能打洞.No pets, no loud noises, no radio or hi-fi after 8 on weekdays.禁止养宠物,禁止喧哗, 周一至周五晚8点后禁止听收音机或音响.1 0 on weekends.周末可延长到10点.no hot plates and no male visitors.禁止使用电熨斗以及不能有男性访客.Anything wrong?有什么不

7、妥吗?I dont think I can go a year without a hot plate.我没有电熨斗可不行.Dont you just love chintz?你不是只喜欢印花棉布么?And look.看看这个.They match.很相配.Sweet, right? Your rooms here.亲爱的, 如何? 这就是你的房间了.My room is just across the way.我的房间在对面.and Amanda Armstrongs down the other end. 阿曼达 阿姆斯壮的房间在另一头.-You grew up here? -My who

8、le life.-你在这儿长大? -我的一生都在这里.Youll meet my parents when they come to visit.我的父母来时你可以见到他们.-They visit? -Regularly.-他们会来? -经常来.-What do you teach? -Speech, elocution and poise.-你教什么? -谈吐,演讲以及仪态.Dinners are communal, so Ill handle that.晚餐一起吃,我负责烹饪.But breakfast and lunch, youre on your own. So.早餐和晚餐自己解决.

9、 所以.we each get our own shelf. Ill make your label this evening.我们都有自己储物格. 今晚我会给你的贴上标签.I dont need to tell you, everything on our individual shelves is sacrosanct.不用我说, 在各人储物格里的私人物品 是神圣不可侵犯的.I just knew when we met.我就知道.wed be instant friends.我们会成为一拍即合的好朋友.(二)Be careful. They can smell fear.小心点儿. 她们

10、可机灵了.-Good morning. -Good morning.-早上好 -早上好.Thank you.谢谢.This is History of Art 1 00.本堂课讲授美术史 100.Well be following Dr. Stauntons syllabus.我们将遵循斯坦顿博士的教学大纲.-Any questions so far? -Your name?-有什么问题吗? -你的名字?-Why dont you go first? -Connie Baker.-为何不先从你开始? -康尼 贝克.-Katherine Watson. Nice to meet you. -Dr

11、. Watson, I presume.-凯瑟琳 沃森. 很高兴认识你们. -我想应该称你为沃森博士了.-Not yet. And you are? -Giselle Levy.-还不是. 你的名字? -杰斯丽 利维.Giselle. If someone could get the-杰斯丽. 哪位可以帮我把-Susan Delacorte. -Thank you, Susan Delacorte.-苏珊 德拉考蒂. -谢谢, 苏珊 德拉考蒂.From the beginning, man has always had the impulse to create art.最开始的时候,人类便拥

12、有创造美术的冲动.-Can anyone tell me what this is? -Wounded Bison, Altamira, Spain.-有人能回答这是什么吗? -受伤的野牛,奥尔塔米拉岩窟壁画, 西班牙.about 1 5,000 B.C. Joan Brandwyn.大约公元前15,000 年. 我是 琼 布兰德温.Very good, Joan.琼,非常好.Despite the age of these, they are technically sophisticated because-尽管是在那个时代,他们的技艺依然 堪称老练是由于-The shading and

13、the thickness of the lines moving over the bisons hump.由于野牛背部粗犷有力的线条和阴影的绘制.-ls that right? -Yes, thats exactly right.-对吗? -对,完全正确.Next slide.下一张.This is probably less familiar. It was discovered by archeologists-这大概较不为人知晓. 被考古学家所发掘的-In 1 879, Lascaux, France. Dates back to 1 0,000 B.C.发掘于1879年, 法国西南

14、部的拉斯考克斯法山洞岩画. 可追溯到公元前10,000年前.Singled out because of flowing lines depicting the movement of the animal.由于其以生动流畅的线条来描绘动物的动态.-Impressive. Name? -Herd of Horses.-很生动. 名字? -群马.-I meant yours. -We call her Flicka.-你的名字. -我们叫她“轻快小姐”.Elizabeth Warren. They call me Betty.伊丽莎白 沃伦. 她们叫我贝蒂.Very good.极为出色.Bett

15、y is also correct.贝蒂的回答亦为正确.Just because something is ancient doesnt mean that it is primitive.远古不等同于原始.For example. Next slide, please.举个例子. 请翻下一张.Mycerinus and His Queen. 2470 B.C.米塞里诺斯和他的妻子. 公元前2470年.Its a funerary statue of the pharaoh and queen.这是法老及其王后的墓像.originally intended to preserve the pharaohs ka. Soul.其本意为保藏法老的灵魂.Have any of you taken Art History before?你们中有人已经上过美术史的课程?



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