2011年高考英语 考前回扣提纲-6 新人教版

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1、2011年英语科高考考前回扣提纲(写作部分)第6天写作I不规则动词变化: bring (brought, brought), build (built, built ), buy ( bought, bought), catch ( caught, caught ), choose ( chose, chosen ), come ( came, come), cost (cost, cost), cut (cut, cut ), deal (dealt, dealt ), dig (dug, dug ), draw (drew, drawn), drive (drove, driven), d

2、rink (drank, drunk), eat (ate, eaten ), fall (fell, fallen ), feed (fed, fed ), feel (felt, felt ), fight (fought, fought ), find (found, found ), forbid (forbade, forbidden), forget (forgot, forgotten), forgive (forgave, forgiven), get (got, got), give (gave, given), go (went, gone), grow (grew, gr

3、own), hear (heard, heard), hit (hit, hit ), hold (held, held ), hurt (hurt, hurt ), keep (kept, kept), know (knew, known), lay (laid, laid), lead (led, led), leave (left, left), lend (lent, lent),lie (lay, lain ), lie (lied, lied), lose (lost, lost), make (made, made), mean (meant, meant),meet (met,

4、 met), mistake (mistook, mistaken), pay (paid, paid), put (put, put), read (read, read ), ring (rang, rung ), rise (rose, risen ), run (ran, run ), say (said, said ), see (saw, seen), sell (sold, sold ), send (sent, sent ), shake (shook, shaken ), set (set, set ), shine (shone, shone), shoot( shot,

5、shot), show (showed, shown ), shut (shut, shut), sing (sang, sung ),sink (sank, sunk )sit (sat, sat), sleep (slept, slept), smell (smelt, smelt ), speak (spoke, spoken), spell (spelt, spelt), spend (spent, spent ), stand (stood, stood), steal (stole, stolen), swim (swam, swum), take (took, taken), t

6、each (taught, taught),tear (tore, torn),tell (told, told ), think (thought, thought),throw (threw, thrown),understand (understood, understood), wake (woke, woken), wear (wore, worn), win (won, won),write (wrote, written), (3)不规则名词复数变化: child,(children), Englishman (Englishmen), Frenchman (Frenchmen)

7、,foot (feet ), knife (knives), leaf (leaves), life (lives),man (men),mouse (mice),ox (oxen), policeman (policemen), sheep (sheep), thief (thieves), tooth (teeth),woman (women), (4)代词: I, my, me, mine, myself We, our, us, ours, ourselves you, your, you, yours, yourself, yourselves, 你你们 he, his, him,

8、his, himself, she, her, her, hers, herself, they, their, them, theirs, themselves 他们她们II高考写作词汇和句型总结六、校园文明、学校生活存在问题:不尊重老师家长,学习散漫,考试作弊,乱扔垃圾,污染环境show respect for/ cheat in the exam,get down tobury oneself inconcentrate ones energy on ones studybe concerned about ones studyfail to put ones heart into on

9、es studywithout the awareness thatunconscious of what they do,pollute the environment,do sthharmful to our environment,throw away rubbish at random对荣辱观的认识:以遵纪守法、关心集体,勤奋学习为荣,以违反校规,自私自利,不思进取为耻consider sth as honorable behavior to obey laws and discipline concern about Our class,study diligently。it is

10、honorable tocare more for otherson the other hand,be ashamed if think only of oneself,it should be considered shameful toshow no ambition to make progress,keep it in mind that breaking school rules,being selfish and having no pursuit are shameful, 将认识落实在行动中的打算:尊敬师长,努力学习,保护环境 make it a rule to be pol

11、ite to,care more about others than ourselves, spare no effort to achieve our goals,hold the belief, do something to prevent our living environment from being polluted, Its of vital importance be put into quick action Our school may become a marvelous worldIII.范文背诵 (1) 近日,你班在“知荣知耻”教育活动中,开展了一次关于学生荣辱观的

12、主题班会,请你根据下表中的内容,用英语写一篇发言稿,给校报“八荣八耻大家谈”栏目投稿。l.不尊重老师、家长等。 存在的问题2学习散漫、考试作弊等。乱扔垃圾,污染环境等。6 将认识落实在行动中的打算7 (内容由考生自己拟定)8 注意:1词数,120-150,发言稿的开头已经为你写好,不计人总词数。 2内容可适当发挥,注意行文逻辑。 One possible versionRecently we have held a class meeting to discuss what is considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful.

13、 To be frank, some students dont respect their teachers or parents. Some dont take their studies seriously and cheat in exams. Still some throw rubbish around, making the school dirty. It is really a pity to see all these in our school. We think it honorable to obey the law and rules and care much a

14、bout our class. It is also worthy of praise to study hard. On the other hand, it is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to make little effort to achieve success. To improve the present situation, what shall we do in future? Firstly set ourselves a goal and work hard to achieve our ambit

15、ions. Secondly respect others and think more of them than of ourselves. In addition, we should try hard to keep the environment clean.(2)某英语报向中学生征集关于开展研究性学习的文章。请你根据提示,用英语写一篇介绍你校研究性学习活动的短文。研究主题丰富多彩,选择性强,如当地的风俗习惯、人民生活变化、环境保护等。你们小组的研究课题1.你家乡河流的污染问题;2. 三大污染源:工厂废水、生活 污水、农民使用的农药;3.建议。感想与体会注意:1.开头语已给出,不计入总词数; 2.可根据内容要点适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译; 3.词数120150。 参考词汇:agricultural chemicals农药One possible version Nowadays we are required to do research work apart from the lessons we learn in school. We are very interested in this kind of activity.Nowadays we are required to do research work


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