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1、A new dimension of life,The man is on a snorkelling trip under the sea.,What is the man doing?,When you go snorkelling,( colourful, splendid, vast ),coral,eel,(grey, long, smooth),sea horse,sea flower / anemone,anemonefish (海葵鱼/小丑鱼),Sea Star,Angel fish,a Jellyfish,clam,sea-slug 海蛞蝓,parrotfish,turtle

2、,shark,dolphin,Lets enjoy the writers experience down into the depths of the sea.,A New Dimension of Life,You will discover,Scanning,Glance quickly through the diary and try to number the paragraph topics in the correct order.,2,1,3,4,5,6,Match the main idea of each part,Part1 (para1) Part2 (para2-5

3、) Part3 (para6),the final thought about the snorkelling. B. What he saw during the snorkelling. C. reflecting on the day of snorkelling,What is the style (体裁)of the passage ?,A travel journal,1.When and where did he go snorkelling?,2. What did he think of the day ?,Reading :PartI(Para1):,He went sno

4、rkelling on the reef offshore this morning .,A day of pure magic,Seeing the extraordinary beauty , I think every cell in my body woke up.,doing 做状语,Which sentence is better?,When I saw the extraordinary beauty ,I think every cell in my body woke up,Part 2 ( Para 2-5 ),What did the writer see?,yellow

5、 and green/ bird-like,yellow -spotted red,large wise-looking,giant,grey,yellow -spotted red,large wise-looking,bird-like,Seeing the reef sharks, he felt _ to death,_parrotfish with a hard bird-like mouth,Yellow and green,黄绿相间的鹦嘴鱼,_sea-slug,带黄斑点的红色海蛞蝓,Yellow-spotted,_turtle,A large wise-looking,一只长相聪

6、慧的大乌龟,a strong sharp teeth eel 带有利齿的鳗鱼,clam,reef shark (珊瑚鲨),we see the _of the sea,danger,What was the final thought about the snorkelling?,Part 3,What a wonderful, limitless world it was down there! And what a tiny spot I was in this enormous world!,It was a wonderful, limitless world down there .

7、And I was a tiny spot in this enormous world.,本课重点: 形容词与合成形容词,1bebecome aware of 对知道,明白;意识到 The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colors surrounding me 我意识到的第一件事情就是我周围各种各样鲜艳的颜色。 He said that the government was aware of the problem. 他说政府很清楚这个问题。 bebecome aware后可加that或wh-从句。 Im well awar

8、e that this is a risky investment 我很清楚这项投资要冒风险。,(1)He said the government _ the problem. (2)I _ he is the one I should turn to.,他说政府意识到这个问题了。,我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。,was aware of,am well aware that,2. narrow adj 狭窄的/ 有限的/ 狭隘的 The road wad too narrow for cars to pass . He has a narrow mind . in a narrow sense A narrow escape,从狭义来说(在狭义上),九死一生,


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