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4、axis NC machining technology with its special advantages becomes more and more important in the machining of complex and high precision Parts.Without the reasonable programming of five.axis NC machining and the pertinent special post processing,the advantages can not be exerted completely.owing to t

5、he complexity of the motion between the tool and the workpiece,it is more difficult to get the programming of the five.axis NC machining than the three.axis.And the five.axis post processing is the main constraint in improving the effectivity of the machining tool just because of the difficult redev

6、elopment,technique secrecy and so on.Based on resolving the two problems above,some relative research is done in this paper.There is one methods to realize the post processing :It is the redevelopment of the general post.processing module based on the pro/e.The research of the paper have some import

7、ant significance at resolving the problem of post.processing and improving the effectivity of NC machining programmingKey words: five.axis NC machining programming;post Processing;coordinatetransformation;simulation for machining目 录摘 要.IAbstract.II1. 绪论.11.1 数控编程技术的发展历程.11.2 数控编程技术的关键技术.21.3 后置处理技术概

8、述.21.3.1后置处理的主要任务. . . .31.3.1后置处理的主要任务. . . .31.3.2 后置处理技术发展.31.33 国内后置处理技术研究现状.41.4 课题的研究内容及意义.42. 五轴加工编程及后置处理算法.52.1 五轴数控加工工艺有关内容.52.1.1 刀具选择.5 2.1.2 切削用量的选择.62.1.2 切削用量的选择.62.1.3 五轴加工编程刀具轨迹生成.82.1.4 刀位干涉处理.112.2 本章小结.143五轴数控加工仿真几何模型的建立. .15 3.1 三维实体表示方法概述.15 3.1.1 线框图表示法.15 3.1.2 边界表示法. .164 凸管模型数控加工.


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