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1、内 容 提 要随着信息时代的出现,企业面临的内外部环境发生了巨大的变化,企业要想在竞争中生存和兴旺发展,就必须利用其战略和能力所派生的业绩评价系统。因而,以财务衡量为主的、面向企业内部的、注重战术性反馈的传统业绩衡量系统已经不再适用,对原有的业绩评价体系进行改革就成为一种必然。90年代,在长期不断演变的基础上,西方企业业绩评价系统发生了巨大的变化,突破了单纯运用财务指标评价业绩的传统作法,并且将企业业绩评价与公司战略理论结合,形成了平衡计分卡。平衡计分卡是由哈佛商学院教授罗伯特S卡普兰和复兴全球战略集团总裁大卫P诺顿于1992年提出的。它是以企业的远景和战略为目标,衡量企业未来的驱动因素。这些



4、应用平衡计分卡提出了自己的几点建议。关键词:平衡计分卡 业绩评价 关键业绩指标 战略 可行性 一类是有着海外留学背景或者工作经验的工程师,另一类是拥有综合素质的技术人员,即既懂互联网又掌握电信技术的人员。在这两类人才中,最缺的就是既懂互联网又懂电信技术的人才ABSTRACTIn todays information era, the internal and external surroundings of the company have undergone great changes. If a company wants to survive and prosper, it must u

5、se the performance evaluation system derived from its strategies and capabilities. Therefore, the traditional performance evaluation system is not applicable any more because its mainly financial evaluation, targets the internal aspect of the company and emphasizes on the strategic feedback. As a re

6、sult, to reform the traditional system has become a necessity. In 1990s, based on the long-time and continuous evolvements, great changes have taken place in the traditional evaluation system in the Western companies. They started not to use financial indices alone. Besides, the performance evaluati

7、on and the strategic theories of the company are integrated and “Balanced Scorecard (BSC)” came into being. BSC was invented in 1992 by Prof. Robert S Kaplan of Harvard Business School and Mr. David Norton, CEO of Renaissance Solutions. BSC targets on the vision and the strategies of the company and

8、 it measures the future driving factors of the company. The targets and the measuring methods evaluate the companys performance from four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business process and learning & growth. In China, the evaluation methods of the companys performance are comparatively

9、 traditional and usually companies use financial indices as the major methods, neglecting the integration of business strategies and the driving factors for profit into the performance evaluation. Therefore, the companies are not capable of facing the increasingly fierce competition. BSC is an infor

10、mation-based strategic management system which integrates the strategic goals and the performance driving factors.In theory, BSC is especially significant in terms of improving the performance evaluation system of Chinese companies and the introduction of BSC has become a tendency. However, although

11、 BSC has incomparable advantages over other performance evaluation systems and has been very successful in other countries, whether BSC can be successfully implemented in China remains an issue of attention because China and the western world are very much different. The differences are: first, West

12、ern countries have years of strict, standardized and scientific business management practice; second, management theories continue to innovate and develop. It is also because of this that the thesis is aimed at studying the feasibility of BSC in the current situation in China. There are five parts i

13、n this thesis: first, analyzing the current evaluation status of business performance of Chinese companies and pointing out the major existing problems; second, a brief introduction of BSC, including the fundamentals, the balancing role and the consequence of BSC; thirdly, the application of BSC in

14、China and abroad and the problems easily emerged; fourthly, the analysis of feasibility of BSC in China, which is also the core part of the thesis. In this part, the conclusion is drawn based on the difficulties and obstacles Chinese companies might encounter and the necessary qualifications the com

15、panies should have in order to apply BSC in Chinese companies; fifthly, proposals for how to apply BSC in Chinese companies. Key Words: Balanced Scorecard, Performance Evaluation, Key Performance Indicator, Strategy, Feasibility目 录一、我国企业经营业绩评价现状简析1(一)业绩评价以财务为主,忽视非财务指标的作用1(二)业绩评价体系不能准确评估企业价值2(三)业绩评价未

16、能和企业战略相结合3(四)业绩评价系统选择上存在着误区3二、平衡计分卡简介4(一)平衡计分卡的基本原理4(二)平衡计分卡的平衡作用7(三)平衡计分卡的因果关系9三、平衡计分卡在国内外的应用以及易出现的问题11(一)平衡计分卡在国内外的应用11(二)平衡计分卡应用过程中易出现的问题13四、平衡计分卡在我国应用的可行性分析16(一)我国企业应用平衡计分卡的困难与障碍分析16(二)我国企业应用平衡计分卡应具备的条件19(三)关于关键业绩指标(Key Performance Indicator, KPI)的设置20(四)平衡计分卡的缺陷23(五)结论24五、我国企业应用平衡计分卡的几点建议26(一)切勿照抄照搬其他企业的模式26(二)树立业绩评价指标体系应随企业环境变化而变化的观念26(三)要重视企业信息系统的构建27(四)正确对



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