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1、2016考研应用文写作黄金模板:备忘录及公告来源:文都教育在考研英语小作文写作中,除了常见的信函写作外,大纲中规定考生还需要掌握备忘录和公告的写法。这两种类型大家遇到的比较少,可能对它们的书写格式也不是很清楚,本文就详细谈一下如何进行备忘录及公告的写作。备忘录属于广义信函中的一种,它是公司或者部门内部的通讯形式,主要是员工之间传递信息,比如会议安排、情况通报、问题处理等。其内容要求简明准确,句式要求完整。备忘录的内容一般包括以下几个部分:1、 标题:Memo位于第一行正中2、 信头:包括To, From, Subject和Date等措词。To后面接收件人姓名、职务等,from后面接备忘录写作者

2、的姓名、职务等,date后写日期,subject后是备忘录主要内容的概括性小标题。具体模板如下:To: 收文人,如Tom,All Faculty From: 发文人,如Li Ming Date: 日期,如January 14th, 2010 Subject: 主题,如Employee Training 3、 正文段落:主题下面空两行写正文,不用写称呼和结尾礼词。4、 打字员姓名首字母:写在正文末行空一行的地方。如果没有的话,也可以不写。5、 附件:如果没有,则不需要。 下面我们根据一个情境来写一篇备忘录。 You are Li Ming, the president of a company.

3、 Write a memorandum (memo) to Tom, the vice-president on the employees training on computer, telling him the need to train the employees, detailed information, and ask him to write a plan.MemoTo:Tom, Vice President From:Li Ming, President Date:January 14, 2010 Subject:Computer Training of the Staff

4、In order to deal with the problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff, we need to make up a plan for training our employees. The following factors should be considered. First of all, the class runs two hours a week for ten weeks. Furthermore, the employees are supposed to be classif

5、ied into different classes according to their current computer knowledge. Finally, the company had better put the employees through the program in turn. I would like you to write up a brief proposal covering the above information. And you can add other details if necessary. 需要注意的地方是记得在第一行中间位置写上Memo,

6、并且信头的四要素一个都不可以缺少,另外,正文要空两行再写。告示、通知之类的应用文,写法灵活多样,其目的是为了告诉公众某件事或某项活动。这类应用文又可以分为两类:一类是有关部门就某事发出的通知或张贴的告示,另一类是关于会议或活动的简单通知,此类文章至少需要包含以下内容:时间、地点和活动内容。要特别注意第二类应用文的写作,不要忘记写上时间和地点。下面我们来看一个情境,学习一下如何写公告。You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an internatio

7、nal conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualification for applicants and the other information which you think is relevant. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. Use postgraduate association instead.(10 po

8、ints) Volunteers needed (January 9, 2010日期可写可不写)To improve studentsability and enrich extracurricular activities, the PostgraduateAssociation is recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization to be held in Beijing on April 7, 2010 . To begin with, applicants should have Chine

9、se nationality, a strong professional spirit, cheerful personality and be aged under 35. In addition, candidates must have outstanding skills at English listening comprehension and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. Finally, students with relevant professional experience are preferre

10、d. Those postgraduates who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before February 1, 2010. Everybody is welcome to join it.Postgraduate Association最后,建议大家在平时备考的时候可以练习一两篇备忘录或是公告类型文章,这样可以锻炼大家对该类型文章的写作能力。如果大家想了解更多考研英语中小作文写作方法,可以登录文都网校,参考2016年考研公共课一对一高端辅导专属定制课程。持之以恒,注意积累,相信大家的考研英语作文水平会有进一步的提升。


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