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1、二级下册重点U1U8Unit 1 Going to different places词汇forest森林jungle丛林plant植物island岛屿mountain大山waterfall瀑布village村庄field田地bank银行 library图书馆cinema电影院supermarket超市hospital医院park公园surround周围river河流lake湖homeless无家可归的countryside乡下surprise惊奇come back返回 long holiday长假期 play in the park在公园玩 clim the great wall爬长城 go

2、to the zoo去动物园 ride a horse骑马visit tianan men参观天安门 see a film看电影 buy some toys买很多玩具 swim in the lake在湖里游泳many poor people很多穷人stay there待在那里 vey hard很艰辛 start up启动,创办 hungry people饥饿的人set out出发a very famous person一个著名的人last summer去年夏天take a trip去旅游slow down减速at the foot of the mountain山脚下run away ahe

3、ad of远远地跑在、前press on 奋力向前promise to do承诺干某事 go back on my word收回自己的话 try to do尽力做某事ask my dad for help向爸爸求助 the rest of the way剩余的路程be pround of 以某人为荣keep an eye on sb.密切关注某人句型Where would you like to go in the holiday? Id like to go to the countryside.Where did you go on the holidays? I went to many

4、 places.Unit 2 Whats the weather like today?词汇windy刮风的sunny晴朗的rainy下雨的snowy下雪的cloudy多云的rainbow彩虹wet湿的snowflake雪花 sunset日落weather天气high高low低have to不得不work out计算stay at home待在家 on the beach在沙滩上 enjoy the beautiful weather享受美好的天气fall asleep睡着 water the flower浇花 play soccer 踢足球 play with sand玩沙子differen

5、t place不同地方favourite animals最喜欢的动物hear the birds singing听小鸟唱歌smell the flowers闻花ride slowly慢慢骑go back home回家gets dark (天)变黑 句型Whats the weather like today? Its sunny.What was the weather like yesterday? It was sunny. I like sunny days because I can do many things outside.I dont like rainy days becau

6、se its wet outside.Unit 3 Lets play doctors词汇earache耳朵疼 headache头疼 toothache牙疼 stomachache胃疼 cough咳嗽doctor医生temperature发烧bandage绷带knee膝盖nurse护士granddaughter孙女although虽然dentist牙医wide宽阔的clown小丑first 首先、第一sweet food甜食 pull out拔掉a bad tooth一颗坏牙 in two days两天后 a glass of cold milk一杯冷牛奶 all night整晚some me

7、dicine一些药 stay in bed for a day or two呆在床上一两天 drink water喝点水fell out掉下来 pick up 捡起 a big hug 一个大拥抱 make sb. feel better使某人感觉好点 read sb a story给某人讲故事 hear sounds听见声音 the biggest/smallest 最大的/最小的 get a brush 拿一把牙刷clean you teech刷牙 the tooth cleaner牙齿清洁者 the last 最后句型Whats the matter with you? Ive got

8、an earache. it doesnt matter. Have you got a toothache? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.Has he got a toothache? Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.语法点 一般过去时 看病的基本用语Unit 4 I can see with my eyes.词汇brush刷 hear听见 smell闻taste尝touch触摸 see看见feel 觉得、感觉speak说、讲different不同的special,特别的similar类似 move移动 without没有 scissors

9、剪刀 stone石头mask面具 stem茎roots根 leaves叶 flower 花 colourful 多彩的 (第八部分的身体部位单词) each part of our body 我们身体的每一部分do a different thing 做不同的事情 get things拿东西 below the ground在地底下in many different ways用很多不同的方式 next to在旁边 point out 指出句型I can clean the elephant with a brush? I can smell the flowers with my nose.U

10、nit 5 Simon Paul lives in the country.词汇/短语weekend周末either也 nowhere没有地方 everywhere每个地方 anywhere某些地方 never从不lovely可爱的 always一直 over在上 change改变 soft 柔软的get ready for准备 too many 太多 get in 进去 have to 不得不play outside在外面玩near a lake湖边 next to supermarket 在超市旁边 tall buildings高楼大厦go fishing去钓鱼 work in the f

11、ield在田里工作 a large area of water一大片水域 surrounded by land被包围 sleep on the grass睡在草坪上 listen to birds singing听鸟唱歌 visit a zoo参观动物园 play sports game做体育运动 go to the park去动物园see a film看电影 have a picnic野餐visit friends访问朋友pass by经过meet lots of people 看见许多人smell the flowrs闻花香see farm animals看农场动物go to the su

12、permarket/library去超市/图书馆 by heart 用心breathe clean air呼吸清新空气 went to bed 上床睡觉make a new song 编一首新歌句型 Where do you like living? I like living in the city. What can you do in the city?语法点 visit sb. remember sb. to sb. have to. Unit 6 Id like a glass of water词/短语dialogues对话 nothing没有东西a pair of sports s

13、hoes 一双运动鞋have a cup of tea 喝茶a kilo of lemons一公斤柠檬 a cup of tea/coffee一杯茶/咖啡 a glass of water 一杯水 a bottle of juice/lemonade 一杯果汁/柠檬汁 a bowl of soup一碗鸡汤chicken soup鸡汤a bag of popcorn一包爆米花 a box of toys一箱玩具 turn on打开at a moment立刻马上right away马上 go to sleep去睡觉 go for a ride兜风 inside his room在他的房间里 lis

14、tened carefully仔细听 a slip of paper一张纸条 句型 What would you like, Sir? Id like a glass of water. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, I would. / No, thank you.语法点 买东西用语Unit 7 Ive got to goand see!wall墙gift礼物elevator电梯 count数 interesting有趣的 exciting激动人心的invited邀请 floor楼梯 buckle扣 knock敲upstairs楼上downstairs楼

15、really真正的、真实的yard院子around周围 clever聪明 put on穿上 take off脱下 a short play一个小短剧have an interething class上一堂有趣的课 apantment building 公寓楼 句型 How long was the show? It was two hours. Was it interesting and exciting? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt. How was the show/act? It was interesting.语法点 have got toUnit 8 Who is the first?词汇 1/20的序数词 strange 奇怪的awake直到coin硬币 greet打招呼 tie 系co


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