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1、江苏省东台市实验中学教育集团8A Unit 5 单元测试一、听力(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)A听对话,选择正确答案,听两遍( )1. What animal was born in the zoo last week?A. A bear. B. A zebra. C. A giraffe.( )2. When will the dolphin show begin?A. At 10:00. B. At 10:10. C. At 9:50.( )3. What would the man like to keep as a pet?A. A dog. B. A parrot. C. A sn

2、ake.( )4. How long does it take a baby panda to drink its mothers milk in a day?A. 14 hours. B. 4 hours. C. 12 hours.( )5. What do they have in their house now?A. A cat. B. A mouse. C. The moice.B听短文,选择正确答案,听两遍( )6. is the year of the horse.A. 2012 B. 2013 C.2014( )7. In this story, the horse is a f

3、riend to its master.A. strong B. true C. hard-working( )8. The horse was when people found its masters body.A. drinking water B. standing beside the body C. running very fast( )9. Why didnt the horse go back?A. It wanted to stop the birds. B. It lost its way. C. It hurt itself.( )10. The story might

4、 take place in .A. summer B. autumn C. winter二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)( )1.My mother says we wont go on a trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. A. Never mind. B. Enjoy yourselves! C. What a pity! D. Dont worry about it.( )2. the 1990s, Deng Lijun was the most famous singer.A. Across B. Cross C. Through D. Pass

5、ing( )3. Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? .Whats in the fridge then? .A. Nothing; None B. None; Nothing C. None; None D. Nothing; Nothing( )4. Dolphins are clever. They can some easy maths problems.A. take out B. put out C. work out D. count out( )5. Wolves are in , because people think they ar

6、e to humans and they kill them.A. danger; danger B. dangerous ; danger C. dangerous ; dangerous D.danger; damgerous( )6. Why are the monkeys jumping around?They with each other.A. may be B. may play C. maybe are playing D. may be playing( )7. young people live in the village because they can find go

7、od jobs in the city.A. Less and less B. More and more C. smaller and smaller D. Fewer and fewer( )8. If you free this weekend, we the zoo.A. are; will go B. will be; will go C. are; go D. will be; go( )9. Xiwang only 100 grams .A. weighed; at birth B. weighed; when it is bornC. weighted; at birth D.

8、 weighted; when it was born( )10. I like reading very much because reading can bring me .A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. unhappy( )11. is not right for the farmers the wild animals.A. This; hunt B. That; hunts C. It; to hunt D. It; hunting( )12. After we came into the house, we found him lying o

9、n the ground with his mouth and eyes .A. open; close B. opened; closed C. opened; close D. open; closed( )13. When does a lion begin to eat meat?Im not sure. Maybe a few months old.A. at B. for C. in D. on( )14. He stopped looking after the homeless animals his bad health.A. instead of B. because of

10、 C. because D. instead( )15. Many Americans are very sad because Hillary Clinton fail the next president of the USA.A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Birds can see colours, just as people do. Colours are wonderful because they can help birds see all kinds of things in

11、 the world. Birds need to see colours because when they fly, they need to find places to land. Colours helps them know _1_ the place is and what it is like so that they can catch flying things in the air of land on something they think safe. Birds can “tell” the differences between colours. But for

12、some_2_ animals, such as the dogs, the world looks like a black and white photo. Wolves look for food mainly by _3_. They can hear_4_ when the animals they hunt move. But other animals seem to know this. For example, a rabbit will stop moving when it finds there is something_5_. Then the wolves _6_

13、not find it at all. However, birds are better than wolves in these ways, they can see dead insects from far away. Some birds eyesight is _7_ than peoples. They can see small insects_8_ they fly in the sky. Because they are able to_9_ colours, they can find food easily and_10_ if(是否) there are other

14、animals that are dangerous to them.( )1.A. how soon B. how far C. how long D. how fast( )2.A. other B. another C. others D. the other( )3. A. shouting B. listening C. eating D. moving( )4.A. slow B. slowly C. clear D. clearly( )5.A. dangerous B. safe C. slow D. fast( )6. A. should B. must C. may D.

15、need( )7.A. bigger B. smaller C. worse D. better( )8.A. when B. till C. where D. how( )9.A. paint B. see C. read D. watch( )10.A. find B. find out C. look D. look for四、阅读理解A阅读短文,选择最佳答案(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)Animals have the ability to make people understand them, especially(尤其) when they are in serious danger and hope to get help from man. And they often go together to help one another.One day, I visited my friend Jack on a sheep farm in North America. Suddenly one sheep came to cry in front of us. She made the most painful(痛苦的 ) cries. Jack said, “Something



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