江苏省高邮市车逻镇初级中学牛津译林版九年级上册:Unit 3 Teenage problems第四课时 导学案(无答案).doc

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江苏省高邮市车逻镇初级中学牛津译林版九年级上册:Unit 3 Teenage problems第四课时 导学案(无答案).doc_第1页
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江苏省高邮市车逻镇初级中学牛津译林版九年级上册:Unit 3 Teenage problems第四课时 导学案(无答案).doc_第2页
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《江苏省高邮市车逻镇初级中学牛津译林版九年级上册:Unit 3 Teenage problems第四课时 导学案(无答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省高邮市车逻镇初级中学牛津译林版九年级上册:Unit 3 Teenage problems第四课时 导学案(无答案).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、9A Unit 3 Teenage problems Grammar(导学案)学习目标:1.学会运用连接代词和连接副词引导宾语从句; 2.能够正确地向别人提出建议。学习重难点:正确地连接宾语从句和提出建议Pre-task(自主学习):将下列短语翻译成英语。 来源:学优高考网gkstk1.对某人严格要求_ 2.处理这个问题_3.需要安静 _ 4.与某人分享我的烦恼_5.得低分 _ 6.很难表达我自己_ 7.在课堂上感到累_ 8.少吃多锻炼_9.根据你有的时间_10.去看电影_Post-task(当堂反馈):一、选择适当的连接代词或副词完成下列句子:that what which who when

2、 where how ifwhether 1.Excuse me. Could you tell me _ I can get to the nearest post office.2.Our teacher told us _ the sun rises in the east.3.The boy is crying because he doesnt know _ his parents are.4.Im not sure _ well have the sports meeting . Maybe next week.5.Can you advise me _ to buy for my

3、 cousins birthday?来源:学优高考网来源:gkstk.Com6.Ihear someone knocking at the door.Go and see _ it is.7.Do you know _ film theyre talking about?8.Tom wonders _ Daniel has been to living in England.二、根据句意写出下列单词:1.Your _ (suggest) are of great value to me .2.Kitty was _(happy)because he didnt get a good mark

4、in the exam.3.We must make sure that things are done _(correct)4.There is a general _(agree)that copyright is a good idea.5.Why not _(play)basketball with us?6.Idream of _(have)a big dinner without any money.7.What about_(choose)your own hobbies?8.Ithink its the most _(value)books.9.She has no choic

5、e but_(finish) the work by herself.10.She didnt fall asleep.She was still _(wake).来源:学优高考网gkstk课后拓展:一、翻译下列句子:1. 谁知道现在正上映什么电影? 2. 我们不确定我该使用哪种方法解决这个问题。 3. 你最好让你父母知道在学习时你需要安静。 4. 你为什么不与别人分享你的烦恼呢? 5. 我不知道我该去向谁求助。 6. 我不明白我的爸爸为什么对我要求如此严格。 7. 你能告诉我怎样才能够迅速提高我的英语水平吗? 8. 我难以想象没有爱好的生活会是什么样子。 9. 谁能够告诉我在哪里能够买到一本

6、好字典? 10. 我除了自己动手别无选择。 二、根据首字母提示和文章内容填词:Simon was born in a rich family .He liked all kinds of food which were r_ in fat and sugar.So he got fatter and fatter. His classmates often l_ at him for that .He got angry with them and couldnt get along w_ with them. So he had f_ friends .His weight also bro

7、ught him a_ trouble.He felt tired from time to time and couldnt walk for long .S_ he went to see a doctor.The doctor gave him a list of healthy diets and a_ him to lose weight.Of course ,it was d_ for him to do so .For example,one day,it was his birthday He went to a restaurant .He ordered a nice birthday cake.The waiter asked him how many pieces he wanted her to cut it i_ He thought for a while and said,“Im losing weight.The doctor t_ me not to eat sugar too often. Please cut it in half,not into five.”来源:gkstk.Com


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