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1、征信产品在商业银行信用风险管理中的应用高级研讨会 中国天津 2007年6月2021日 Symposium on Credit Reporting and Retail & SME Banking Tianjing June 20 21, 2007,信贷评分方法在建立可持续的中小企业信贷业务中的作用 What Roles Can Credit Scoring Methodology Play in Building Sustainable SME Portfolio,尤瑞奇 哲斯鲁福特 Fair Isaac International 全球评分解决方案部门负责人 Uli Zeisluft Dir

2、ector, Global Scoring Solutions Fair Isaac International,导言 Introduction 中小企业的定义 The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) defined 数据对中小企业信贷决策的作用 The Relevance of Data for SME decision-making 贯穿中小企业客户生命周期的信贷评分工具 Credit Scoring across the SME account life cycle 结论 Conclusion,议程 AGENDA, 2007 Fair Isaac Co

3、rporation. Confidential.,导言 Introduction 中小企业的定义 The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) defined 数据对中小企业信贷决策的作用 The Relevance of Data for SME decision-making 贯穿中小企业客户生命周期的信贷评分工具 Credit Scoring across the SME account life cycle 结论 Conclusion, 2007 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential.,议程 AGENDA,中型和小型企业

4、(中小企业)详细定义 The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) defined,设定背景对经济的贡献 Setting the context/Economic relevance: 欧洲 Europe 拉丁美洲 Latin America 美国 US 中国 China, 2007 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential.,设定背景(欧盟):欧洲委员会关于中小企业的官方定义 Setting the context (EU): European Commission official definition of an SME*,具

5、有以下特征的企业 A business entity that 员工人数少于250人 Has no more than 250 employees 单个更大企业股东单独或联合持有的股份少于25 Is not more than 25% owned, either singly or jointly, by a larger company 年销售额少于4300万欧元 Has an annual turnover of no more than 43 million,*欧洲委员会布鲁塞尔, 2003年5月6日 European Commission Brussels May 6, 2003,设定

6、背景(欧盟):对经济的贡献 Setting the context (EU): Economic relevance,微型和中小企业对社会和经济起着十分重要的作用 Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are socially and economically important 欧盟99的企业为微型和中小企业 Represent 99% of all enterprises in the EU 这些企业提供了6500万个就业机会 Provide around 65 million jobs 为放贷人带来许多业务成长机会 Lots of growt

7、h opportunities for lenders 2004年Eurobarometer对创业精神的调查:在过去三年中,只有4的欧洲人参与了企业创办(而美国的这一比例接近12) 2004 Eurobarometer survey on entrepreneurship: Only 4% of Europeans involved in setting up a business in last 3 years (US rate is close to 12%),设定背景(拉丁美洲):小企业定义 Setting the context (Latin America):Small busine

8、ss definition,哥伦比亚 COLOMBIA 员工人数不超过200人 Number of Employees up to 200 年销售额少于100万美元 Annual Sales of up to $1 million 信贷总额不超过20万美元 Credit of up to $200,000 小企业的类型 Types of Small Businesses: 个人独资 Sole Proprietors 合伙制 Partnerships 公司制 Corporations,墨西哥 MEXICO 员工人数不超过100人 Number of Employees up to 100 年销售

9、额不超过50万美元 Annual Sales of up to $500,000 信贷总额不超过20万美元 Credit of up to $200,000 小企业的类型 Types of Small Businesses: 个人独资 Sole Proprietors 合伙制 Partnerships 公司制 Corporations,设定背景(拉丁美洲):对经济的贡献 Setting the context (Latin America): Economic relevance,小企业部门是最大的就业来源,它促进了经济和社会的发展 Economic growth and social dev

10、elopment by being the leading source of employment 在哥伦比亚,63的就业机会来自于小企业部门 In Colombia the small business sector employs 63% of work force 在墨西哥,78的就业机会是由小企业部门创造的 In Mexico 78% of work force 绝大部分的产品用于满足国内消费需求 Majority of production is for internal consumption 哥伦比亚25的国内产出来自小企业部门 Colombia 25% internal pr

11、oduction 墨西哥68的国内产出来自小企业部门 Mexico 68% internal production 信贷的可获得性对小企业的生存发挥着至关重要的作用 Credit availability plays a fundamental role for survival of the small business 小企业较难获得资金和最新技术 Small businesses have limited access to funding and consequently to the newest technology,设定背景(美国):小企业的定义 Setting the cont

12、ext (US): Small business definition,年销售额不超过500万美元 Annual Sales of up to $5 million 信贷额不超过25万美元 Credit of up to $250,000 小企业的类型 Types of Small Businesses: 个人独资 Sole Proprietors 合伙制 Partnerships 公司制 Corporations 美国”官方“定义 The “Official” US Definition: 美国的小企业是指独立拥有和经营的,在其行业领域不占主导地位的,符合美国小企业管理局发布的(联邦法规汇编

13、第13篇第121条,修订条款)有关小企业的员工人数、平均年销售额或其它划分指标的企业 A small business is a U.S. business that is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in its field of operation and can qualify under criteria concerning number of employees, average annual receipts or other criteria as outlined by the U.S. Small Bu

14、siness Administration (CFR Title 13, Part 121, as amended) 企业规模标准依据不同行业和行业分类来决定。没有一个固定的规则是一个复杂的随时可能变动的目标 Size standards are determined by Industry and Industry Classification. No one rulea complex moving target 美国小企业局曾于2004年考虑将小企业定义中的员工人数指标扩大到1500人。 The SBA definition may change in 2004 to include b

15、usinesses with up to 1500 employees,设定背景(美国):对经济的贡献 Setting the context (US): Economic relevance,传统上,美国的企业被划分为大型、中型和小型 U.S. businesses were traditionally classified as either large, medium or small 个人独资企业大约占了企业总数的73 Approximately 73% of businesses are sole proprietorships 另外6为合伙制企业 Another 6% are le

16、gally filed as partnerships, 21为私营公司制企业 21% are filed as private corporations 美国人口调查局1997年的研究显示,按员工人数和年销售额这两个指标进行划分,全国98的个人独资企业、合伙制企业和私营公司制企业都是小企业。 1997 study conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, 98% of sole proprietorships, partnerships and private corporations are considered small businesses based upon employee size and annual sales volume.,设定背景(美国):对经济的贡献 Setting the context (US): Economic relevance,不管基于何种定义,小企业都代表了美国全部企业数的9598 Small



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