高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world导学案(无答案)新人教版必修1 学案

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1、Unit 2 English around the world学习知识清单: 对于要学的知识做到心中有底,这样才能更好的安排自己的学习步骤和学习时间,愿知识清单能够更好的帮助你进行自主学习!我们将要熟悉的话题: American English British English standard English我们将要掌握的词汇及词组: elevator petrol gas official voyage native apartment actuallyAD base gradual vocabulary spelling latter identity fluent fluently Si

2、ngapore Malaysia frequent frequently usage command request expression midwestern African Spanish eastern southeastern northwestern recognize lorry Houston Texas accent catfish lightning Straight block cab Because of come up at present make use of such as play a part in我们将要运用的语言功能: 1. 命令和请求( command

3、and request) Correct your spelling mistakes.Would you please speak more slowly?2.语言交际困难(Difficulties in language communication)Pardon? I beg your pardon ? I dont understand Could you say that again, please? Sorry I cant follow you.Could you repeat that, please?How do you spell it, please?3. 感谢(thank

4、s)Thanks so much 我们将要学习的语法知识: 直接引语和间接引语(2): 祈使句和感叹句1. 祈使句“Please sit down and have a rest .She asked us to sit down and have a rest.2.感叹句He said ,“What a lovely day it is !” He said what a lovely day it was.(或He said that it was a lovely day.)Warming up and Reading课前自主预习方案 I. 重点单词 (能花十分钟把I和 II两部分的单词

5、和词组在课本中查出来并写上吗?相信自己能够做到!查完了别忘了读一读记一记哦) 1. (n)电梯;升降机(同义词) 2. (n)(英)汽油 (同义词) 3._(adj.)官方的;正式的;公务的; (n)办公室 (n.)政府官员 4. _ (n) 航行;航海 5. _( adj.)本国的;本地的 (n.)本地人;本国人 _ 6. _ (n)(美)公寓; (同义词) _ 7. _ (adj.)逐渐的; _ (adv.)8. _(adj.)实际上;事实上_(adv) 9. _(adj.)流利的;流畅的(adv)_ 10._( adj.)频繁的;常见的(adv)_II. 重点短语 1. more _on

6、e kind 不止一种 2. _the world 全世界 3. _ some important ways 在一些重要方面 4. a large number_ 大量的,许多的 5. _ fact 事实上,实际上 6. because _ 因为;由于 7. come_ 走近;上来;提出 8. _ present 现在 9. Make use_ 利用;目前10.such _ 例如;像这种的III. 语篇导读1) 阅读The Road to Modern English, 然后完成下面的表格。(这是细节题,人人可以做到,不信试试看啊,试着在5分钟之内完成,你就很棒了!) Time Factsbe

7、tween AD 450 and 1150English was _ 1_ English spoken today.between about AD 800 and 1150.English became less like _ 2 _.In the 1600sShakespeare made use of _3_ than before.In the 18th century _4 _ people brought English to _5 _.From 1765 to 1947English became the language for _6 _ in India.todayMore

8、 people speak English than ever before. The number of people _7 _ in China _8 _rapidly. 2) 挑战自我 根据课文内容将下面短文补充完整。(这题是拔高题,考你的记忆能力、理解能力,试着在10分钟之内读完课文然后关书填空,挑战一下自我啊!)English is a _1_spoken all around the world. For more than 375 million people in countries _2_ _3_the United Kingdom and the United States

9、. English is their _4_language .Another 375 million people learn English as a second language._5_,most people learn English at school as a foreign language.The English language is also _6_by most international organizations as their working language,as well as in international trade and tourism. Mos

10、t foreigners visiting _7_are either businessmen or tourists.If their _8_ speak Chinese ,they use English to communicate with Chinese people.In global(全世界的) culture, for_9_,the Internet or popular music,English is widely used. In the homes,we will be speaking Chinese with our family,but we will be _10_ English with people around the world for our work.


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