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1、IBT WRITING,应鸣,1/ 综合写作(integrated) 20分钟 主要靠听力Write 理想字数150字/20分钟 理想分数34分 2/ 独立写作(independent) 30分钟 理想字数350字/25分钟 理想分数45分 3/ 算分方法:(Integrated + independent)/2*6,1 Education 2 Learning 托福写作热点 3 Environment 4 Lessons in life 5 Modern technology,Scoring criteria of Independent writing,1 直接切中问题的写作能力-开头的引

2、导句, 承题句. 2 明确主张的能力-主旨句. 3 结构严谨-过渡句. 4 例证恰当- 举例句, 解释说明句. 5 句子多样化- 以上句式表达多样化. (插入语,倒装和强调句式是句式多样化的重要手段) 6 结构正确-用正确的思维逻辑将这些句子整合到一起.,手中有文章 心中有文章 出口成章 2.手中无文章 心中有文章 3.手中无文章 心中无文章 妙笔生花,写作高分八大黄金策略,1.词汇要求 2.语法突破 3.思路拓展 4.审题原则 5.结构安排 6.范文分析 7.模板使用 8.练习讲评,1.词汇要求,词汇的要求应该是40005000个积极词汇。其中,学习词汇三个重中之重便是: 动宾搭配。 介宾搭

3、配。 修饰原则。 此乃应对新托福写作词汇要求之三大利器。 Hope Ambition-aspiration-long for-expect-prosperous-promising-prosperity-look forward to,2语法突破:,其中必备四大语法结构即是: 句子结构 从句 非谓语动词 倒装、强调、平行结构、一致; 他们又穷又饿。,They are poor, they are hungry. They suffer from poverty and struggle against starvation. They suffer from poverty, struggli

4、ng against starvation. They not only suffer from poverty but struggle against starvation as well. Not only do they suffer from poverty, but struggle against starvation as well.,1-老板要求我写论文,我立刻开始收集信息。 I was instructed to write an essay and I set out to obtain information. Instructed to write an essay,

5、 I set out to obtain information.,2-历史让人们了解过去,并帮助人们预测未来。 History enables people to understand the past and help us predict the future. Enabling people to understand the past, history helps us predict the future.,3-SARS不仅改变了人们的生活习惯,而且提高了政府的工作效率。 Changing peoples living habit, SARS improved government

6、s efficiency. Not only did SARS change peoples living habit, but improve governments working efficiency as well.,4-一个电影院可以增加就业机会,也可以给社区生活增添色彩。 A new cinema can provide people with new job opportunities and can add color to the community life. Providing people with new job opportunities, a new cinema

7、 can add color to the community life.,3思路拓展,有的考生英语水平虽好,但常常苦于没有思路。那针对这种情况,我们对思路扩展提出两种方法,能迅速有效帮助学生解决这个问题。 归类法 + 三维法,健康和安全 便利 成就感:sense of 自信,荣誉,动力 环保(污染,生态平衡) 交流 经验习惯(工作经验,生活习惯) 资金,经济(节约,效益,税收) 教育(Education)培训(Training) 心理 (情感,乐趣,喜好,憎恶) 品格 国家文明,4审题原则,如何审题,决定了你是否能在有效时间内迅速进入状态。对此,我们制定出审题三原则: 定位 概括 分类,In

8、dependent writing,题型分类: A or B? Compare & Contrast 62 Agree or Disagree? 64 A/B/C/D、choose which one? 34 Why?/ what?/ how? 25,1学校教育类 2科技影响类 3父母人生观类 4金钱开销类 5娱乐媒体类 6工作价值观类: 7道德品质类 8运动健康类 9环境物种类 10文化古迹类 11成功类 12个体整体类 13住房生活类 14建造类 15旅游交通类 16探险变化类 17幻觉类 18个人喜好类,5.结构安排,清晰的结构将使阅卷人对你留下一个好的印象。除此,你也能更加有效的安排自

9、己的段落。三种方法助你一臂之力: 1 平衡式 2 倾向式 3 一波三折式 It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.“ Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?,20. It is better for children to grow up in the

10、 countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay. 32. Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 37. Do

11、you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 27. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.,6.范文分析,对满

12、分作文的有效分析将帮助你迅速建立起自己的语库和资料源。对范文分析,其方向有五: 词的使用 句的联系 段落安排 逻辑构造 整体一致,冰雪融化 种子发芽 果树开花 我们来到小河边,来到田野里,来到山冈上。 很明显,春天来了。不光是因为冰雪化了,而且种子发芽,连果树也开花了。首先我们来到了小河边,然后又来到了田野里,最后我来到了上岗上。,我们排着队去扫墓,来到纪念碑前,献上亲手做的花圈。 因为清明节到了,所以我们去扫墓。于是我们排着队,来到了纪念碑前,接着献上亲手做的花圈。,A and B are two totally different ideas that have caused a heat

13、ed debate for a long period. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we do not see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs. Some people believe B because_. These people point out the fact that_. They also argue that_. However, ot

14、her people stand on a very different ground, they believe that_. They firmly point out that_. An example can give the details of this argument: _. In addition, _. In a word, A is too temptating not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has_.,7.模板使用,针对综合写作和独立写作,我们分门别类帮助大家建立起自己模板库。这样,你不仅可在考场上节约大量时间,也可冲击高分。

15、其中,模板共分三类: 通用模板段 专用模板段 分类模板句,适合优雅浪漫的男士,适合富有个性的男士,适合行为果断的男士,适合醋劲十足的男士。 使用方法:使用前,可先闻一下激爽的香味,体验它的与众不同;使用时,按压出适量沐浴露于沾湿的泡芙上,搓揉出泡沫,并擦涂全身,冲洗干净后,再感受肌肤上的独特留香。,在玻璃上打孔前,先用手轻轻抚摸一下充满肌肉感的性感枪体,体会它令人生畏的力度,然后在需要打孔的地方倒少许色泽纯正的煤油,再倒上280-320目的进口金刚砂,凝视47秒左右,最后温柔而坚定地慢慢往下按。温馨提示:记得装上合适的钻头并且接通电源哟。,8.练习讲评,Check list: 1 Have I

16、 answered the question? 2 Does my essay have an introduction, a body and a conclusion? 3 Does my introduction have a thesis statement? 4 Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence? 5 Does each topic sentence have sufficient examples or reasons? 6 Have I correctly used transitions and reference words? 7 Does each paragraph have sentence variety?


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