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1、1.*.The American war of independent.*.Enlightenment.2 Part Four: this section is very brief (about political advocation) Part Three: discussing the Rise and Progress of Franklin Philosophical ReputationThe AutobiographyPart One: letters to his son Part Two: giving a more detailed account of his publ

2、ic library plan3Characters in the Autobiography Benjamin Franklin-The author and protagonist of the Autobiography; The Autobiography tells of the major events of his life and many of his important scientific and political ideas, but the work does not discuss the American Revolution, in which Frankli

3、n was a major participant. 4William Franklin-Benjamins son Ben begins the Autobiography as a letter to William with the intent of telling him about his life.5James Franklin-Franklin older brother who owns a printing house in Boston. He is passionate, and had often beaten Franklin. 6Part One: letters

4、 to his son The Autobiography opens with a salutation(问候、致意)to Ben Franklins son, Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life which he enjoyed and would like to repeat . He thanks God for allowing him to live a good life. 7Worked as an apprenticeBrother faced prisonIssue newsp

5、aper use Franklins nameFranklin wanted to leave Franklin arrived in New YorkPlan to go to AmboyArrived at Philadelphia8Why did Franklin write his Autobiography Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record

6、his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it9That good fortune when I reflected on it which is frequently the case has induced me sometimes to say that were it left to my choice ,I should have no objection to go over the same life from its beginning to the end, onl

7、y asking the advantage authors have of correcting in a second edition some faults of the first. So would I also wish to change some incidents of it for others more favourable. Notwithstanding, if this condition were denied, I should still accept the offer. 10当我回顾我一生中幸运的时候,我有时候不禁这样说:如果有人提议我重新做人的话,我倒乐

8、意把我的一生再从头重演一遍,我仅仅要求像作家那样,在再版时有改正初版某些缺陷的机会。如若可能,除了改正错误以外,我也同样地要把某些不幸的遭遇变得更顺利些。但是即使无法避免这些不幸的厄运,我还是愿意接受原议,重演生平。11And now I speak of thanking God, I desire with all humility to acknowledge that I own the mentioned happiness of my past life to his diving providence, which led me to the means I used and g

9、ave them success. My belief of this induces me to hope, though I must not presume that the same goodness will still be exercised towards me in continuing that happiness or in enabling me to bear a fatal reverse, which I may experience as other have donethe complexion of my future fortune being known

10、 to him only, and in whose power it is to bless to us even our afflictions.12自传既然我提到了上帝,我愿意十分谦恭地承认,上面提到的我过去一生中的幸福当归功于上帝仁慈的旨意,上帝使我找到了处世之道,并且使这些方法获得成功。这种信仰使我希望,虽然我不应该臆断,上帝在将来会像以前一样地祝福我,不论是使我继续享受幸福,或是使我忍受命中注定的逆运(像其他人一样,我也可能有这样的遭遇),因为我未来命运的轮廓只有上帝知道,上帝甚至能够通过苦难来祝福我们.13PuritanPuritan faction is not a strict sense, but rather an attitude, a tendency, which is a group of believers. Believes that every individual can communicate directly with God. They argue that everyone is equal before God.14



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