高中英语 Unit3 Science and nature Project Having a debate导学案(无答案)牛津译林版必修5 学案

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1、M5 Unit3 Science versus naturePeriod10 Project Having a debateLearning aims(学习目标):1.To improve the ability of memorizing the new words and phrases.2.To improve the ability of reading.Important points (学习重点):To understand the text and remember the new words and phrases.Difficult points (学习难点):To impr

2、ove the ability of reading by using the two reading techniques(技巧):1.浏览式阅读; 2.扫描式阅读Learning guide (方法引导):Read, copy, conclude and recite.Preview navigation(预习导航):Please collect some information about GM food.Learning procedure:Step1: Skim the textMan and nature& GM food: hope or danger?and get the m

3、ain idea of it.1.Whats the main idea of the two text?_2. Structure of the textPassageGeneral ideaPara. 1_have been seriously affected by carelessness.Para. 2Different _towards the problem.Para. 3Humans are moving towards an important point in the _with _.Para. 4Humans can only really win by protecti

4、ng_.3. Structure of the text2PassageGeneral ideaPara. 1Many people are excited while others are _.Para. 2One way is to put new material into a plants or an animals DNA to give it new_. The other way is to take material out of a plants or an animals DNA to _ unwanted qualities.Para. 3It has been used

5、 to produce plants that are better able to _ themselves against pests and disease. It can also produce plants that have lager _.Para. 4-5Two main problems are talked about in this article. One is whether it is safe or dangerous to _, the other is whether it is safe or dangerous to the _.Para. 6They

6、have _to permit the production of GM food, because they are not sure whether GM food is safe.Step2:Scan the passagesMan and nature& GM food: hope or danger?And answer these questions.What have people done to nature?_1.If we continue in this way, what might happen?_2.What is the attitude of poor nati

7、ons towards the problem? What about the attitude of developed nation?_3.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Nothing that is best for nature is good for people.B.Building factories can damage Earth more seriously.C.It is believed that it is mankind not technology that is damaging nature.D.Many developed

8、 countries havent realized the importance of keeping the balance of nature.4.Its up to _ to find the best way of benefiting both man and nature.A.developed nations B. developing nations C. mankind D. nature5._countries are using natural resources at a fast rate.A. Richer B. Poorer C. Developed D. Al

9、l the above长难句破解并背诵1. From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own needs._2. Not everything that is best for nature is good for people._Step3: Consolidation当堂检测:1.词汇拼写:For a long time, our natural resources have been _(严重地)affect

10、ed by our _(粗心).1)People _(没完没了地过度开发)Earths resources through agriculture, fishing, hunting and _(旅游).2)Would anyone say that economic development should be stopped _(照顾)nature?3)From the _(观点)of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to _(满足我们得需求).4)Other people _

11、(争辩)that such thinking may_(招致灾难).5)The _(发展中)and _(发达)countries of the world need to work together to ensure that people enjoy healthy and _ (富庶的)lives, without the environment around them6)It is mankinds responsibility to find solutions that are _ (可以接受的) for everyone, and everything.7)The builders at the _ (建筑)site worked hard day and night.2短语翻译:1满足的需要 2目前3用完 4关心5毕竟;终究 6对环境有害7因责备 8结果后来被证明9留下长久的印象 10想出,想到11反对 12从观点13赞同;有利于 14经过的数十年后


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