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1、According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exch

2、ange, purpose is let we further deep understanding mass line of connotation, insisted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education practice activities of major meaning Partys 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the

3、 partys advanced nature and purity, in the party, with pragmatic and clean for the people as the main content of the partys mass line and educational practice. This is comrade XI as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the partys major decision is in lin

4、e with the public expectations and strengthening the construction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist partys major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the partys mass line in education practice, wa

5、s carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Partys 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socialism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 Chinas gr

6、oss domestic product and per capita income of urban and rural residents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialist modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of rea

7、lizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Congress of the party, Comrade XI repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The basic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep China R

8、oad, carry forward the spirit and cohesion strength of China, dream dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Strategic conception of China was 18 the spirit

9、of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, leading people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the partys mass line, helps to train the colle

10、ctive consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. History has用药差错和用药差错报告写在课前的话用药差错(Medication error,ME)是指在医务人员、患者或消费者用药的过程中,任何可能导

11、致用药不当或对患者造成伤害的、可以避免的事件。用药差错事件涉及医疗实践、卫生保健产品、工作流程及系统.包括:处方;医嘱传达;产品标签,预包装及命名;混合;配药;发药;给药;教育;监测及使用。本课件详细介绍了用药差错报告的目的,原则和内容,旨在为临床起一定的指导作用。一、相关术语用药差错( Medication error , ME) 是指 在医务人员、患者或消费者用药的过程中,任何可能导致用药不当或对患者造成伤害的、可以避免的事件。与药物不良反应不同,药物的不良反应是药品本身的属性,在很大程度上往往是不可避免的。而用药差错实际上是可以避免的事件。用药差错事件涉及医疗实践、卫生保健产品、工作流程

12、及系统 . 包括:处方;医嘱传达;产品标签,预包装及命名;混合;配药;发药;给药;教育;监测及使用。差错隐患是指潜在的用药差错 ( Near misses ),具体是指 在处方、配药或准备用药的过程中,在实际给药之前,由其他医务人员或患者查出并纠正的错误。用药差错(ME)和药物不良反应(ADR)有哪些区别?二、用药差错(ME)和药物不良反应(ADR) 的区别用药差错(ME)和药物不良反应(ADR) 之间的区别如下。从危害程度上来说他们俩的危害程度都是可以很轻,也可以非常严重,甚至导致患者死亡。从隐匿程度来说,不良反应的隐匿程度跟用药差错相比相对比较低。很多不良反应说明书上,或有文件报道,当患者


14、关系,不良反应与医院里面用药安全文化没有太大关系,而用药差错与医院用药安全文化关联性就非常高,医院要想建立一个好的用药差错报告系统,必须要有一个好的用药安全文化,用药差错不是某个人的问题,也不是某个环节问题,而是整个用药系统的问题。我们要形成整个医院文化氛围。药物不良反应报告是有制度保障的,我们国家有药品不良反报告和管理应办法,而用药差错目前他的报告是没有制度保障的。药品不良反应 ADR 整个系统建立较早,报告系统相对完善,而用药差错报告系统在我国家尚未建立,其他一些发达国家有差错报告系统。2009 年卫生部中国医院协会提出的患者安全目标里提出了 主动报告医疗安全(不良)事件的规定,这其中 包

15、括用药差错事件。2009 年患者安全目标具体规定如下: 目标一、严格执行查对制度,提高医务人员对患者身份识别的准确性;目标二、提高用药安全;目标三、严格执行在特殊情况下医务人员之间有效沟通的程序,做到正确执行医嘱;目标四、严格防止手术患者、手术部位及术式发生错误;目标五、严格执行手卫生,落实医院感染控制的基本要求;目标六、建立临床实验室“危急值”报告制度;目标七、防范与减少患者跌倒事件发生;目标八、防范与减少患者压疮发生;目标九、主动报告医疗安全(不良)事件;目标十、鼓励患者参与医疗安全。三、用药安全理念戴维德 U 先生提到, 旧的用药安全理念认为医疗工作者被认为是完美的;只有当人们做错事时才

16、会有坏的结果;人或机构出现失败是不好的;责备和惩罚足以促使人更谨慎;只要我们更加努力地工作,事情就会变好。而新的用药安全理念认为在一个复杂的系统里,错误的风险是其固有的;风险总是在不断地出现;不是所有的危险都是可预知的;人总是容易犯错误的,无论他们多么努力地去避免错误;系统也是容易犯错误的;更重视改变系统而不是改变个人。用药差错(ME)会发生在哪些环节?四、用药差错发生的环节用药差错实际上在开处方到调配处方到用药整个过程当中都可能会发生。 开具处方这个环节占用药差错的 39% ,其中 48% 可以避免。转录处方占用药差错的 12% ,其中 33% 可以避免。调配处方占用药差错的 11% ,其中 34% 可以避免。给药占用药差错的 38% ,其中仅有 2% 可以避免。 可以看到越早越上流的环节,可以避免的差错越多。五、用药差错的种类包括处方差错;给药时间差错;剂量差错;药品制备差错;给药技术差错;监测差错;依从性


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