九年级英语全册 unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth课时练1(新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth!SectionA (1a2d). 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. I think Janes kite is beautiful. However, Tinas is u .2. As you can see, our desks are w , not plastic.3. There are tea leaves in the b of my cup.4. People who drop l can be fined (罚款) in some cities. 5. She had the a

2、of a good education, so she got the job. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。bin, cost, coal, fisherman, takeaway1. A hot _ fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet (地毯).2. A _ is hot cooked food that you buy from a shop or restaurant and eat somewhere else3. Do you want this or shall I throw it in the _?4

3、. Writing such a long novel _ much time and patience.5. Look! Some _ are catching fish over there. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。1. 工人们正在竭尽全力降低事故率。The workers are doing all they can _ the accident rate.2. 左边第二个房间里堆满了书。The second room on the left is _ books.3. 你应该向那些参与挽救病人的医生道谢。You should say thanks to those d

4、octors who have _ saving the patient.4. 多读书对你的学习有好处。Reading more _ your studies.5. 拉里将去开会,而不是我。Larry will go to the meeting _ me.6. 王老师的话对那个小男孩已经起作用了。Mr. Wangs words have _ to the little boy.7. 我的目的是把这件坏事变成好事。My purpose is to _ this bad thing _ a good one.8. 保持教室干净是我们的责任。Its our duty to _ the classr

5、oom _.9. 记得给你弟弟买一些书。_ some books for your brother.10. 我们小区的噪音污染很严重。The _ in our neighborhood is very serious. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Zhang Hua, did you watch the 9 oclock program on CCTV 1 last night?B: No. (1)_A: Environmental protection. (2)_B: What can we do?A: (3)_ After washing s

6、omething, we can use the water to do something else.B: I agree with you. Also we must stop factories from pouring waste water into rivers and lakes. (4)_A: Youre right. Besides, we shouldnt use plastic bags, either.B: Good idea. What else can we do?A: (5)_ Making paper takes too many trees.B: Right.

7、 We should process waste paper so that it can be used again.A. If they keep doing that, more and more living things will die.B. There are many things he can do.C. We can save electricity.D. We can also save paper.E. What was it about?F. We can start by saving water in our daily life.G. It told us so

8、me good ways to do that.答案:. 1. ugly 2. wooden 3. bottom 4. litter 5. advantage. 1. coal 2. takeaway 3. bin 4. costs 5. fishermen. 1. to cut down 2. full of / filled with 3. played a part in 4. is good for 5. instead of 6. made a difference 7. turn; into 8. keep; clean 9. Remember to buy 10. noise p

9、ollution. 1-5 EGFADUnit 13 We are trying to save the earth!SectionA (3aGrammar Focus). 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. Dont play a joke on him about his weight its _(残忍的).2. You are supposed to know the _(法律) of your own country.3. Can these toys be _(回收利用)?4. These materials are widely used in _(工业).5. The

10、y walked because they couldnt _(负担得起) a taxi.6. To solve this problem, we need to learn more _(科学的) knowledge. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。reuse, shark, ecosystem, transportation, fin1. People need to get out of their cars and use public _.2. We saw two _ in the wild zoo. They are large and have sha

11、rp (尖的) teeth.3. Things that are _ can be used more than once. 4. Do fish use their _ to swim?5. A(n) _ is about all the plants and animals that live in a specific (特定的) area. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空。1. One third of boys in my class _(参加) the running race last week.2. Please _(关掉) the TV. Its too noisy

12、.3. The doctor says fruit juice _(对有害) childrens teeth.4. If you dont work hard now, youll _(为付出代价) it later when you fail your exams.5. They had a picnic _(在顶部) of the hill.6. Last month they _(采取行动) to prevent water pollution.7. Insects are fairly low on _(食物链).8. One of his fingers was _(切掉) in the accident.9. _(的数量) trees has increased in the past few years.10. Helen _(不再) practices the piano. 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 张丽现在在图书馆看书。_2. 这条街道过去很脏。_3. 那个国家讲什么语言?_4. 我以前从来没有乘飞机旅行过。_5. 他七岁时就会弹吉他。_答案:. 1. cruel 2. laws 3. recycled 4. industry 5. afford 6. scientific. 1. transportation 2. sharks 3. reus



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