初中英语(外研九年级下)(课件):module 6.3

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《初中英语(外研九年级下)(课件):module 6.3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语(外研九年级下)(课件):module 6.3(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Language in use,1.You may find it difficult to use chopsticks if you havent tried before.(教材P54)如果你以前没用过的话,你可能觉得用筷子很难。 解读 find it difficult to use.意为“发现使用很难”。句型:sb.find(s) it+adj.+to do sth.“某人发现做某事是的”。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。 The tourists found it hard to move on in such a heavy snow. 游客们发现在如

2、此大的雪中前行很难。 拓展类似用法的词还有:think,make等。 I think it not right to joke about ones looks in some short sketches. 我认为在一些小品中以某人的相貌开玩笑是不合适的。 Later,developments in printing made it possible to produce books quickly and cheaply. 后来,印刷术的发展使快速、廉价地制作书籍成为可能。,2.People give gifts to the sixteen-year-olds.(教材P55)人们给16岁

3、的青少年礼物。 解读 sixteen-year-olds是合成名词,相当于sixteen-year-old boys and girls。 Six-year-olds are old enough to go to school.六岁的孩子到了上学的年龄了。 拓展复合形容词在句中经常作定语,修饰名词。复合形容词的几种构成方法:,3.Everyone dresses up and looks beautiful.(教材P55)每个人都打扮得很漂亮。 解读 dress up意为“乔装打扮;穿上盛装”,为不及物动词短语。 Girls love dressing up.女孩们爱打扮。 拓展dress

4、sb.up为及物动词短语,意为“给某人穿衣打扮”。 On the Spring Festival,parents would dress their children up. 过春节时,父母们总是会把孩子们打扮得漂漂亮亮的。,易混辨析,被动语态 1.被动语态的用法 (1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 Some new computers were stolen last night. 昨晚一些新电脑被盗了。 (2)强调动作的承受者,而不是强调动作的执行者。 The homework must be handed in on time. 作业必须按时交上来。,(3)说话或发表意见时,为

5、了显得客观公正,也常用被动语态。常用句型: It is reported that thousands of people die from car accidents every year. 据报道每年有数千人死于车祸。 It is well-known that Tu Youyou is a famous scientist. 众所周知屠呦呦是位著名的科学家。,2.被动语态各时态的构成形式,The classroom is cleaned every day. 教室每天打扫。 The dumplings were made yesterday. 饺子是昨天包的。 A new hospita

6、l will be built next year. 明年将会修建一所新医院。 The work must be finished on time. 这项工作必须按时完成。,3.主动语态和被动语态之间的转换 (1)将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语; (2)谓语动词变为“be+及物动词的过去分词”,并通过be的变化来表现出不同的时态; (3)主动语态的主语变为介词by的宾语,组成介词短语放在被动结构中的谓语动词之后(有时by短语省略)。 He wrote the book last year. 他去年写的这本书。 The book was written by him last year. 这

7、本书是他去年写的。 注意:,A.短语动词是个不可分割的整体,变为被动语态时不可丢掉其后的介词或副词。 You should take good care of your books. Your books should be taken good care of. B.不定式符号to的省略和添加。 在主动句中,一些表示感官或使役意义的动词,如hear,see,make等后面的宾语补足语是动词不定式时,主动语态中要用不带to的动词不定式;但在变为被动语态时,不定式符号to应该加上。 We often hear her sing in the room. 我们经常听到她在房间里唱歌。 She is

8、 often heard to sing in the room. 她经常被我们听到在房间里唱歌。,4.主动形式表示被动意义的几种情况 (1)有些不及物动词与well,badly等副词连用,用以表示主语的品质或状态,如:sell,write,cook,wash等。 The books sell well.这些书很畅销。 (2)不定式在某些形容词之后,且与主语有动宾关系。 The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。 (3)“have/get+宾语+过去分词”意为“让某人做某事”,表达了一种被动意义。 Its easy to have your p

9、ocket picked in a crowd like this. 在这样的人群中你的口袋很容易被偷。 (4)need后用动词-ing形式表示被动意义。 The trees need watering.这些树需要浇水了。,(5)在look,sound,smell等系动词之后跟形容词作表语。 The flowers smell sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。,1 Complete the explanations of the signs. Answers:(1)is served (2)mustnt be taken (3)is open (4)arent allowed (5)doesn

10、t close 2 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets. Answers:(1)are served (2)is kept (3)are allowed (4)is improved (5)enjoy 3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. Answers:(1)picked up (2)eat (3)ordered (4)tasted (5)asked (6)we

11、re drinking (7)paid (8)called (9)put on 4 Complete the conversations with the sentences in the box. Answers:(1)f) (2)a) (3)b) (4)d) (5)c) (6)e),7 Read the email and answer the questions. Answers:(1)He is worried about what he should and shouldnt do as a guest in China. (2)Three courses. (3)Because its difficult to use chopsticks if you havent tried before. (4)For everyone to share. (5)Yes,it is.Because preparation of a big meal takes a long time and everything will look beautiful.,



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