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1、Do You Know?,Focus In,1 Get Ready-main,Do You Know?,Based on the following video, what impression do you have on Australia?,1.1,Do You Know?,1.1-video,II,Have a general idea of the geographical features of Australia Be familiar with the climatic patterns in Australia Have a general idea of the state

2、s and territories in Australia Have a general idea of the ethnical composition of the Australians Be informed of the statistics about the Australian population,Focus In,1.2,Where is Australia located?,2 text -main,What are the states and territories in Australia?,What are the unique plants and anima

3、ls in Australia?,What do you need to know about Australia?,What are the types of climate in Australia?,What are the geographical regions in Australia?,How is the population distributed in Australia?,What are the major ethnic groups in Australia?,1. National flag of Australia,The national flag of Aus

4、tralia is a defaced Blue Ensign: a blue field with the Union Flag in the canton (upper hoist quarter), and a large white seven-pointed star known as the Commonwealth Star in the lower hoist quarter. The fly contains a representation of the Southern Cross constellation, made up of five white stars on

5、e small five-pointed star and four, larger, seven-pointed stars. The flags original design was chosen in 1901 from entries in a worldwide competition held following Federation. It was first flown in Melbourne on 3 September 1901. A slightly different design was approved by King Edward VII in 1902.,2

6、.1.1 Names for Britain,Over the next few years, the exact specifications of the flag were changed several times. The current specifications were formally gazetted in 1934, and in 1954 the flag became recognised by, and legally defined in, the Flags Act 1953, as the “Australian National Flag”.,2.1.1,

7、1. National flag of Australia,Flag of Australia,2. National anthem of Australia,“Advance Australia Fair” is the official national anthem of Australia. Created by the Scottish-born composer, Peter Dodds McCormick, the song was first performed in 1878, but did not gain its status as the official anthe

8、m until 1984. Until then, the song became a patriotic song.,2.1.2,Where is Australia located?,The Commonwealth of Australia is the sixth-largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, China, Brazil and the U.S.A. It includes the mainland and a number of islands, the largest of which is Tasmania.

9、 Mainland Australia, with an area of 7.69 million square kilometres, is the Earths largest island but smallest continent. It stretches about 3,700 kilometres from north to south and about 4,000 kilometres from east to west. Lying southeast of Asia, it is bound by the Pacific Ocean to the east, the C

10、oral Sea to the northeast, the Timor Sea to the northwest, the Indian Ocean to the west and the,2.2 Where is Australia located,Tasman Sea to the southeast. Australias neighboring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to the northeast,

11、 and New Zealand to the southeast.,2.,Where is Australia located?,Map of Australia,What are the geographical regions in Australia?,Geographically, the Australian continent can be divided into three regions: the Western Plateau, the Central Lowlands, and the Eastern Highlands.,2.3 What are the geogra

12、phical regions in Australia,Western Plateau,Australians often use the term “Outback” for the interior and the centre of the Western Plateau and its northern plains. The Western Plateau is a vast desert and semi-desert region that covers about 60% of the land area and comprises ancient rocks similar

13、to those of Africa. Located on the plateau are the countrys four major deserts the Gibson, Great Sandy, Great Victoria and Simpson as well as a massive monolith known as Ayers Rock which rises over 335 metres (1,100 feet). A vast, dry, treeless plain, the Nullarbor, which derived from the Latin for

14、“no trees”, extends for over 600 km along the southern edge of the,2.2 Western Plateau,2.3,region. Although higher than the Central Lowlands, most of the land is also flat. There are few major rivers, the most important being the Fitzroy, Ashburton, Gascoyne, Murchison, and Swan Rivers.,Western Plat

15、eau,Ayers Rock,2.3 Central Lowlands,The Central Lowlands stretch from the Gulf of Carpentaria in the north to Western Victoria in the south. The land is generally flat with an average elevation of only 152 metres. The climate is hot; rainfall is infrequent; much of the land is dry or desert, and man

16、y of the rivers flow only intermittently. The west-central part of the region is a barren, sandy desert. Lake Eyre, the lowest point in Australia, lies 16 metres below sea level along the southern edge of the desert. It is a great salt lake more than 9,000 square kilometres in area and is dry for lengthy periods. The Great Artesian Basin beneath the Central,Central Lowlands,2.3,Eastern Lowlands is the largest and deepest artesian basin in the world and accounts for approxim


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