小学英语公开课教案where do you live- 教学设计与反思

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《小学英语公开课教案where do you live- 教学设计与反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语公开课教案where do you live- 教学设计与反思(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小学英语公开课教案小学英语公开课教案 WhereWhere dodo youyou live?live? 教学设计与反思教学设计与反思一、教学目标:1. 通过调查了解相互之间的家庭住址并能用英语进行叙述。2. 通过任务设计达成对课文的理解,同时创生新的情景让学生了解熟识其语言功能。3. 通过自然真切的交流了解彼此的个人信息,增进师生之间的了解。二、教学重点:熟练运用 Where do you live? I live . We live near each other.教学难点:准确运用介词 on 与 at, 区分 street 与 road。二、教学过程(一)创生情景,新课导入教学内容T:

2、Nice to meet you here. I know you are good students. So I want to make friends with you. Would you like to be my friends?Ss: Yes.T: Really? Hello, girl! Whats your name? Are you Nancy?T: Mary, What a nice name! Nice to meet you here. Here is my name card.(此环节进行五组之后接最后的一组操练,引出下文)T: Hi, boy. Whats you

3、r name? Are you David?T: Sorry, George. Happy to see you. Here is my name card. And my name is on it.(先对个体同学说,然后转向全班同学)Do you want to know my name?T: OK. Say after me. Name.(板书单词)If you really want to know my name? You may ask like this: Whats your name?(机械操练由集体过渡到个体)Do you want to know my name?T: M

4、y name is .(递上名片)You see? Dont let others see it.(穿插五组这样的对话)T: Sorry, I have no enough name cards for you. Do you still want to know my name and be friends with me?T: It doesnt matter. Look I have a big name card here. You can all see it. My name is Lily. Do you like this name? Do you like me? Do yo

5、u like to be friends with me?T: Hi, Tom, Lets be friends.(与学生击掌)Who wants to be friends with me?(教师走到学生中间与学生握手,寻找自己的好朋友,同时输入语言,给予学生听的刺激,并引导学生仿说这句话,实现语言内化,从而为后续输出做以铺垫。 )S1-S5: Lets be friends.G1-G4: Lets be friends.T: You are all my friends. By the way, what class are you in?S1: Im in Class One.T: Wh

6、at class are you in?S2: Im in Class Two.T: What about you?S3: Im in Class Two.T: And how about you?S4: Im in Class Four.T: And you?(在自然的语言过渡中解释三个句子句意相同。使学生在与教师交流中感悟 What class are you in? What about you? How about you? And you?三个句式之间的关系)T: You are both in Class One. So you are in the same class.(出示同

7、种颜色的衣服,介绍 They have the same colour.等其他的例子,教学单词 same,教师领读,学生跟读)T: What class and grade am I in? Can you guess? Suppose you were me.S1: Im in Class One, Grade Five.S2: Im in Class Two Grade Six.S3: .T: Lets see. Who is right? Look, Im in .(电脑演示后半部分关于班级年级的内容)Im in .(教师在出示正确答案的同时,不忘向学生介绍书写应注意的问题,电脑打出的有

8、关于班级、年级的信息均在大写字母处做出显著的标示,刺激学生的感官,引发学生注意。 )And you are in . So we are in the same grade.(教师引发学生说出该句话,请一行学生照此模式复述句子 You are in ., Im in . We are in the same grade.S1: You are in Grade Five. I am in Grade Five. We are in the same grade.S2: .S3: .(五组学生在教师创生的情景下随着教师的提问,运用先前所学的功能语句,自然过渡到真实的语言交际中来。在交际过程中,根

9、据交际的需要进行单词和句型的学习。 )设计意图借助“信息差”从而在自然的语言交流中对部分句型进行复习、巩固和运用。学生在信息差活动中可以知道交际的真实动因,可以在语言活动中找到真实的感觉,了解自己与交谈的对方是一种什么关系,可以关注交谈的过程变化以及自己在变化中的作用,学生会自觉谋求交谈所应获得的结果。(二)信息处理,生成新知教学内容To get more personal information by using the name card.- Where do you live? - I live .师生活动 1(7)T: Hi, Friends. Look, on the back of

10、 the card, you also can see an invitation. Christmas is coming. Will you come and join my party?Ss: Yes.T: But how can you come? Do you know my address?T: On my card, we also can see my address. I live in . Do you know this place? Lets have a look at the direction. Look, this is Nanjing Road. This i

11、s Anshan Road. Do you know this road? Say after me, road. Who knows this road?(对于新单词,教师利用电脑画面所呈现的道路名称不断反复,使学生感知理解单词)S1: QuanzhouRoad.S2: QuanwangRoad.S3: .(在感知理解的基础上,学生跟读单词,使单词逐步内化。在内化的同时,教师又为学生搭建输出平台,学生纷纷猜测路名,在猜测过程中进一步熟悉单词road,street)T: Look, this is Chengdu Road. I live on Chengdu Road.(电脑演示加录像演示)

12、读单词 live 并板 书, Where do you live? Would you like to tell me, friends?S1: I live onQuanzhou Road.S2: I live onQuanwangRoad.S3: .(学生将自家所处的路名告诉教师和同学们。在回答的同时,学生进一步巩固了 I live on .这一句式。)设计意图教师交待任务,用圣诞 Party 吸引学生参与新的语言材料的教学活动。由于信息差的呈现,使得语言教学摆脱了呆板的境地,语言学习的生命力再次得到彰显。师生活动 2(3)T: You live on ., and I live on .

13、 So we live near each other . So you live near each other.(带读单词 each other)Try to find your neighbours, OK? You can make a survey like this. You have only three minutes, hurry up!(学生下位活动,所有学生急切寻找自己的邻居,学生在完成调查任务的同时运用了功能语句:- Where do you live? - I live .)设计意图(借助调查活动淡化机械的句型操练,同时最大限度地激起学生参与课堂活动的热情。 )(三)

14、自主探究,完成任务教学内容Sending invitation cards to the friends who the teacher made just now, and invite all the friends to join the teachers Christmas Party, and at the same time try to know the teachers address by asking the following question:What is your house number?师生活动 1(4)T: Time is up. Have you found

15、 your neighbours? Show us, please.G1: Where do you live?G2: I live on QuanxingRoad. You live onQuanwang Road. We live near each other.(五组学生通过问答呈现调查结果)设计意图通过找邻居这样的调查活动,再一次使功能语句得以在真实自然的语境下活用。师生活动 2(3)T: On the back of my card, its an invitation.National Day is coming, Ill invite my friends to my party

16、. I know you will come. But what is my house number? Maybe I live at No. 10. Maybe I live at No. 18.T: Pay attention here, I live on . I live at No. .(板书,将教学难点做以对比,使学生了解 at 与in 的区别。 )S1: You live at No. 8 QuanxingRoad.S2: You live at No. 7 QuanwangRoadS3: .(学生依据电脑屏幕所给出的门牌号码,纷纷猜测教师家的门牌号码,直至猜中教师家的门牌号码,屏幕上小房子的窗户才被打开,窗户里探出的教师的头像,引发了学生极大的兴致。 )设计意图通过邀请卡使评价更进一步,评价手段使学生更好地运用语言,捕捉信息差,完成设置的任务。(四)创造表现,拓展任务教学内容Learn the dialogue and make new dialogues by using the inf


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