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1、 audiencechoirclassicalcomposerconductorjazzmusicianorchestrasaxophone听众听众n.合唱队合唱队n.古典音乐古典音乐n.作曲家作曲家n.指挥指挥n.爵士乐爵士乐n.音乐家音乐家n.管弦乐队管弦乐队n.萨克斯管萨克斯管n.courtdirectorgeniuslose(lostlost)musicalpeasantsymphonytalentAustria宫廷宫廷n.指挥指挥n.(头衔名词头衔名词)天才天才n.失去失去vt.音乐的音乐的adj.农民农民n.交响乐交响乐n.天分,天赋天分,天赋n.奥地利奥地利n.Austrianp

2、rincecomposetouralbumballadbandcatchycomplex奥地利的奥地利的adj.王子,亲王王子,亲王n.作曲作曲v.巡回演出巡回演出n.专辑专辑n.民谣民谣n.乐队乐队n.动人的动人的adj.复杂的复杂的adj.influencelyricssolotunerecordleturermix影响影响vt.歌词歌词n.独奏的独奏的adj.曲调曲调n.录音录音vt.讲师讲师n.使混使混vt.词汇拓展classical n.古典音乐 adj.古典的,传统的classic adj. 经典的, 优秀的,一流的compose v. 写作,创作composer n.作曲家com

3、position n. 作文,作品,作曲conduct v.指挥,指导 director n. 指挥家conducor n.指挥(家)music n.音乐musical adj.音乐的,悦耳的; n. 音乐剧,音乐片musician n.音乐家court n. 宫廷;法庭lose v. 失去,丢掉,丢失 (lose-lost-lost)loser n. 失败者loss n. 损失,丢失,遗失lost adj. 迷失的,丢失的talent n. 天分,天赋,才华talented adj. 有才华的,有天分的 Austria n. 奥地利Austrian adj. 奥地利(人)的 n. 奥地利人A

4、ustralia n. 澳大利亚Australian adj. 澳大利亚(人)的 n. 澳大利亚人prince n. 王子princess n. 公主tour v. 去旅游;作巡回演出 n. 旅游;巡回演出tourist n. 游客tourism n.旅游业 catch v. 捉住catchy adj. 动人的record /i/ v.录音;记录 /e/ n. 录音,唱片;记录recorder n. 录音机video recorder n. 录像机mix v. 使混合mixed adj. 混合的mixture n. 混合物Module3MusicIntroduction Do you like

5、 listening to music? Music, as well as flowers, is one of the best and most beautiful things in the world. How much do you know about MUSIC ? ModuleThree MMu us si ic csingersingeronewhosingssongsonewhosingssongssingersinger ModuleThree MMu us si ic cbandbandagroupofpeoplewhosingtogetheragroupofpeop

6、lewhosingtogether choirkwaichoirkwai唱诗班唱诗班唱诗班唱诗班;合唱队合唱队合唱队合唱队 anorganizedcompanyofsingersanorganizedcompanyofsingerssingersinger bandbandchoirchoir ModuleThree MMu us si ic ccomposercomposerapersonwhoapersonwhocomposescomposesmusicmusiccomposercomposer apersonwhoapersonwhocomposescomposesmusicmusicc

7、omposercomposersingersingerbandbandchoirchoir ModuleThree MMu us si ic cconductorconductoronewhodirectsanorchestraorotheronewhodirectsanorchestraorothersuchgroupsuchgrouporchestraorchestraAlargegroupofmusicianswhoplaytogetheronvariousinstrumentsmusicianmusicianconductorconductorsingersingercomposerc

8、omposerbandband choirchoir ModuleThree MMu us si ic cmusicsongsmusicsongspoplightjazzCountryclassicalrapbluesrockR&BDifferent styles of musicmusicsongsmusicsongsmusicianmusicianconductorconductorsingersingercomposercomposer bandbandchoirchoir ModuleThree MMu us si ic cinstrumentinstrumentpianopianop

9、ianistpianistlutelute琵琶琵琶fluteflute长笛长笛guitarguitardrumdrumviolinviolinerhuerhusaxophonesaxophone【sksfunsksfun】Musical Instrumentserhupiano drumguitarviolinHarpsichordHarpsichord More Instruments筝箫口琴手风琴小号电子琴zhengxiaomouthorganaccordiontrumpetelectronicorganActivity1:Read these words below. audience

10、choir classical composer conductor drum erhu guitar jazz musician orchestra piano pop rock saxophone violin Activity2:Answer the questions.Q1:Which word means someone who write music? composerQ2:Which word means a group of people who sing together? choir Q3:Which instruments are used in pop and rock

11、 music?drums guitar piano saxophoneQ4:Which instruments are used in classical music?drums piano violin saxphone Q5:Which instruments are used in jazz? drums paino saxophone violinQ6:Which instruments are used in traditional Chinese music? erhu drumsDiscussionQ1:Which of the instruments do you like l

12、istenning to ?Q2:Which famous singer do you like best?Q3:Whats your favourite song?How much do you know How much do you know aboutabout the world ofthe world of musicsongsmusicsongsmusicianmusicianconductorconductorsingersingercomposercomposerbandband choirchoirinstrumentinstrument乐器乐器乐器乐器Whoishe?Ho

13、wmuchdoyouknowabouthim?Haydnacomposer/musician.约瑟夫约瑟夫海顿海顿( (1732173218091809) ),奥地利著名作曲家,维也纳古典奥地利著名作曲家,维也纳古典乐派的最早期代表,被称为乐派的最早期代表,被称为“交交响乐之父响乐之父”。在一生中共完成了。在一生中共完成了107107首交响曲,首交响曲,6868首弦乐四重首弦乐四重奏,奏,6262首钢琴奏鸣曲,和首钢琴奏鸣曲,和4545首首钢琴三重奏,钢琴三重奏,1414部弥撒,部弥撒,2424出出歌剧,以及两部神剧等作品。歌剧,以及两部神剧等作品。海顿家境贫困,父亲是车轮匠,母亲当过厨娘,但

14、都海顿家境贫困,父亲是车轮匠,母亲当过厨娘,但都酷爱音乐。小海顿自幼就在家庭中接受音乐教育,酷爱音乐。小海顿自幼就在家庭中接受音乐教育,6 6岁时成为海茵堡教会合唱团的歌童,并开始学习钢琴岁时成为海茵堡教会合唱团的歌童,并开始学习钢琴和小提琴。可是直到和小提琴。可是直到29岁才被艾斯德哈济亲王聘为岁才被艾斯德哈济亲王聘为乐长。后来,海顿两次去英国伦敦旅行,演出了他专乐长。后来,海顿两次去英国伦敦旅行,演出了他专门创作的十二首交响乐门创作的十二首交响乐(后人称它伦敦交响乐后人称它伦敦交响乐),获得牛津大学音乐博士称号,从此名震全欧洲。获得牛津大学音乐博士称号,从此名震全欧洲。 Howaboutt

15、hishandsomeman?Howmuchdoyouknowabouthim?Mozartacomposer/musician莫扎特是一位杰出的奥地利作曲家莫扎特是一位杰出的奥地利作曲家, ,出生于萨尔兹堡一个宫廷乐师家里。出生于萨尔兹堡一个宫廷乐师家里。他从少年时代就展现出杰出的音乐他从少年时代就展现出杰出的音乐才能才能, ,一生作品极其丰富。他创作的一生作品极其丰富。他创作的最重要领域是歌剧,共最重要领域是歌剧,共2222部,另一重部,另一重要创作部分是交响乐,共要创作部分是交响乐,共4545部。他的部。他的音乐创作即继承和发展了海顿等前辈的成果,又音乐创作即继承和发展了海顿等前辈的成果

16、,又对后来的贝多芬等人的创作产生了重要影响。对后来的贝多芬等人的创作产生了重要影响。 1756 1756 年,沃尔夫冈年,沃尔夫冈莫扎特莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMozart)出生于萨尔兹堡,自幼他便展现出那无出生于萨尔兹堡,自幼他便展现出那无与伦比的音乐天赋:与伦比的音乐天赋:3 3岁开始弹琴,岁开始弹琴,6 6岁开始作曲,岁开始作曲,8 8 岁写下了第一部交响乐,岁写下了第一部交响乐,1111岁便完成了他的第一岁便完成了他的第一部歌剧,部歌剧,1414岁是指挥乐队演出了该歌剧。岁是指挥乐队演出了该歌剧。可以这么说,莫扎特是为音乐


18、作品,并结识了海顿,从而丰富了他的音乐理念。的作品,并结识了海顿,从而丰富了他的音乐理念。可怜就是这样一位天才,在他正当壮年的时候却可怜就是这样一位天才,在他正当壮年的时候却因为感染风寒而去世了,死时年仅因为感染风寒而去世了,死时年仅3535岁。在他生命的岁。在他生命的最后一天最后一天(19711971年年1212月月9 9日日),他仍在创作,可惜天,他仍在创作,可惜天嫉英才,莫扎特留下了他那未完成的安魂曲,而嫉英才,莫扎特留下了他那未完成的安魂曲,而撒手人间,成为了音乐史上最大的遗憾之一。撒手人间,成为了音乐史上最大的遗憾之一。How about this strict man? Beeth

19、oven; also a composer / musician .贝多芬贝多芬(1770177018271827) 德国著名德国著名作曲家,其父为德国宫廷歌手,他作曲家,其父为德国宫廷歌手,他从小随父亲接受了严格的音乐训练,从小随父亲接受了严格的音乐训练,学会了弹琴与作曲。自学会了弹琴与作曲。自17921792年起,年起,他一直定居维也纳,以教学、演出他一直定居维也纳,以教学、演出和创作乐曲为生。后来因为创作上和创作乐曲为生。后来因为创作上的成就而成为德国维也纳古典乐派的成就而成为德国维也纳古典乐派的代表人之一。他的作品,在欧洲的代表人之一。他的作品,在欧洲音乐史上起到了继往开来的作用,对近


21、,都是享有盛名的交响乐作品。除此而外,他的交响乐作品。除此而外,他还有悲怆等还有悲怆等3232部奏鸣曲,部奏鸣曲,5 5部钢琴协奏曲,一部小提琴协奏曲,部钢琴协奏曲,一部小提琴协奏曲,6 6部弦部弦乐四重奏曲及庄严的弥撒曲乐四重奏曲及庄严的弥撒曲等众多作品。等众多作品。1.HowdidHaydnchangetheformofsymphonies?2.HowlongdidheworkineasternAustria?Hemadethemlongerandforalargerorchestra.HeworkedineasternAustriafor30years.1.Howmanypiecesof


23、henhebecamedeaf. Read the passage then do the True or False exercise. 1. Both Haydn and Mozart were born in Austria. 2. All of them showed the musical talent when they are young. 3. Mozart was known as “the father of the symphony.” 4. Both Mozart and Beethoven were born in musical families. 5. All o

24、f them lived in the Nineteenth century and have a short lives. 6. They all have ever lived in Austria. TFFTFTThisisHaydnsthe100thsymphony(交响交响乐).1.WhatisHaydnknownasallovertheworld?2.HowdidHaydnchangetheformofsymphonies?3.HowlongdidheworkineasternAustria?Read part Read part I and answer: I and answe

25、r: Hechangedthesymphonyintoalongpieceforalargeorchestra.HeworkedineasternAustriafor30years.Heisknownas“thefatherofHeisknownas“thefatherofthesymphony.thesymphony.ThisisMozartsMoon Sonata. ReadthepartaboutMozartandmatchthetimewithconnectedinformation. Mozart at a very early age when he was 4 when he w

26、as 5 when he was 6By the time he was 14 When he was a teenager toured Europe giving concertsplay in a concert for the Empress of Austria showed musical talentLearned to play the harpsichordStarted composing music composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violinBeethovenspathetique(悲怆交响曲悲怆交响



29、antamusician&anorchestraconductorasingerbirthplace Read the whole text Read the whole text veryverycarefully again, and fill carefully again, and fill in the in the blanks with proper blanks with proper words or words or phrases.phrases.JosephHaydn,anAustrian_,wasborninavillageandis_thefatherofthesy




33、pularrestrestcompletelycompletelycontinuedcontinued Haydn was_ _ “the father of the symphony.”He _the symphony _a long piece for a large orchestra. He had a beautiful _voice. After _ _ in Vienna, he went to _ _ the court of a prince . Later he _ _ London ,where he was _. Mozart was possible the grea

34、test musical genius of all time, he only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him, They were friends for 10 years. Beethoven was born in _. He showed _ when he was young. And learned to _the_And piano from his father .He _

35、 Haydn in 1791, knownas changed intosinging Studying music worked at moved tosuccessfulGermanymusicaltalent playviolinmet and was_ to move to _. Beethoven became _in the Austria capital .During the last years of his life , he was completely _.Mozartwaspossiblethegreatestmusicalgeniusofalltime,heonly

36、lived35yearsandhecomposedmorethan600piecesofmusic.HaydnmetMozartin1781andwasveryimpressedwithhim,Theywerefriendsfor10years.encouragedViennapopulardeafHaydn, and Beethoven were three great composers of the 18th century. Haydn is known as “the father of the symphony”. He changed the symphony into a lo

37、ng piece for a large orchestra.Mozart was possible the greatest musical genius of all time, he only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him, They were friends for 10 years. Beethoven was very popular in the Austrian capit

38、al and stayed there for the rest of his life. As he grew older, he began to go deaf. But he continued composing.高一外研版高一外研版必修必修2 2模块模块3 3复习复习一.词汇再现1.She spare no pains to introduce c_ and modern music knowledge in different ways to the people.2.Wang Luobin devoted himself to uncovering and p_ Chinese

39、 folk songs.3.The a_ to the concert are mostly foreigners.4.Mozart ,in his teens, was already a big star and t_ Europe giving concerts.5.He began to c_ songs at an early age.6.The teacher found Tom had a t_ for painting.lassicalresentingudienceouredomposealent对印象好对.印象深刻给某人留下好印象做记录做笔记leave a note for

40、把冰变成水把冰变成水changefor聋了聋了/瞎了瞎了/哑了哑了/瘸了瘸了/饿了饿了/错了错了/疯了疯了/变质了变质了/走走下去下去表达人民的心声表达人民的心声takeviolinlessonsplaythepiano鉴赏爵士音乐鉴赏爵士音乐伴着轻音乐跳舞伴着轻音乐跳舞influencehaveon/uponhaveaneffect/influenceondidhemarrythathemarrieditwith单数单数?复数?复数?翻译:pose由由组成组成由由.组成组成of注意注意geniusabilitygift2. affect, effect , influenceGrammar:

41、 Adverbial clause of time 时状从I. 当当时候时候when, while, aswhen 持续、非持续 主句动作在从句动作的前中后均可。while持续侧重主句动作和从句动作同时发生。 as持续主句和从句动作同时发生。(一般不加状态) When I was at school, I loved history. (持续,同时)When the fire broke out, all the students were sleeping soundly.(非持续,同时)Call me when youve finished.(非持续,前后发生)The telephone

42、rang while he was taking a bath.He hurried home, looking back as he ran.(持续,同时)(持续,同时)IwasonthepointoftelephoninghimwhenJackcame.时 = No sooner had the farmhands(农场工人) fallen asleep than the cock crew(啼叫).II. before, after, since, until/till1. before: It be +一段时间 + before 多久之后才 eg. It will be half a

43、year before I came back.He (had) learned English for three years before he went to London.2. after: He played computer games after he (had) finished his homework. 3. since: They have been living very happily ever since they got married. 4. until/till: I will wait until/till the concert is over.I did

44、nt know anything about it until you told me.beforeNotuntil位于句首,句子要半倒装。位于句首,句子要半倒装。 结构为结构为Notuntil+从句从句/表时间的词表时间的词+助助/情情/be+(主句)主语主句)主语+谓语谓语 It is/has been a few years since we last met.III. 一就1.As soon as we heard the news, we jumped with joy.2.Once you start, you will never give up.3. The moment he

45、 saw her, he fell in love with her.as soon as, no soonerthan, hardly/scarcelywhen, the moment, the minute, once, directly, instantly, immediatelyhour, day, first time, each time, every time, by the timeIV. 其他一些表示时间概念的词或短语语法突破语法突破lose (ones) face 丢脸lose (ones) heart 丧失信心lose ones way 某人迷路lose weight

46、减肥 be lost in 专心于.be at a loss 不知所措agroupofpeoplewhosingtogetherbandjazz 爵士乐 light 轻音乐 country 乡村音乐 pop 流行乐rock 摇滚乐 classical 古典乐the blues 布鲁斯(蓝调)rap 说唱乐R&B rhythm & blues 节奏布鲁斯hip-hop是20多年前始于美国街头的一种黑人文化,也泛指rap(说唱乐)。hip-hop 文化的四种表现方式包括rap (有节奏、押韵地说话)、b-boying(街 舞)、dj-ing(玩唱片及唱盘技巧) raffiti writing(涂 鸦 艺 术)musicFolkmusic(民歌民歌)Rockandroll(摇滚音乐摇滚音乐)Classicalmusic(古典音乐古典音乐)Jazz(爵士乐爵士乐) Popmusic(流流行音乐行音乐)



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