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1、Unit One,Advertising,E-mail: ,Introduction,In our daily life, we meet various kinds of advertisements every day. They have become an important part of our lives and economy. Its difficult to say whether ads play good or bad roles in our lives.,Text,Exercises,Related Technical Terms,Grammar,1 Adverti

2、sing is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service, an idea, or an event. The information is transmitted by means of the printed word or over the air. It may be presented as a simple statement of fact, or as is more frequently the case, it may be offe

3、red in colorful or even emotional language. All advertising is intended to stimulate people to do some specific thing, such as buy a product, order a service, join an organization, attend a meeting, or think sympathetically about a situation. Each advertisement is paid for by a person, a group, an o

4、rganization, or a business enterprise seeking to advance his or its goals.,Text,2 In a modern society, everyone uses advertising in one way or another. A person may obtain a job by answering a classified ad. He may decide to join an organization whose advertisements express ideas that appeal to him.

5、 In choosing food, products and other items of daily living, he is usually guided or influenced by advertising. Advertisements may also influence his choice of a vacation spot, restaurant, or recreational activity.,Text,3 Product advertising is closely related to selling and, in most cases, is part

6、of an overall selling program. Such advertisements are intended to make people familiar with products and eager to buy them. This type of advertising is an indirect selling tool, because the actual selling job is done later in a retail store or by a salesman who calls on the buyer. However, advertis

7、ements are also used for direct selling. Mail-order advertisements are intended to do the complete selling job without the help of salesmen. Almost all product advertising is a profit-seeking business operation.,Text,4 Many services, such as television repair or a course in dancing, are also adverti

8、sed for profit-making purposes. On the other hand, organizations and governmental agencies devoted to public welfare advertise certain services with no thought of profit. The advertising of free chest X rays and polio shots are examples of such non-profit advertising.,Text,5 Ideas are advertised for

9、 a variety of reasons. A large corporation may sponsor ads that give information about scientific ideas on which it is doing research. The intention is to build up a favorable image of the corporation so that customers will have confidence in its products. Idea advertising is frequently used during

10、a labor strike. Both the company and the union may try to gain public support by presenting their sides of the dispute. In idea advertising, the question of profit may be involved only indirectly.,Text,6 Events may be advertised for either profit or nonprofit purposes. For example, public museums an

11、d privately owned art galleries both advertise forthcoming exhibits of paintings and sculpture. Sports events and other types of recreational activities are advertised regularly for the purpose of attracting an admission-paying audience. 7 Every business seeks a sound program for attracting customer

12、s. In practically every such program some form of advertising is used. The type of advertising selected and the amount of money devoted to it depend on the nature of each individual business.,Text,8 Small retail stores, for instance, get their customers from their immediate neighborhoods. In such ca

13、ses, advertising may be limited to the use of window banners that inform people passing by of special sale prices on desirable merchandise. Handbills listing merchandise and prices may be distributed, and small advertisements may be inserted in local newspapers.,Text,9 A department store in a large

14、city has a more complicated problem. It has to draw its customers from areas far beyond walking distance of its location. A much more aggressive advertising program is therefore necessary. Department stores use a combination of advertising methods. They run advertisements in newspapers and other per

15、iodicals, mail brochures and catalogues to potential customers, and insert special advertisements in monthly statements to charge-account customers. Many department stores also advertise on the radio and television.,Text,10 A manufacturer does not usually deal directly with the people who use his pr

16、oducts. He sells his products to them indirectly through retail outlets. Therefore his selling problem has two aspects: He must convince storekeepers that it will be profitable for them to stock the things he manufactures, and he must induce thousands or millions of unseen people to buy his products from storekeepers in various places. This kind of selling calls for both trade advertising and consumer advertising. The manufacturer places advertisements in trade magazines that are r



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