云南省仁爱版七年级下册英语导学案:unit 6 topic 3 how can i get to the library section b

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1、Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 3 How can I get to the library?Section B编写人:刘长敏审核:谢佐晶一、学习目标 1熟悉一些交通标志和交通设施 2.在Section A的基础上学会运用另外两种句型问路 3.在Section A的基础上学会利用交通标志和交通设施指路 来源:学优高考网gkstk二、重点难点 1.掌握词汇:until, kilometer, should, change, stop, sidewalk, public, light, crosswalk, danger 2.掌握句子:(1)Excuse me, could

2、you tell me the way to the Dinghao Building? Go along this road until you get to Beisihuan Road. Turn left and walk on. Youll see it on your left. (2)Excuse me, where is Beitai Road? Its about 15 kilometers away from here. First, you need to take Bus No.718. Then you should change to the No.108 bus

3、at Liyuan Stop. (3)Sorry, I dont know. Thank you all the same.(4)How far is it from here? Its about ten kilometers away from here. 来源:gkstk.Com 三、自学质疑 1.自主阅读1a对话,找出并翻译下列字词 turn left_ _ no right turn_ 来源:学优高考网no left turn _ turn right_ go straight No parking_ crosswalk_ traffic lights_ 2.根据汉语提示用适当形式填

4、空(1)Go along the road (直到) you reach the end. (2)He doesnt come (直到)eight oclock.(短暂动作要用否定) (3)Then you should _ (换乘)the No.108 bus. (4)Its about 15 kilometers away from here.(变特殊疑问句) _ _ is it from here?3.完成2a对话内容。四、合作探究 1.四人一组,探究2b,探讨交通规则。2.合作学习3部分的交通标志的英语表达。3.除了SectionA所学的问路句型,本课你还学了哪些问路的句型呢? 五、当

5、堂检测 (1) 根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。1. If you get up late, youll_ (错过)the early bus. 2. How far is it from Beijing to your hometown(家乡)? Its about 600 _ (千米). 3. I will stay at home _ (直到)the rain(雨) stops. 来源:学优高考网gkstk4. Nothing(没什么) can _ (改变)Mr. Wangs idea. 5. That sign means _ (危险). Dont go there! 6.你能告诉我去公园怎么走吗? 来源:gkstk.Com Can you tell me _ _ _ _ the park? 7.那家书店离我家不远。 The bookstore _ _ _ _ my home.


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