九年级英语下册 Unit 3 Pardon Me!Lesson 21-Lesson 24重难点详解 冀教版 试题

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1、Unit 3 Pardon Me!一. 教学内容: Unit 3 Pardon Me! Lesson 21Lesson 24 1. 重点单词。 n. manner peppermint trouble tradition v. praise adj. formal polite rude 2. 重点短语。 given name 名 family name 姓 praise for 因为(某事)表扬(某人) face to face 面对面 have trouble with 在某方面有麻烦/困难 at the end of 在的结尾 in good Chinese tradition 按照中国

2、的好传统 3. 语法。 Past Future Tense. (过去将来时) 二. 重点、难点解析及词语辨析。 Lesson 21 formal adj. 正式的 informal adj. 非正式的 This is the sixth informal meeting between the two countries. 这是两个国家间的第六轮非正式会谈。 Lesson 22 l. Have you received a gift before? 你以前收到过礼物吗? receive vt. & vi. received, receiving 收到 Did you receive any l

3、etters today? 你今天收到信了吗? 辨析:receive 与 accept 都含有“收到,接受”的意思。 receive指“(客观上)收到”,着重行为本身,而不涉及接受者是否接受, I received an invitation 我收到了请帖。 accept指“(主观上)接受”,表示接受者经过考虑以后愿意接受, I accepted the invitation. 我接受了邀请。 2. I praise my students for good work. praise vt. 赞扬,歌颂,称赞 n. 赞扬,赞美的话,称赞 She praised her daughters ha

4、rd work. 她赞扬女儿的辛勤工作。 He always speaks in praise of his friend. 他总是称赞他的朋友。 Lesson 23 1. It was great to meet Bruce face to face. 能面对面的看到Bruce太棒了。 face to face 面对面地 Theyve often talked to each other on the telephone, but theyve never met each other face to face. 他们常常互相通电话,但从来没有见过面。 face vt. & vi. face

5、d, facing朝,向,面向;面对 My house face to the park. 我的房子面朝公园。 face n. 脸 Her face is very cold. 她的脸很凉。 2. My parents invited them to a restaurant for supper. 我父母邀请他们到饭馆吃晚饭。 invite vt. invited, inviting (常与to连用)邀请 invite sb. to some place 邀请某人到某地 She invited us to her party. 她邀请我们参加她的聚会。 3. I certainly wond

6、ered what my parents would do. 我当然想知道我爸爸妈妈将要怎么做。 wonder vt. & vi. (常与at,that连用) 觉得奇怪;惊奇 I wonder why James is always late for school. 我想知道为什么詹姆斯上学总迟到。 4. In Chinese tradition, I told him that I enjoyed it. 按照中国的传统,我告诉他我喜欢。 tradition n. 世袭;惯例;规矩;传统 It is a tradition that the young looks after the old

7、 in China. 在中国,年轻的照顾年长的是一个规矩。 Keep up fine tradition 保持优良传统 traditional adj. 传统的 Dumplings are traditional food in China. 饺子是中国的传统食物。Lesson 24 1. among prep. 在之中 They live among the mountains. 他们住在群山之中。 Share the fruit among your friends. 把水果分给你的朋友们。 I was among the crowd. 我处在人群中。 She is among my mo

8、st welcome visitors. 她是我最欢迎的来访者之一。 辨析:among与between 都含有“在中间”的意思。区别是: among用于“三者或三者以上之间”,如: He often went among the masses. 他经常深入群众。 between有时也用于“两者之间”,有时也可用于 “三者或三者以上中的二者之间”,指一个人(物)与 别的另一个人(物)分别发生联系。 There is a trade agreement between Great Britain, France and the United States. 英国同法国、美国分别有贸易协定。 有时,

9、为了表示某一确切的位置,也用between 表示“三者或三者以上的关系” Ecuador lies between Columbia, Peru, and the Pacific Ocean. 厄瓜多尔位于哥伦比亚,秘鲁和太平洋之间。 2. pardon vt. 原谅,宽恕;n. 原谅,宽恕 If somebody says something that you do not hear, you can say “I beg your pardon?” or “Pardon?” so they will say it again. 如果有人说什么话你没有听见,你可以说“对不起,请原谅。”或者说

10、“报歉”。于是他们会再说一遍的。 Beg pardon, I didnt quite catch your meaning. 对不起,我没听清楚你的意思。 3. 语法 过去将来时由was/were going to 和would来表示,这种形式可以表示曾在过去预计发生并且发生了的事。 过去将来时不能独单使用,一般在宾语从句中作间接引语,表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 He said she would come to see us next month. 他说她下个月将来看我们。 Did you ask Kate whether they would fly to Egypt? 你问凯特他们将坐飞机去埃及吗? We didnt know when the meeting would end. 我们不知道会议什么时候结束。 He told me they were going to work in Xinjiang. 他告诉我他们将去新疆工作。 She said there was going to be a concert next Sunday. 她说下星期天有一场音乐会。



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