2018春五年级英语下册 unit 2 in beijing lesson 10《the great wall》课件2 (新版)冀教版(三起)

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2018春五年级英语下册 unit 2 in beijing lesson 10《the great wall》课件2 (新版)冀教版(三起)_第1页
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《2018春五年级英语下册 unit 2 in beijing lesson 10《the great wall》课件2 (新版)冀教版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春五年级英语下册 unit 2 in beijing lesson 10《the great wall》课件2 (新版)冀教版(三起)(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、预习目标,1.找出不会读的词及不能理解的句子。 2.熟读自己喜欢的一部分。 3.在小组内进行读、翻译课文(可分角色,也可每人一句读和翻译.) 4.自己试着完成part3,取得星星的办法: 帮我解决课堂上出现的问题,本节课结束后,来比比哪位同学个人得到的最多。哪组相加得到最多。,Lets sing a song!,Lets -a picture , you and me. Look at the camera , 1.2.-. Lets take a -,you and me. Look at the camera , - cheese! Okay, okay. This time, lets

2、make a funny face. Ready? Lets - 1.2.3 You and me. Say cheese!,Lets sing a song!,Lets - take a picture , you and me. Look at the camera , 1.2.3. Lets take a -picture,you and me. Look at the camera , -say cheese! Okay, okay. This time, lets make a funny face. Ready? Lets -take a picture, 1.2.3 You an

3、d me. Say cheese!,Tiananmen Square,Birds Nest 鸟巢,Water Cube 水立方,Summer Palace 颐和园,Beihai Park 北海公园,Li Ming ,Danny ,Jenny and Mrs.Li arrive in .,Beijing,They go to ,Tiananmen Square,Then they go to ,The Palace Museum,Today they will go to.,. the Great Wall,He who doesnt go to the Great Wall is not a

4、true man .”,1.Where are they?,On the Great Wall,2.How do Li Ming and Jenny feel?,Happy.,3.How does Danny feel?,Sad,There are too many and ,cars,buses,Danny sees a ,he says “.”. but Jenny says “., ,Dont ”,restaurant,I am hungry,No, stop,.go,Look at Danny ,now he is . The man says “.”,afraid,I can hel

5、p you.,Game:I say ,you do.,Rules : 小组活动,一人猜词,本组其他同学可做动作也可用英语描述,描述过程中不能出现所猜词汇,否则无效。,一分钟内猜词最多为胜。台下其他同学做记录并判断正误。上台的最终胜利者会得到魔法棒,并有权在下个教学环节中选择不参与,但是只能使用一次。词汇范围主要是本课单词,准备时间2分钟。只需要两组同学,请积极表现吧!,Time :3 minutes,Read Part1 and Park2 .Ask and answer.,They take a bus/By bus.,1.How do they go to the Great Wall?,

6、2.How old is the Great Wall?,2000 years old.,3.How long is the Great Wall?,6000 kilometres.,4.How does Danny feel on the way back?,Yes, he is.,5.Is Danny afraid of the cars and buses ?,He feels tired and hungry.,Time:3 minutes,Work in your group,Act out Part 1 and read Part 2 together.,Summing up,On

7、 the way back to the hotel ,Danny feels ,he sees a ,he runs to the restaurant , but Jenny says “No, ,Dont ” Because there are too many cars and buses .,Today Jenny ,Danny and LiMing go to . I know it is years old ,it is about kilometres.,.,. the Great Wall,2000,6000,tired and hungry,restaurant,stop,go,评价,自我评价 预习情况: 个人展示: 小组合作: 练习巩固: 整体评价:,小组评价 成员: 短文朗读: 小组合作中的表现: 整体评价:,Read the words and Work in your group,Time :2 minutes,


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