人教版英语七年级上册英语教案 starter unit3 第一课时

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1、单元题目 Starter Unit 3 What color is it? 第一课时 生词课 Teaching Goals:Teach the new words in Starter Unit 3 and let students use new words describe the color of things skillfully. Meanwhile through the comparison of western proverbs and those of Chinese, let students understand the culture differences in co

2、lors between English and Chinese. The world is colorful, and as a teacher, we should guide students to enjoy world around us and cherish what we possess.Teaching and learning steps:Step 1: Learn to read the new words of Starter Unit 3.1. Play an English song about colors. 课前播放一首与颜色相关的英文短歌。(使学生熟悉本节话题

3、,同时营造计语言情境)2. Students try reading the new words according to the phonetic transcription themselves.学生根据音标自主试读生词。 (在经过前段时间的音标学习后,数学生能根据音标拼读出简单的词汇,夲步一方面是巩固音标,另一方面旨在培养学生的自主学习能力。)3.Several students present their pronunciation of the new words.几名学生范读。 (发现学生存在的问题)4. The teacher and students correct pronu

4、nciation together. (师生共同校正发音)如: white /wait/ 中元音字母i 的发音;now /nau/中字母组合ow的发音; see/si:/和say /se/的比较发音等。(让学生在初期养成规范发音的习惯, 改正之前的发音瑕疵,尤其是对小学阶段已经学习英语的同学,这点至关重要)Step 2: Learn to remember the words on page S9-S12.1. Look at some colorful pictures. Firstly read and spell the color words together. Then ask so

5、me students read the words and others listen and check. (幻灯片展示色彩图片,首先由师生共同朗读、拼写颜色词;然后部分同学展示) 2. Match the words with proper Chinese meaning.red 绿色blue 黄色green 红色yellow 黑色purple 黄色orange 白色black 橙色white 紫色 (词义搭配,进一步熟悉颜色词。)3.Chant. Red, red, red, the apple is red. Green, green, green, the ruler is gre

6、en. Blue, blue, blue, the map is blue. Black, black, black, my pen is black. What color is your pen? You can see it, and you say it. Now I see, I see. Its white. Its white. (教师通过展示图片,利用实物,引导学生进一步巩固颜色词。同时练习使用“ the, now, see, can, say, my , 使学生在朗读中巩固发音,体会词义) Step 3: Consolidation of words 1. Give the

7、students 5 minutes to memorize the words first. 2. Then get them to write down the words with the Chinese meaning given in Zhuxue and check those they havent mastered. (学生利用参考书自主巩固记忆检测本节课目标词汇,使其养成自主学习的良好习惯)Step 4: Listen to an English folk What colours do you like?”1. Write down the colours you get.

8、Lyric: What colours?What colours do you like?What colours do you like?I like blue sky.I like green grass.I like purple butterflies.If you should ask,I like yellow daisies.Red daisies, too.Pink and orange sunsets,Watching them with you.I like white snowy white.The black of the earth. What colours?Wha

9、t colours do you like?What colours do you like? 2. Talk about What colours do you like?3. Color words in western culture. 英语中很多表达法与颜色有关,但不能望文生义。 (1)黑色不黑。 black sheep(败类);black dog(沮丧);black tea(红茶) ; (2)白色不白。 white nights(不眠之夜);white lie(善意的谎言);white elephant(无用之物) (3)黄色不黄。 yellow dog(懦夫);yellow boy

10、 (指“金币”而不是“黄色小孩子”) (4)蓝色不蓝。 blue moon(千载难逢之机);blue blood指的是“贵族血统”。 (5)绿色不绿。 green hand(新手) Step 5: Mind map. Our world is colorful. Lets make it more beautiful. Step 6: The end-of class test当堂检测一 补全单词 b_ _ e _ l _ _k _ h _ _e p_ _ p_ _ _ _ ll_w g_ _ _n r_ _ b_ _ _ n2 根据句意和首字母完成句子。1. This is a cup. T

11、_ cup is red.2. That is _ (我的) ruler.3. I _(能)sing the song.4. _(现在)lets _ (说)ABCs.5.We _ (明白) it.三 翻译下列句子。1. 你喜欢什么颜色?_2. 我喜欢红色。_3. 我的夹克衫是绿色的。_教学反思:亮点:本节课通过多维教学方式,充分调动了学生的积极性,寓知识性、趣味性与一体,让学生能感受到学中玩、玩中学的乐趣。同时插入英国民谣和颜色词在中西方文化差异的说明, 极大地调动了学生的学习热情,课堂效果较好。不足之处:在时间上的分配上,还应加强操控。使用建议:采用PPT和实物教学,充分调动学生积极性和学习主动性,激发学习热情,注意时间分配。答案:一. blue black white purpleyellow green red brown 二1. The 2. my 3. can 4. Now say 5. see三1. What color do you like? 2. I like red. 3. My jacket is green.



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