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1、武汉市部分重点中学2011-2012学年度下学期期中联考高一试卷一 单项选择。21. The pictures show many small, round tumors(肿瘤) inside the patient, which are _of a kind of cancer.A. signs B. signals C. Symbols D. marks22. There wasnt enough water to_ the ship, so the sailors had to ask for help.A. support B. hold C. RaiseD. float23. Hav

2、ing these types of coffee regularly will increase chances of your becoming overweight, and_ increases your risks of developing some diseases.A. in generalB. in return C. in total D. in turn 24. The place which_ the charming scenery with the comfortable hot spring bath makes travelers stay there most

3、 enjoyable.A. mixes B. combines C. unites D. connects25. The high-rise building _a lot of sunlight and my house is always cold in winter.A. cuts downB. breaks outC. blocks outD. turns up26. With the Internet widely used, a(an)_change has taken place in the way people communicate with one another.A.

4、approximateB. IndependentC. AgriculturalD. fundamental27. Lisa found a piece of wet cloth and_ wiped the dust off the necklace, which was a present from her mother.A. slightly B. gently C. carelessly D. rudely28. Travel is always exciting. However, the trouble of getting a train ticket and the_ chan

5、ces of getting one are depressing enough to overcome all the joy of the holiday.A. slim B. high C. light D good29. A study showed Britons (英国人)excitement levels are highest when they spot a bargain in the shop. For women, the offer of a pair of shoes or a holiday with friends couldnt match the excit

6、ement of getting a (an) _.A. account B. discount C. awardD. harvest30. So far NASA has found 16, 000 pieces of junk that arc larger than 10cm in diameter (直径) andmore than 500, 000 pieces which_ between I cm and 10cm.A. measure B. wander C. gatherD. border 二 完型填空。You know, these cups bring to _31_a

7、tea quote I heard. Marys aunt said.She poured tea. There were four of them and there were four totally _32_ cups on the table.They grabbed their tea cups.What quote? Mary asked.Well, maybe I should rather say it is a story, aunt said, l heard there was this_33_teacherwho took all his students for te

8、a. They were34 _that all the cups on the table were different. They all took a cup and started_35 _their tea, each looking at the _36_of others. The teacher let them do that for a while and then said: Do you 37 your behavior? You are all looking at each others tea cup and I can 38 some of you with t

9、he chipped (残缺) ones are even envious(羡慕的)of the 39 cups of others. Is this not so?The students 40 . amused (逗笑) by their own behavior.You may have wondered why you all had different cups, but I put them here _41_. You seethey represent life itself, 42 is like that tea-and the cups are like the phys

10、ical circumstances(状况) of your life. You all got the 43 thing in your cups-tea. And yet you 44 not trulyenjoy it in your envy of anothers cup. Its just the same with life. You 45 to enjoy your own lifewhen you concentrate on(专注)envying the 46 of someone elses life.So now, close your eyes, and 47 you

11、r own tea. Really taste it. And tell me-did it matter(重要,有关系)from which cup it came from?Aunt 48 telling her short tea story and they all sat 49 for a while, savoring(品尝)their tea. A sleepy fly buzzed (嗡嗡作响)past, a bird sang in the tree. And it really did not 50 one bit from which tea cup they drank

12、.31. A. memoryB. mindC. earD. brain32. A. the sameB. newC. differentD. old33. A. gentleB. rudeC. energeticD. wise34. A. SurprisedB. pleasedC. excitedD. disappointed35. A. enjoying B. Pouring C. drinkingD. exchanging36. A. eyesB. teaC. facesD. cups37. A. appreciateB. noticeC. mindD. understand38. A.

13、sayB. guessC. seeD. watch39. A. newerB. finerC. olderD. bigger40. A. agreedB. laughedC. doubtedD. bowed41. A. by accidentB. as usualC. on purposeD. advance42 A. everythingB. lifeC. everybodyD. happiness43. A. bestB. sameC. commonD. worst44. A. mayB. canC mustD. dare45. A. preferB. longC. forgerD. ex

14、pect46. A. experiencesB. storiesC. stylesD. circumstance47. A. tasteB. drinkC. imagineD. smell48. A. keptB. avoidedC. finishedD. escaped49. A. in reliefB. in the daytimeC. in the darkD. in silence50. A. careB. tellC. thinkD. matter第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题20分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,

15、并在答案卡上将该项涂黑。 ADo you like my dress? she asked a passing stranger. My mommy made it just for me. She said with tears in her eyes.I think if s very pretty, but why are you crying?With a quiver (颤抖)in her voice the girl answered Alter Mommy made me this dress she had to go to the heaven (天堂).Finally the woman realized what the child meant. S


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