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1、Unit 4Dont eat in class!,SectionA(1a-2d),New words and expressions,Page 104,Review:,1.What time do you usually go to school ? 2.How do you get to school ? 3.Can you sing ? 4.Can you sing in class ?,Make a survey (agreeor disagree),Can we? Yes, we can. (No, we cant.),( ) do homework in class. ( ) lis

2、ten to the teachers in class. ( ) run in the hallways ( ) read a book. ( ) wear hats in class ( ) listen to music in class ( ) eat in the classrooms ( ) arrive late for school,We can,do homework in class. play computer games listen to the teachers in class. watch TV on school nights read a book. wea

3、r hats in class listen to music in class eat anything in class draw on the wall ride bikes at school,do homework in class. play computer games listen to the teachers in class. watch TV on school nights read a book. wear hats in class listen to music in class eat anything in class draw on the wall ri

4、de bikes at school,We cant,Free talk,What can you do at school or in the classroom?,What cant you do ?,Dont eat in the classroom.,Can we eat in class?,No, we cant.,be late for class = arrive late for class,A: Can we arrive late for class? B: No, we cant. We cant arrive late for class. Dont arrive la

5、te for class.,.,A: Can we run in the hallways? B: No, we cant. We cant run in the hallways.,Dont run in the hallways.,Can we play basketball in the classroom?,No, we cant .,But we can play it outside.,(在外面),Dont play basketball in the classroom.,Can we fight in school?,No , we cant.,Dont fight.,Can

6、we fight with others?,No, we cant.,fight,注:fight with sb 与打架,eat in the classroom.,play sports in the classrooms.,fight.,We can eat in the dining hall.,We can play sports outside.,We cant fight with others(everywhere).,Where can we do it ?,Dont,Dont,Dont,1. 祈使句是表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召、 劝告等的句子; 通常省略主语you; 句中谓语

7、 动词用动词原形; 句尾一般用降调; 祈使句的 开头是动词原形。 祈使句有肯定和否定两种: e.g. Look out! 小心!Wait for me here ! 在这等我!,Grammar,Come in, please! 请进! Sit down, please. 请坐。 Lets go home. 我们回家吧。 否定的祈使句是在动词原形前(即句首)加Dont. e.g. Dont talk in class! 不要在课常上讲话! Dont open the window! 别开窗! Dont arrive late for school. 上学别迟到 !Dont smoke! /No

8、smoking ! 别吸烟! 注:Let开始的祈使句变否定句可以这样表达: Let sb not do Sth.,1. Sit down.2. Come in.3. Eat at home.,Dont sit down.,Dont come in.,Dont eat at home.,把下列祈使句改成否定句,Practice:,4. Listen to music outside.5. Do your homework at school.6.Lets play computer games .,Dont listen to music outside.,Dont do your homewo

9、rk at school.,Lets not play computer games .,SCHOOL RULES 1. Dont arrive late for class. You mustbe on time. 2. Dont run in the hallways. 3. Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall. 4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. 5. Dont fight.,1a. Write the number of t

10、he rule next to the student.,2,3,5,4,=The rules of the school,勤态动词,准时,fight with sb 与打架,_,Peter _ Amy _ Mike _,1b. Listen. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after the names.,2,3,4,2,3,4,2a. Listen. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.,2b. Listen again. Can Alan and

11、 Cindy do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” above.,Check your answers!,Practice:In pairs.,Can we ?Yes ,we can .No, we cant.,eat in class eat in the dining hall listen to music outside wear hats in school fight speak loudly in the library .,你能用祈使句表示下面句子吗?,What rules do you know in our school?,

12、Dont eat in class.,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont arrive late for class.,Dont listen to music in the classroom.,Listen to music in the music room.,Dont fight .,Dont wear a hat in school.,Dont have long hair for boys.,男生不准留长发。,Dont talk in class.,Dont talk with each other in class.,Stop talking in cl

13、ass.,Dont smoke/No smoking .Its bad for your health.,Dont play cards in school.,Dont sleep in class.,Dont dance in the classroom.,1,3,4,5,7,8,9,School rules:Can you say them in English ? Use “Dont ”,1,2,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,2d. Role-play the conversation.,John: Hi, my names John. Its my first dayat scho

14、ol. Alice: Hi, John. Im Alice. This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules. John: Really? What are some of the rules? Alice: Well, dont be late for the class. Thisis very important. John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring music players to school?,有,存在,Alice: No, we cant. And we always

15、 haveto wear the school uniform. John: I see. Alice: Oh, and we also have to be quiet inthe library.,不得不,必须,和某人打架2. 不许说话3. 上课迟到,翻译短语,fight with sb.,Dont talk ./No talking,arrive late for school/ be late for school,Practice:,Fill in the blank of school rules:,1. Dont _late for class/school.,3. Dont run_.,5. We _ in class.,4. _ the classroom after class.,2. _eat in class.,6.We _ wear the school uniform,arrive,in the hallways,have to,Dont,Clean,cant play basketball,1. late, dont, for school, arrive2. music, listen to, in the classroom, dont3. eat, cant, in the classroom, we,


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