Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 5教案示例 教案

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Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 5教案示例 教案_第1页
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Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 5教案示例 教案_第2页
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Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 5教案示例 教案_第3页
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《Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 5教案示例 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 5教案示例 教案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already left(Period 5)教案示例The Fifth Period Teaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyannounce, describe, convince, panic, set off, authority, reveal, hoax, flee/fled/fled, spaghetti, girl-friend, Show, marry, thrill, get married,reply, e

2、nding(2) The reading passages about April Fools Day(3) Write stories happened on April Fools Day2 Ability Objects(1) Train the students reading skill(2) Train the students writing and speaking skills3 Moral Object Try to collect the jokes happened on April Fools Day and share them with your friends

3、Teaching Key Points1 Teach the students the new vocabulary2 Help the students understand the three articles3 Guide the students to write stories happened on April Fools Day Teaching Difficult Points1 Help the students understand the three articles2 Help the students write the stories happened on Apr

4、il Fools Day Teaching Methods1 Reading method2 Write a passage using the notes3 Tell jokes Teaching AidsA project and a tape recorder Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1 Revise the three boys stories happened on April Fools Day Ask three different students to tell their stories to the class2 Check t

5、he homework Ask some students to read their stories and conversations to the class Then have them check each others homework in pairsStep 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target languageShow the new words and expressions on the screen by a projectorannounce v 宣告;通告describe v 描述;描绘

6、convince v使确信;使信服panic n 恐慌;惊恐set off 激起;引起authority n 权威机构;行政管理机构reveal v揭示;揭露hoax n 骗局;恶作剧;玩笑flee n 逃跑;逃走spaghetti n 意大利式细面条girlfriend n 女朋友show n,演出;展示;炫耀marry v嫁;娶;与结婚thrill v 回答:答复ending n 结局;结尾get married 结婚reply v 回答;回复Call the students attention to the screenPoint to the words on the screen

7、one by oneAnd Teach the students to read the words several times Make sure that the students can read each word correctlyRead the instructions to the studentsYoull have to read three articles The three articles are about three different stories happened on April Fools DayNot all of them are true Tel

8、l which of these stories is the most believable and which is the least believable And you have to tell the reasons as well At last, think over if you would be fooled by any of the storiesRead the first article to the class The students look at their books, listen to the teacher and find out the answ

9、ers to the questions in the instructionsAfter reading, ask the students if it is believable and why Ask several students to tell their opinions on the believability the first article They may say like this:I think it is believable because the exact time and persons name are given in the first senten

10、ce, or, I dont think its believable because I think no one dared to fool the people like thatDo the same with the two articles leftAsk two good students to read the articles instead of the teacher Elicit students reasons for their answers At last tell the students the correct answerAnswersThe first

11、story really happened The radio program was called The War of the WorldStep 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target languageRead the instructions to the class Play the recording again to help the studentsAsk three different students to read the notes to the classHelp t

12、he students make sentences with the notes firstLook at the first line of the notes, pleaseLets see what happened first by making sentences using the notesLet the students make sentences with the phrases given in the first line orally, based on the story happened to Nick For example, when the alarm w

13、ent off, Nick got up, took a shower, got dressed, and went to school Then go on with the second line They may say:But when he got to school, the school was empty, An hour later, the other kids showed upThe sample sentence for the third lineHe realized that his brother had fooled himAfter making sent

14、ences, ask the students to write a magazine story about Nick inActivities 2a and 2b, using the notes below As they write, move around the room offering help and answering questions as neededAfter around ten minutes, ask a student to read the completed article to the classThe rest of the class help c

15、orrect the mistakes the student may have made Get them to check each others writing carefully in pairsA sample answerOn April Fools Day Nicks alarm went off He got up and took a shower Then he got dressed and went to school When he got to school, the building was emptyAn hour later the other kids showed upThen he realized that his brother had fooled him His brother had set his alarm an hour earlierStep 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target languageRead the inst


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