2017-2018学年(牛津译林版)八年级下英语课件:unit 1task

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《2017-2018学年(牛津译林版)八年级下英语课件:unit 1task》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年(牛津译林版)八年级下英语课件:unit 1task(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1,Unit 1 Past and present,Task,Revision,Work in pairs. Talk about the changes in your hometown by asking the following questions:,Where do you live? What were the roads like in the past? What are the roads like at present? How did your father go to school when he was young? ,a narrow road narro

2、w adj. 狭窄的,a wide road wide 宽阔的,New words,open space n. 开阔的空地,A. Amy plans to write about the changes in Moonlight Town for her history project. She has an old picture and a recent picture of the town.,Changes in my hometown,B. Amy organized her ideas by using a fact file. Read her fact file., has c

3、hanged a lot over the years. Many changes have taken place in People are enjoying a life. There were only in the past, but now People used to The government has built Many families have their own ,Useful expressions,C. Amy is writing her report on the changes in Moonlight Town. Help her complete her

4、 report using the fact file in Part B.,Many changes have taken place in Moonlight Town over the years. Now people are enjoying a comfortable life. In the past, there were only (1) _ roads in the small town. There was (2) _ everywhere.,narrow and dirty,rubbish,But now the streets are (3) _, with many

5、 (4) _ on both sides. The government has also built (5) _ in some large open spaces. Years ago, people lived in (6) _. Now most of them have moved into (7) _.,wide and clean,green trees,shops and tall buildings,small old houses,new flats,They used to (8) _ or watch TV in their free time, but now mos

6、t families have computers and the (9) _. Moreover, (10) _ make communication easier now. In the past, people travelled around the town (11) _, but now they can go around (12) _. Many families even have their own cars. Now people are enjoying a comfortable life.,listen to the radio,Internet,mobile phones,on foot or by bicycle,by bus or taxi,D. You are writing a report on the changes in your hometown. Find an old photo and a recent photo of your hometown. Describe the changes to your partner. Use the article in Part C and useful expressions as a model.,Finish Self-assessment on page 19.,


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