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1、The attributive clause 定语从句,要了解定语从句,我们先得明白定语是啥,如果我给介绍一个人或者描述一样东西,以介绍一个人为例,如果我说是个女孩,那么你头脑中的对我介绍的人印象清晰么,应该就一女孩轮廓,但如果我说一个漂亮的,穿着红色衣服的,站在站台上的,那么你对这个人印象是不是逐渐清晰了,这里漂亮的,红色的,站在站台上的便是定语。 我们看看例子先 a pretty girl/ a girl in red /a girl standing in the plat form a girl who is standing in the platform is lucky 上例中打

2、彩色部分便都是定语,定语通常是修饰名词,如果定语是一个词并且能完整表达一个意思,定语便放在被修饰词前面,否则就放后面,请观察pretty是一个词,便是放前面的,这是你也许会说,a pretty little girl,pretty 和little不是两个词,怎么就放被修饰词前面了呢,一定要注意,pretty和little都是一个并且是各自能表达完整意思。 上例中彩色部分都是定语,定语可以是一个形容词(pretty),可以是介词短语(in red),也可以是分词短语(standing in the platform),也可以是一个句子(who is standing in the platfor

3、m),而当定语从句是一个句子时,这个句子呢,就是定语从句。,由于定语从句是一个句子,毫无疑问,必定不可能是一个词,所以都是放在被修饰词的后面,我们还给这个被修饰的词起了个名字,先行词,因为修饰她的句子还在后面,她先出现的。 然后我们在说说这定语从句,在英语中呢有个规定就是一个句子中有且只能有一个谓语,就好比我们人呢只能有一个心脏。(事物是普遍联系的 ),那我们人啥时候可能会有两个心脏呢?。对了,有宝宝的时候,男同胞貌似目前不可能哈,那么句子有个子句的时候便可以有两个谓语了,这时候我们便需要一个东西来标志其子句特征,人类呢是以大肚子,从句便以她的关系代词。我们例子中的who便是关系代词,这个关系

4、我们也可以理解成人类的脐带,将子句和母句联系到一起。所以这关系代词也是紧挨着先行词的。 所以偶们先要搞清楚啥是定语从句,啥是先行词,啥是关系代词。咱再琢磨这定语从句如何用。,Explanation to Attributive clause,定语从句: 是指在复合句中, 修饰名词或 代词的从句。 被定语从句所修饰的名词或代 词叫做 “先行词”。 引导定语从句的词叫 “关系词”。,引导定语从句的关系词,指代人 指代事物 所属关系 指地点 指时间 指原因,who, whom, that which, that whose, of which where when why,关系代词,关系副词,关系代

5、词引导的定语从句 1.The woman who is talking to my mother is a friend of hers. 2. The boy whom we met in the street yesterday is my classmate. Miss Wang is taking care of the child whose parents have gone to Beijing. The knife which we used to cut the bread is very sharp. This is one of the most interesting

6、films that I have ever seen. I have got into the same trouble as he has.,关系副词引导的定语从句 I still remember the day when she first wore that pink dress. The building where we lived 20 years ago has been pulled down. Do you know the reason why she got so angry yesterday?,关系代词,关系副词的选用 1,取决于从句中的谓语动词。不及物动词后不用

7、宾语,用关系副词。而及物动词要跟宾语,则用关系代词。 Ill never forget the days when we worked together. Ill never forget the days which/that I spent with you. This is the mountain village which/that I visited last year.,2.判断关系词在定语从句中的成分 关系词必须在定语从句中作成分,因此“缺什么成分就填什么成分”。关系词在从句中作主语,宾语,表语或定语,选择关系代词。 关系词在句中作状语,选关系副词。 This museum i

8、s the one that you visited a few days ago. This is the museum where the exhibition was held.,“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 The farm on which my cousin once worked has taken a new look. The reason for which he refused the invitation is not clear. The man to whom I spoke just now is my English teacher. Because of

9、the traffic jam in which I was caught ,I was late for the meeting. The two things of which they felt proud were Jims watch and Dellas hair. The classroom the door of which is broken will son be repaired. Water is a thing without which fish can not swim.,where,why,Whose door/of which the door,关系副词与“介

10、词+关系代词”的转换 通常情况下,when=in/on /during which where=in/at/on which why=for which Eg: 1. whats the year when/in which China first launched her man-made satellite? 2. It is the very place where/at which I met you last time. 3. he would never tell me the reason why/for which they broke up.,1. A plane is a

11、machine. The machine can fly. A plane is a machine _can fly.,that /which,Join the following sentences:,2. The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. _ we saw yesterday is Mary.,The girl,3. The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. _we saw yesterday is Mary.,The girl that/who/whom,1. Nothing _ can be done

12、 hasnt been done. 2. Do you have anything _ you dont understand?,that,that,1. that与which,先行词是 everything, nothing, anything, something, much, little, none等不定代词, 引导定语从句用that。,3. This is the best TV _ is made in China. 4. The first museum _ he visited in China was the History Museum.,that,that,先行词被形容词

13、最高级或序数词修饰时, 引导定语从句用that。,5. Ive read all the books _ you lent me.,that,先行词被any, some, no, much, few, little, every, all, very, only, last 修饰时,引导定语 从句用that。,6. The famous writer and his works _ the radio broadcast have aroused great interest among the students. 7. A victim is a person, animal or thin

14、g _ suffers pain, death, harm, etc.,that,that,先行词中既有人又有事物时, 引导定语从句用that。,8. Who _ you have ever seen can do it better?,that,Who 做先行词时, 引导定语从句用that。,9. Her bag, in _ she put all her money, has been stolen. 10. This is the ring on _ she spent 1000 dollars. 11. Xiao Wang, with _ I went to the concert,

15、enjoyed it very much.,which,which,whom,在介词后面, 指事物用which, 指人用whom。,whose 引导的定语从句表示所属关系,1. The river _ banks are covered with trees flows to the sea.,whose,2. whose的用法,2. There are 20 students, _ are different in this class. A. whose backgrounds B. The backgrounds of whom C. of whom the backgrounds D.

16、 the backgrounds of whose,1. The earth is round, _ we all know. _ is known to all, the earth is round. _ is known to all that the earth is round.,as,As,It,3. as 的用法,定语从句在句首时只能用as, as 具有正如之意,与之搭配的动词一般是固定的。,2. This is the same book as I lost. 这本书和我丢的那本一模一样。 This is the same book that I lost. 这本书就是我丢的那本。,3. This is such an interesting book _ we all like. This is so interest


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