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《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习二 第16课时 九年级 units 5-6课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习二 第16课时 九年级 units 5-6课件 人教新目标版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第16课时 Units 56,Book 9,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,自 学 反 馈,writer,possibly,fnoisy,noisily,anxious,director,dishonest,photography,photographer,itself,tasty,owner,belong to,escape from,use up,a present for sb,in the sky,make a movie,without permission,in our neighborhood,call the police,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,be

2、careful of,at the appointment,on display/show,stay away from,be in agreement,be bad for,to be honest,remind sb of sth,make up,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,If you have any idea where it might be,Its crucial that I study for it,youre afraid of too much homework,called the police,anything strange,be running to,

3、第16讲Units 56,Book 9,must be,on,some great movies over the years,am having a great time,although I have to be honest and say that I prefer,stay away from sugar,I can dance to,you do too,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,词 汇 点 睛,1 belong to属于;归所有 点拨 (1)belong to后接名词或人称代词的宾格形式, 不能接名词性物主代词或名词所有格。

4、(2)belong to的主语常常是物, 没有进行时, 也不用于被动语态。 The house belongs to my father. 这所房子是属于我爸爸的。,重 点 突 破,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,中考典例,Diaoyu Islands _ China ever since ancient times. 2013潍坊 A belong to B belong in C belong under D belong with,A,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,2 prefer v更喜爱;更喜欢 点拨 prefer相当于“likebetter”,其过去式和过去分词均

5、为preferred, 现在分词为preferring, 其后可跟名词、动名词或不定式。 搭配 prefer sth to sth 比起某物更喜欢某物 prefer(not)to do sth 宁愿(不)做某事 prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事 prefer doing sth to doing sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,中考典例,我更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。 I _ music that _great 2012烟台,prefer,has,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,3 remind v提醒, 使记起 常考搭配 remi

6、nd sb of sth/that 提醒某人想起某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 The key reminds me of the mistakes I made before. 这把钥匙使我想起了我以前犯的错误。 The teacher reminded me to bring my homework here. 老师提醒我把作业带到这来。,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,中考典例,I like these photos and they can _ me _ the life living in the countryside. 2012兰州 A th

7、ink; of B remind; of C let; down D wake; up,B,解析,think of 中间不能加入宾语。remind sb of sth 意为“提醒某人某事”; let sb down 意为“使某人失望或沮丧”; wake sb up意为“唤醒某人”。根据句意可确定选B,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,4 expect v期待, 预料 常考搭配expect sb/sth 期待某人或某物 expect to do sth 期望或期待做某事 expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事 expect +(that)从句 期待或预计 I am expe

8、cting a letter.我在等一封信。 He expected to finish the work by March. 他预计三月份完成这项工作。 I expect you to be punctual.我期待你能准时。 We expected that you would succeed. 我们预计你会成功的。,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,巧 辩 异 同,1 voice/noise/sound,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,2 drop/fall (1)表示“掉下, 落下”时,两者可互换。 An apple dropped/fell from the tree.

9、 一个苹果从树上掉下来了。 (2)表示无意或故意“扔下”某物用drop。 The Class 2 runner dropped his stick on the ground. 二班的运动员把接力棒掉在了地上。 (3)在表示气温、价格“下降”时, drop和fall可通用。 The price of tomatoes has dropped/fallen by five cents. 西红柿的价格已经降了五分钱。 (4)fall可用作连系动词, 意为“变得”, 后常接形容词asleep, ill等作表语。 She fell ill as soon as she got to London. 她

10、一到伦敦就生病了。,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,1 There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? 一定有什么东西在拜访我们这个居民区的人家, 但是它是什么呢? 句型 “There is/are 名词(人或物)动词ingsth 地点”表示“某处有某人(物)正在做某事”。 “There must/may be 名词(人或物)动词ingsth 地点”表示“某处肯定/可能有某人(物)正在做某事”。 注意:动词ing形式用作后置定语, 修饰前面的主语, 相当于一个定语从句。 Th

11、ere must be no students studying in the classroom now.There must be no students who are studying in the classroom now. 现在一定没有学生在教室里学习。,句 型 透 视,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,2 You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. 你是无法唤醒假装睡觉的人的。 句型 pretend to do sth 表示“假装做某事”; “pretend that从句”表示“假装”。 He preten

12、ded that he was sick. He pretended to be sick. 他假装生病。,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,3 Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. 一定要去利都画廊看这个展览啊! 句型 (1)be sure to do sth 意为“一定/肯定做某事”。它用于祈使句时, 意为“务必,一定要”。 Its sure to rain tomorrow. 明天肯定会下雨。 (2)“be surethat从句”意为“认为一定会”, 主语必须是人, 连词that可以省略。 “Im not sure

13、whether/where/when/who从句”意为“我不能确定是否/哪里/何时/谁”。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 (3)“be sure of/about 名词/代词/动名词” 意为“确信, 对有把握”, 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断, 主语必须是人。,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,比较: He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 拓展 mak

14、e sure to do sth意为“务必/确保做某事”;“make sure that从句”意为“确定/务必”, that可省略。 He told me to make sure to telephone him at three oclock. 他告诉我务必三点钟给他打电话。 Make sure(that)you get there in time. 你一定要及时到达那里。 提醒: sure的近义词是certain,二者都有“确定、有把握”的意思。但certain 指有确定的事实依据,语气比sure更强,主语是人或物;sure指主观上对某人或物很相信、确定,主语只能是人。,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,中考典例,There arent many tickets left for concert, youd better _ that you get one 2013青岛 A make sure of B make a decision C make sure D make plans,C,第16讲Units 56,Book 9,



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