高中英语 unit 3 finding the correct perspective section 3 using language教师用书 新人教版选修

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《高中英语 unit 3 finding the correct perspective section 3 using language教师用书 新人教版选修》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 unit 3 finding the correct perspective section 3 using language教师用书 新人教版选修(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Section 3Using Language.单词拼写1Im sorry I _(收回) what I have said.2He did it for his own _(利益)3Everyone has the right to _(追求) happiness.4I think health _(胜过) wealth.5We must _(确保) the purity of drinking water.【提示】ensure/sureensure vt.

2、确保;保证,后接宾语。sure adj. 肯定的;有把握的,只作表语,无比较级变化。【答案】略.选词填空1They _ children. They should depend on themselves.2I hope hes told her the truth _.3Please _ these numbers.4He had no money and had to _.5Owls _ mice and other small animals.【提示】“把加起来”,除了用count up外,还可以用add up。【答案】略.话题交际翻译下列表示意愿或打算的句子1我打算独自处理这件事。_2

3、今天下午我要去看我的班主任。_3我不想住在大城市里。_4我们准备搬新家。_5下课后我要给她打电话。_【提示】表示意愿或打算的常见句型:sb. plans to do.sb. be ready to do.sb. would like to do.sb. be going to do.sb. wants to do.【答案】略withdraw用withdraw的适当短语完成下列句子该药已从市场上收回,以便作进一步试验。The drug has been _ for future test.这个小女孩看起来要把自己封闭起来。The little girl seemed to _ a private

4、 world.报社已同意撤回评论。The newspaper has agreed to _.单句改错Ill withdraw some money of the bank._【答案】withdrawn from the marketwithdraw intowithdraw the remarkof改为fromwithdraw sth. from the market 从市场上收回某物withdraw into/from 变得沉默寡言;变得冷漠withdraw a remark 撤回评论withdraw.from. 从取出sake用sake的适当短语完成下列句子为了你自己,你也应该把儿子教育

5、好。You should educate your son well _.她为了健康而迁居农村。She moved to the village _.行行好,千万别把这事告诉他。_, dont tell him that.单句改错She changed into old clothes for sake of comfort._【答案】for your own sakefor the sake of healthFor Gods sakesake前加thefor ones own sake 为了的缘故for the sake of 由于,为了的缘故for Gods sake 看在上帝的份上,行

6、行好吧feed on用feed短语填空Bats fly at night and _ insects.I _ this wet weather and I want to move.介词填空Feed the food _ the baby in small pieces.Most people feed parrots _ nuts.【答案】feed onam fed up withtoonfeed on 动物以为食;由助长be fed up with 对感到厌烦用某物喂养某人ensure同义词语替换Please ensure everyone is safe._翻译句子已采取所有必要措施以确

7、保他们的安全。_【答案】make sureAll the necessary steps have been taken to ensure their safety.ensure sth. 确保;保证ensure that 确保count up用count的适当短语完成下列句子我把他看作最亲密的朋友。I _ my closest friend.不要总是依赖你的父母。Dont always _ your parents.把这些数字加起来,然后告诉我结果。_ these numbers and then tell me the result.介词填空The manager needs an as

8、sistant that he can count_to take care of the problems in his absence.【答案】count him ascount onCount uponcount.in 把包括在内count.out 不包括count on/upon(depend/rely on/upon)依赖,依靠count sb./sth. as/to be.认为某人(物)count up(add up) 把加起来如何写建议类作文【探究应用】假定你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Grownup的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助。请根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求

9、回帖。写作要点:1告诉Grownup要理解母亲;2给Grownup提出解决问题的具体建议。要求:1短文词数100左右;2内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯;3书写需清晰、工整。Hi, Grownup,As a student of your age, I understand your situation._【思路探究】建议信是对收信人就某一问题提出看法、建议或忠告。建议信不同于投诉信,所以写信人一定要注意礼貌当先。建议信一般包括以下内容:首先说明写信的目的,其次,在肯定优点的基础上提出自己的建议或看法(否则别人以为你在投诉,而不是在提建议),最后表达希望采纳建议。【句式预演】1你面临的问题在我们青

10、少年当中很普遍。The problem you are facing is _.2应该明智不要做一些可能伤害她感情的事。It should be wise not to do anything that may _.3倾心交谈帮助你们更好地相互理解。_ help you understand each other better.4你应该做好自己的事,向你妈妈证明你已是个大人了。You should learn to do your own things well, _ that you are already a“grownup”【范文填空】Hi, Grownup,As a student o

11、f your age, I understand your situation. The problem you are facing is common among us teenagers. 1._(但是),it should be wise not to do anything that may 2._(伤害她的感情). Here are a few suggestions.First, its advisable to talk more with your mom. Heart to heart talks help you understand each other better. They are also opportunities to let her know 3._(你对很多事情的想法和态度)4_(其次), you should learn to do your own things well, proving to your mom that you are already a “g


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