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1、,Lets try & Lets talk,Unit 2 Last weekend,Part B,人教PEP版英语六年级下册,Sing a song: Last weekend,Read the words and translate.,Wu Yifan is asking John about his last weekend. Listen and circle.,1. What did John do last weekend? A. He slept. B. He read a new film magazine. 2. Are Wu Yifan and John going to m

2、eet Amy together? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent.,听力原文:,What did you do last weekend, John? I had a cold. I slept all day. Thats too bad! Do you feel better now? Yes, thanks. Im fine now. Im going to meet Amy. Thats good. Bye.,Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan:,Look, they are John and Am

3、y. What are they talking about? What did they do last weekend? Guess.,John . last weekend.,Amy . last weekend.,Did they ?,Listen and answer these questions.,Read the film magazine.,Stayed at home and slept.,Listen again and answer these questions.,How was Johns weekend?,How was the new film magazine

4、?,Is John better now?,It wasnt good.,It was interesting.,Yes, he is.,John: Hey, Amy. Lets go to the bookstore. I want to buy the new film magazine. Amy: Oh, I read it last weekend. John: Was it interesting? Amy: Yes, it talked about a lot of new films. What did you do last weekend? Did you see a fil

5、m? John: No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. Amy: Oh, Im sorry. Im happy you feel better now. John: Thanks. Lets go by bus. Its faster than walking.,Listen to the tape and follow the tape.,杂志,(well的比较级)更好的,(fast的比较级)更快的,John: Hey, Amy. Lets go to the bookstore. I want to buy th

6、e new film magazine. Amy: Oh, I read it last weekend. John: Was it interesting? Amy: Yes, it talked about a lot of new films. What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? John: No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. Amy: Oh, Im sorry. Im happy you feel better now. John: Thank

7、s. Lets go by bus. Its faster than walking.,Lets read the dialogue in roles.,Lets act the dialogue out.,John: Hey, Amy. Lets . Amy: Oh, I . John: Was ? Amy: Yes, . John: No, Amy: Oh, Im sorry. John: Thanks. Lets ,Answer the questions.,Did John see a film last weekend? What did he do? What did you do

8、 yesterday/last night ? What do you usually do on weekends?,No, he didnt.,He stayed at home all weekend and slept.,.,.,A: How was your weekend? Was it interesting? B: Yes. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I A: Did you?,Do a survey: Whose weekend was more interesting?,_s weekend was more interesti

9、ng. He/ She_. He/ She_. He/ She had a busy but nice weekend.,演讲比赛:My weekend.,I am busy last weekend. I ,Busy weekend,did homework,cleaned my room,washed clothes,saw a film,read books,一、按要求写单词。,was,by,had,talked,( )1. This is _ interesting book. A. a B. an C. / ( )2. Its _ than walking. A. fast B. f

10、aster C. fastest ( )3. I want _ a new magazine. A. to buy B. buy C. buys,二、单项选择。,B,B,A,三、读句子,排序。,( )Hi, Sarah. Lets go to the bookstore. I want to buy a new film magazine. ( )No, I visited my grandparents. ( )Did you see a film? ( )Oh, I read it last weekend. ( )Yes, it talked about a lot of new fil

11、ms. ( )Was it interesting?,1,2,3,4,5,6,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了单词: magazine, better, faster 2. 学习了句型: Was it interesting? What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? No, I had a cold.,七彩课堂 伴你成长,ONE,TWO,Act the dialogue out with your friends.,Play games in pairs like “Ask the question and then pass it

12、on”.,Make a short dialogue using the sentences we have learnt.,谢,谢,大,家,学生课堂行为规范的内容是: 按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。 遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。 上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。 尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。 不做与课堂教学无关的事,保持课堂良好纪律秩序。 听课时有问题,应先举手,经教师同意后,起立提问。 上课期间离开教室须经老师允许后方可离开。 上课必须按座位表就坐。 要爱护公共财物,不得在课桌、门窗、墙壁上涂写、刻划。 要注意保持教室环境卫生。 离开教室要整理好桌椅,并协助老师关好门窗、关闭电源。,


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