高中英语 Unit 2 The olympic games Part IVocabulary学案(无答案)新人教版必修2 学案

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1、 Part I Vocabulary一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit2的所有单词和词组2. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组二、【自主预习】I. Word Formationpete _(n.)_(n.) _(adj)2. physical _(adv.) _(n.)3. regular _(adv.)_(oppo.)4. athlete _(adj.)5. responsibility _(adj.)6. admit _(n.)7. magical _(n.)8. glory _(adj.)9. hopeless _(oppo.)10. foolish _(n.)11. advertise _(n

2、.)12. pain _(adj.)三、【合作探究】I. Key Words and Phrases1. compete vi. 比赛,竞争 研读思考1. About 100 persons will compete for this position in the government office.2. We cant compete with/against other countries in trade if we dont develop our national economy.3. What must Chinese athletes do to compete with/ag

3、ainst players from other countries?4. Many students in middle schools dislike competing in speech-giving.结构归纳1. 为而竞争_ 2. 与竞争_3. 参加的竞争_实战演练1. She practiced running to _the Olympic Games. 2. Our Greek cities used to _each other just for the honor of winning.2. admit vt.&vi.准许进入;容许;接纳(常用被动结构); 承认研读思考1.

4、 Little Tom admitted cheating/having cheated in the examination, promising that he wouldnt do that in future.2. The artist admits that he has fallen in love with the statue.3. I admitted my mistake. = I admitted that _.= I admitted _.4. He was admitted as a member of the basketball team. 5. He admit

5、ted his words to be mistaken.6. Only 200 children were admitted to/into the school every year.结构归纳1. 承认做了某事_ 2. 承认某事_3. 被承认为_ 4. 承认是_5. 被接纳/录取_延伸拓展It is/was (widely) admitted that 人们公认=_实战演练1. To our joy, he _Beijing University. (admit)令我们高兴的是,他被北京大学录取了。2. Tom _. (lie)汤姆承认撒了谎。 3. She admitted her hu

6、sband _. (be)她承认丈夫是诚实的。3. charge n. 费用;主管 v. 指控;收费研读思考 请写出下列句子中 charge的意思1. All goods are delivered free of charge. _ 2. Mr. Smith will be in charge when the manager is away. _ 3. An experienced engineer is in charge of this project.=This project is in the charge of an experienced engineer. _ 4. Joh

7、n will take charge of the next meeting. _ 5. He was charged with murder. 6. This store often charges only 65 US cents for a dozen large eggs. 7. Before use, the battery must be charged. 结构归纳1. 免费_ 2. 主管;负责_3. 指控某人罪行_ 4. 因向某人收费_实战演练 1. An experienced teacher _. 一位有经验的老师在负责这个班。 2. He _ an serious thef

8、t. 他被控告严重盗窃罪。 3. The hairdresser _ the haircut. 理发师收了我十元理发费。 4. The baby _ my aunt. 小孩由我阿姨负责。4. bargain n. 协议;廉价物;v.(与某人)讨价还价; 洽谈成交条件; 谈判研读思考 请写出下列句子中bargain的意思1. Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain with him. 2. They were bargaining with each other over the price of coffee

9、. 3. I get the dress when it was on sale. It was really a bargain. 结构归纳1. 就某事与某人达成协议_ 2. 就某事与某人讨价还价_3. a good/bad bargain _实战演练1. The woman spent hours in the market, _(讨价还价)the goods.2. If you _ them (同还价), they might reduce the price.5. deserve vt. & vi. 应得;应受研读思考 1. There is no doubt that he dese

10、rves the title.2. The thief deserves punishing. =The thief deserves to be punished. = the thief deserves punishment.3. He deserved to win because he was the best.结构归纳 1. 某人应得_ 2. 某人应该做某事_3. 某人应该被_实战演练1. 这件事值得考虑. _.=_ = _.2. He felt that he _ such a great honor. 他认为自己不值得给予这么大的荣誉. 6. stand for 代表;象征;支持,主张研读思考1. The sign X stands for an unknown number.2. My mother stands for the kind treatment of all children.3. Red flowers stand out against the white snow.4. He never stands by when he is needed to lend a helping hand.5. I will stand by you whatever happens.归纳拓展stand by _


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