课件(四年级下册Unit 5第二课时story课件)曾月嫦

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1、Unit5OurClothesThe Second Period (Story) 珠海高栏港经济区金洲小学珠海高栏港经济区金洲小学 曾月嫦曾月嫦粤人2011课标版小学英语四年级下册Where are Tonys family going?They are going to the Sheeps Village.(羊村)(羊村)Whose clothes are these?Where are their clothes?They are in the box.Whose clothes are these?RevisionA: Whose pink skirt is this?B: Its M

2、ei Yangyangs pink skirt.skirt(玩记忆游戏)A: Whose brown socks are these?B: Theyre Xi Yangyangs brown socks .socksT-shirtA: Is this Tonys red and white T-shirt?B: Yes, it is.A: Are these Dads blue pants?B: No, they arent. Theyre Lan Yangyangs.pantsA: Is this Dads white shirt?B: Yes, it is.shirtThis is Dad

3、s . skirtT-shirtThis is Mei Yangyangs .This is Tonys .shirtshirtskirtT-shirtLearn the sound of “ir”birdgirlshirtskirtfirstbirthdayPractice the sound of “ir”The T-shirt turns blue. So Tony is very angry.Its red and white.Its red and blue.What color is the T-shirt? Whose red and white T-shirt is this?

4、 Its Tonys. Whose red and blue T-shirt is this? Its . (变成蓝色)?(变成蓝色)Q1. Who is in the story?Q2. What is Mom doing? Watch the videoLearn the storyQ1. Who is in the story?Gogo, Mom and Tony.Mom is washing the clothes.Q2. What is Mom doing? Before (之前)(之前)washing, the T-shirt is red and white.Q1. Whose

5、blue socks are these?Q2. Is this Moms blue dress?Q3. Whose blue dress is this?Q4. Whose blue pen is this? Q5. Whose red and blue T-shirt is this?1. Whose blue socks are these?4. Whose blue pen is this?3. Whose blue dress is this?5. Whose red and blue T-shirt is this?Pair WorkPair Work2. Is this Moms

6、 blue dress?(同桌间互相讨论)Whose blue socks are these?Theyre Tonys.Q1.B:A: Whose blue socks are these?Theyre Tonys.Listen and read Is this your blue dress?No, it isnt.Its Jennys.B:A: Is this Moms blue dress?No, it isnt.Q2.B:A: Whose blue dress is this?Its Jennys.Q3.Whose red and blue T-shirt is this?I don

7、t know.Q5.Whose blue pen is this?Its mine. Thanks.B:A: Whose blue pen is this?Its Gogos.Q4.Its mine.Whose blue pen is this?= Its .my penOh no! My T-shirt!B:A: Whose red and blue T-shirt is this?Its Tonys.Q5.Sorry, Tony.Oh, Gogo!If you hurt someone, you should say sorry at once. 如果你伤害了某人,你要马上道歉。如果你伤害

8、了某人,你要马上道歉。Why did the T-shirt turn blue? (变成蓝色)(变成蓝色)Gogos blue pen dyed Tonys red and white T-shirt.(染色染色)Why did the T-shirt turn blue? (变成蓝色)(变成蓝色)washing machine(洗衣机)(洗衣机)the penthe booksthe phonethe clothes Please check the things before you put into the washing machine. We can only put clothe

9、s into the washing machine. 物品放入洗衣机之前要检查是物品放入洗衣机之前要检查是否可以放进洗衣机否可以放进洗衣机!Can we put _into the washing machine?No, we cant.Yes, we can. On Sunday morning, Mom is 1._ the clothes. Look, the blue 2._ are Tonys. The blue dress is 3._. The red and 4._ T-shirt is 5._. Why the T-shirt is blue? Because Gogo p

10、uts(放) his blue 6._ into the washing machine(洗衣机). Tony is very angry.washingsocks JennysblueTonyspenblue pen socks Jennys Tonys washingActivity 1Choose and write, then retell the story together. (选择适当的单词填在横线上,并一起复述故事。)(复述故事.)Make a new ending. Tony is still angry. What can Gogo do?(仍然生气)(仍然生气)Hmm.

11、I have an idea.I can do magic! (变魔术变魔术)(变白变白)Look! Your T-shirt turns white again. (变成白色)(变成白色)Gogo: I can do magic. (变魔术) I can buy to Tony. (买) I can help Tony . (帮助) I can take Tony to the . (带去 )a toy carzooIf you are Gogo, what can you do?How to make Tony happy again? Do you have a good idea?(如

12、果你是(如果你是GogoGogo,你会怎么做让,你会怎么做让TonyTony开心开心,你有好主意吗?),你有好主意吗?)sweep the floorTony will be happy again.(四人小组分角色表演新对话)。Group WorkGroup Work1. Four students in a group. (Narrator,Gogo,Tony,Mom)2. Act it out!NarratorGogoTonyMomActivity 2spring春天春天summer夏天夏天We can wear different clothes in different season

13、s.fall秋天秋天winter冬天冬天不同季节,穿不同衣服。不同季节,穿不同衣服。Choose the right clothes you need! 根据需要选择合适的衣服!根据需要选择合适的衣服!Choose, color and write about your favorite clothes and make a group poster.(选择图片、涂色并写出你喜欢的衣服,然后做成一张小组海报。(选择图片、涂色并写出你喜欢的衣服,然后做成一张小组海报。 ) Hello! These are our clothes. . . . .We can wear them in . (sp

14、ring/summer/fall/winter)We love our clothes.Our ClothesTarget(句型):(句型):Its (my) (green skirt). / Theyre (my) (blue pants).Clothes(衣服):(衣服):coat, jacket, sweater, dress, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, cap, pants, shorts, socks, shoes, gloves(手套)(手套), tie(领带)(领带), scarf (围巾)(围巾)Itsmy(white) shirtItsmy(brown)

15、jacketTheyremy(red) shoesspringTheyremy(blue) socksGroup Group WorkWorkActivity 3There are lots of special clothes in the world.(世界上有许多特别的衣服。)(世界上有许多特别的衣服。)Whose clothes are these?Extension Its Toms.Tom is a Tibetan (藏族人藏族人).Sometimes its very cold in Sometimes its very cold in Tibet. Tibet. (西藏有时候会

16、很冷。)(西藏有时候会很冷。)(西藏有时候会很冷。)(西藏有时候会很冷。)Its Lilys. Lily is a Dai people (傣族人傣族人).She likes dancing.Its Bens. Ben is a Scotchman ( (苏格兰人苏格兰人苏格兰人苏格兰人) ).He likes dancing, too.Its Yang Liweis. (杨利伟的航空服)(杨利伟的航空服)(杨利伟的航空服)(杨利伟的航空服)He is an astronaut (航天员)(航天员)(航天员)(航天员).Different clothes, different colors,

17、different races, we still need to respect and help with each other. One world, one family.同一个世界,同一个家。同一个世界,同一个家。不同的服饰,不同的颜色,不同的种族,不同的服饰,不同的颜色,不同的种族,但,我们依然要相互尊重与互助。但,我们依然要相互尊重与互助。 My Father Hello! My name is . This is my father. He is .Its his . Its his . Theyre his .I love my father!1. Retell the story to your parents. 2. Fathers Day is coming! Please draw clothes for your father. And fill in the blank.Lisa37blue coatgreen shirtbrown pantsWhich team is the best? (向父母复述本课故事。)(父亲节正要来临,请给您的爸爸画各种衣服,然后完成小短文。)Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!课题:四年级下册Unit5OurClothes授课老师:曾月嫦所在单位:珠海高栏港经济区金洲小学



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