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1、1大酒店服务指南Service Guide of Grand Hotel总经理致辞General Manager Address尊敬的宾客:Dear guests:您好!欢迎您来到长白山观光、休闲、度假、探险下榻大酒店。Hello! Welcome to Changbai Mountain for sightseeing, relaxation, vacation, exploration.and choose to stay in grand hotel.大酒店位于长白山腹地的市浑江江畔,东临长白山满族文化博物馆,北临公园,是集餐饮、娱乐为一体的豪华酒店,这里环境优雅、交通便捷是商务、会议、

2、旅游、观光的理想下榻之处。 grand hotel is located in Hunjiang riverside of City, which is the hinterland of Changbai Mountain, with Changbai Mountain Manchu Culture Museum in the east and Park in the north. It is a deluxe hotel integrated catering with entertainment. The elegant environment and convenient traffi

3、c will provide you with an ideal accommodation for business, conference, traveling and sightseeing.我宾馆餐饮部由名厨主灶,各种美味佳肴任您品尝。客房部精心设计的各类标间、豪华套房,为您提供了多种选择。热情周到的服务让您有一种宾至如归的感觉。Famous chefs work in our food & beverage department and a variety of delicacies are cooked for your taste. Various well-designed s

4、tandard rooms and deluxe suites provide you a variety of options and warm and thoughtful service make you feel at home.“宾客至上,服务第一”是我们的宗旨,让您在这里生活的舒适、愉快、满意是我们的职责,愿我们的努力带给您无穷的乐趣,真正不虚此行。“Guest first, service first” is our aim and to make you feel comfortable, enjoyable and satisfied is our responsibilit

5、y. I hope our efforts will bring you a lot of fun and really a worthwhile trip.2电话服务Telephone service如需拨打长话请与总服务台联系,拨打外线电话请在房号前加“9”拨打内线电话请在房号前加“8” ,如 401 房8401。If you need to dial a long-distance call, please contact the reception desk;dial “9” before the room number for an outside call, and dial“8”

6、 before the room number for an intercom call , such as room 4018401。紧急电话:火警 : 119 盗警: 110 交通肇事:122 保卫室: 3388580 Emergency call: Fire alarm: 119 Anti-theft alarm: 110 Traffic accident call: 122 Guard room call: 3388580总服务台: 3383111 80023382111 8000Reception desk:客服中心: 3388710 8003Customer service cen

7、ter:商务中心: 3388585 80113388588 8012Business center:商场: 3388580 8008Shopping mall:保卫室: 3388580 8008Guard room:客房办公室: 3388085 8009Housekeeping office:常用电话Calls in common use1、市内查号台:114Local information directory desk:2、火车站问事处:6114722 railway station inquiry office:3、市长途客运总站:3334798Long distance bus ter

8、minal of City:4、市中心医院:32301203Central hospital of City:5、矿务局医院:3225677Mining bureau hospital of City:4服务设施Service facilities空调 Air conditioner本酒店房间设有中央空调,您可自行调节,以使室内温度达到您的理想要求,如有问题请与客服中心联系。电话:8003.Our hotel rooms are equipped with central air conditioners and you can adjust it by yourself to reach y

9、our ideal indoor temperature. If you have any question, please contact the customer service center. Telephone: 8003.入住、退房时间及房租的计算Check in and check out time and room charge本酒店凌晨 4:00 至凌晨 6:00 入住,加收 50%,凌晨 4:00 前入住,加收 100%.50% fees will be surcharged for the check-in between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. i

10、n our hotel; and 100% fees will be surcharged for the check-in before 4:00 a.m.退房时间为中午 12:00,超过 12:00 加收 50%,超过 18:00 加收房租 100%。Check-out time is 12:00 at noon, 50% fees will be surcharged for the check-out after 12:00 and 100% room charge will be paid after 6:00 p.m.信用卡Credit card本酒店收受信用卡、银联卡、VISA。

11、Credit card, China Union pay card and VISA can be used in our hotel.总服务台 Reception desk总服务台可办理住宿登记、退房、转账收款、及酒店的住客查询,失物招领,代办事项等。The reception desk offers a series of services such as residence registration, check out, transfer accounts, receipt and the guest inquiry of hotel, lost and found, to-dos e

12、tc.购物中心Shopping center本酒店的商场设在一楼,供应各种纪念品、礼品、当地特产、百货和食品等。营业时间:8:00晚 21:00The mall is located on the first floor and provides a variety of souvenirs, gifts, local specialties, general merchandise and food etc. Service hour: 8:00a.m9:00p.m.电源Power本酒店的总开关位于客房入口处,需插卡取电,房灯总开关设在床头上方。房内的电源为220 V、20HZ,卫生间的插座

13、仅供剃须器使用。The main switch is located on the entrance of guest room in our hotel and the electricity is taken by the card. The main switch of room light is located over the bed and the power in the room is 220 V, 20HZ. The socket in the bathroom is only supplied for shavers.房内小酒吧In-room mini-bar 5房内小酒吧

14、是特为方便您而准备,饮料、及其他商品详见价格表,该酒吧每天由服务员核对补充。饮料瓶一经开启,其费用即记在您的账上。The in-room mini-bar is specially prepared for your convenience and the price of beverages and other commodities are shown in the table. This bar is supplemented and checked by waiters every day. Beverage bottle, once opened, its cost will be

15、charged on your account.客服中心Customer service center如您在住宿中遇到设施使用、维修、及其他问题请与客服中心联系。If you meet facilities failure, maintenance and other problems during accommodation, please contact with the customer service center.擦鞋服务Shoeshine service请将需要擦的鞋放入鞋筐内摆在明显的地方,请与客服中心联系。费用:5 元/双。Please put the shoes required to shine in an obvious place and contact with the customer service center. Charge: 5 Yuan/pairs.叫醒服务Morning call service如您需要叫醒服务请与客服中心联系If you need morning call service, please contact with the customer service center.请勿打扰服务DND


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