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1、Module 11. have . in common 2. linguist 3. make a difference 4. accent 5. obvious 6. motorway 7. underground 8. subway 9. get around 10. flashlight 11. queue 12. confusing 13. preposition 14. compare 15. omit 16. variety 17. differ 18. settler 19. be similar to 20. remark 21. variation 22. have diff

2、iculty (in) doing something 23. steadily 24. satellite 25. flick 26. switch 27. lead to 28. structure 29. rapidly 30. announcement 31. linguistics 32. edition 33. cute 34. add 35. in favour of 36. present 37. refer to . as . 38. attempt 39. simplify 40. combination 41. thanks to 42. distinctive 43.

3、look 44. criticise 45. standard 46. referenceModule 21. intellectual 2. satisfying 3. stressful 4. accountant 5. barber 6. biochemist 7. electrician 8. miner 9. volunteer 10. offer 11. signal 12. in particular 13. sheer 14. on average 15. in theory 16. in practice 17. respect 18. toll 19. bend 20. c

4、ircular 21. direct 22. pass by 23. take . for granted 24. encounter 25. profound 26. have an effect on 27. mission 28. qualified 29. take up 30. vertical 31. take notice of 32. temporary 33. freezer 34. freeze 35. contract 36. earn 37. permanent 38. salary 39. staff 40. sign 41. agent 42. analyst 43

5、. apply 44. deduction 45. organisational 46. post 47. chef 48. require 49. renewable 50. essential 51. model 52. shot 53. in response to 54. grateful 55. available 56. database 57. demand 58. bioinformatician 59. traditional 60. youngster 61. suffer 62. pathologist 63. double 64. leisure 65. individ

6、ual 66. fitness 67. outgoing 68. personalityModule 31. biography 2. fantasy 3. have connection with 4. detective 5. solve 6. murderer 7. account 8. run away 9. companion 10. raft 11. pour 12. shelter 13. paddle 14. lie 15. panic 16. curious 17. tie 18. rope 19. beard 20. fright 21. crawl 22. terrifi

7、ed 23. trunk 24. play a trick on somebody 25. make up 26. outline 27. disturb 28. comedy 29. romantic 30. fiction 31. review 32. be / feel in the mood (for something / to do something) 33. set in 34. resemble 35. create 36. exception 37. warn 38. shallow 39. adolescent 40. determined 41. make ones f

8、ortune 42. set off 43. penny 44. force 45. pilot 46. vivid 47. establish 48. reputationModule 41. carnival 2. Christian 3. ghost 4. costume 5. hide 6. confusion 7. extend 8. pretend 9. come to an end 10. dress up 11. firearm 12. empire 13. memory 14. revive 15. council 16. book 17. wander 18. elegan

9、t 19. magic 20. era 21. calendar 22. dove 23. bean 24. flour 25. garlic 26. onion 27. pea 28. pork 29. sausage 30. consist of 31. herb 32. ingredient 33. relaxing 34. whistle 35. tasty 36. parade 37. multicultural 38. plantation 39. mark 40. trade 41. transport 42. landowner 43. import 44. master 45

10、. abolish 46. magnificent 47. celebration 48. freedom 49. unite 50. originModule 31. athletics 2. rugby 3. bat 4. club 5. net 6. pitch 7. ring 8. stadium 9. track 10. tracksuit 11. trainer 12. retire 13. perform 14. retirement 15. background 16. brand 17. sportswear 18. logo 19. on the increase 20.

11、advantage 21. guarantee 22. purchase 23. designer 24. gymnast 25. slogan 26. specific 27. symbol 28. marathon 29. score 30. ministry 31. final 32. champion 33. quality 34. ultimate 35. rise to ones feet 36. victory 37. dramatically 38. protest 39. declare 40. borough 41. competitor 42. toughModule 3

12、1. endanger 2. reserve 3. habitat 4. extinct 5. struggle 6. wildlife 7. protect 8. poacher 9. antelope 10. battle 11. plateau 12. ideal 13. shawl 14. herd 15. worth 16. skin 17. spot 18. raid 19. confiscate 20. condition 21. meanwhile 22. dealer 23. aim 24. reptile 25. involve 26. live 27. lay 28. wonder 29. insect 30. mammal 31. bald 32. be concerned about something 33. whale 34. ibis 35. feed on 36. brink 37. extinction 38. initial 39. stand for 40. branch 41. continent 42. focus 43. energy 44. waste 45. monitor 46. set up



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