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1、商品说明书翻译,产品说明书的分类 说明书的结构 语言特点 说明书内容的英语表达,产品说明书的分类,1:化妆品说明书 2:电子产品说明书 3:药品说明书 4:家用电器说明书 5:汽车类说明书,化妆品汉语翻译美学原则,音韵美,节奏美,形象美,译文的形象美是指,巧妙充分利用汉语词汇的联想义,使产品在购买者的头脑中产生联想丰富的意境,从而引发其购买欲。,节奏(Rhythm),是客观事物运动进程中形成的轻重缓急的规律性。节奏会给人带来身心感受的愉悦,其中即包孕着审美欣赏的幼芽。,1)和谐的声音,节奏韵律 2) 字音的声,韵调,玫琳凯嫩肤防晒乳SPF15 Sensible Protection Sunbl

2、ock SPF15,UV light protection, waterproof and sweet-resistant, Fragrance-free, non-comedogenic, oil-free. Contains free radical scavengers. Clinically tested for skin irritancy and allergy. The light, moisturizing lotion is for all skin types and sun-sensitive skin.本产品有效抵御紫外线,保护皮肤免受日晒伤害。防水,防汗,不含香料,不

3、会引起粉刺,并通过皮肤刺激性和过敏性测试,干性,中性,混合性及油性皮肤皆适用。,2)禁忌症 It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug,1)贮存 Keep airtight in a dry and cool place. Away from light.,药品说明书的两大要点,准确性,简洁性,密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存,对该药物过敏者禁止使用,3)对药物性状的说明 It is a white or a faintly yellow powder to which appropriate amoun

4、ts of water are added to prepare an off white suspension for intramuscular use or a yellowish solution for intravenous administration.,它是一种白色至微黄色粉末,加适量水可配制成近乎白色的悬浊液,供肌肉注射用,或配制成黄色的溶液,供静脉注射用。,NEW ROHTO EYE DROPS,Efficacy: Relieves tired eyes and soothes eye redness. Brings a Refreshingly cool feeling

5、to the tired and sore eyes.Directions: Instill 1-2 drops. 4-6 times per day.,摄像头,显示荧屏,电源按钮,状态指示灯,喇叭,键盘,腕靠,触控板,点选按钮,状态指示灯,Empowering 键,快速执行键,麦克风,说明书的结构,一、说明书类型:机械 电子 食品 药品 日用品 二、通常有四个组成部分(Pp243-4):1. 商品的特征、功能和成份 2. 安装/使用/服用/饮用/食用的方法3. 注意事项4. 主要性能、指标及规格,Foaming Face Wash Olay Foaming Face Wash not onl

6、y cleanses thoroughly, but also helps maintain skins moisture. It keeps skin soft and smooth and leaves it youthful looking. 泡沫洁面乳玉兰油泡沫洁面乳,其配方:帮助彻底清洁面部,保持面部肌肤滋润,令肌肤柔滑。100%不含皂基,性质温和。泡沫丰富,气味清新。,objective客 观 性professional专 业 性concise简 明 性appealing号 召 性,Linguistic features语言特点,Free of sugars, starch, ye

7、ast, wax, and preservatives,不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂,脂肪油和防腐剂。,Each soft gel is certified to contain no artificial preservatives, artificial coloring, sugar, starch, yeast or wax.,本品不含任何人工防腐剂,人工色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 无发硣剂和防腐剂。,Objective,dosage and usage,over dosage,storage,packages,manufacturer,warnings,indications and u

8、sage,physical and chemical properties,Professional,Toxicity reaction,Anaphylactic reaction,生产厂商,警告,适应证和用法,包装,物理和化学性质,剂量用法用药过量贮藏 毒性反应过敏反应,干洗 Dry Cleaning 不可水洗 Do not Wash 可机洗 Machine Washable 冷水洗 Cold Wash 分开洗涤 Wash Separately 不可拧干 No Wring/ Do not Wring 不可漂白 No bleach / Do not Bleach,不可浸泡 Do not Soa

9、k 荫凉挂干 Line Dry in Shade 不可熨 Do not Iron 低温烫 Cold Iron 用蒸汽熨烫 Steam Press/Iron 不可用蒸汽 No Steam,Concise,Appealing,New NIVEA Visage Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIVEA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure

10、Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.,全新妮维雅泡沫美白洁面乳,能即刻清洁肌肤,配合妮维雅多效美白系列其他产品使用可获得更为有效的美白效果,蕴含纯净美白动力因子的温和配方令肌肤清透白净。,产品说明书的结构特征,(一)产品说明书的内容,(二)产品说明书中的主要句型,产品说明书内容,标题:,正文:,结尾:,附录:,产品名称,生产厂家,品牌,注册商标,产品类型,产品代号。,产品概况,提供产地,规格,成分,材质,特点,结构,功能,使用方法,注意事项,主要性能,技术指标,生产批号,质量保证。,生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编,电话,传真,电子邮件等便

11、于客户联系的有关信息资料。,产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见,保修卡,维修记录卡,维修点一览表等与产品使用及保养维修相关资料。,产品说明书中的主要句型,1. be+形容词(过去分词)+目的状语,2. 情态动词should, shall, can, may+be+介词短语,3. 过去分词+名词,常见短语:,is used for is used to is designed to is used in is used as is suitable to be used in,过去分词+名词,(说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求),All cable shall be type SEOW-A

12、 or better and U.L. listed for the intended submersible service.,The top end bracked shall be fitted with a stainless steel lifting bail and shall be capable of supporting the combined weight of the pump and motor.,所有电缆都应该是SEOW-A类以上的标准的电缆,并通过美国UL认证可用于潜水系统。,托架的顶端应用不锈钢装配来固定把手,并能承受泵和马达的重量。,情态动词should,

13、shall, can, may+be+介词短语( 该句型用于说明物体特征,状态和范围等),The new type of machine should be of simple and compact construction.,新型机器必须是结构紧凑的。,The motor construction shall be of explosion proof.,电机结构应该具有防爆保护。,说明书内容包含的项目举例,validity 有效期 Expiring 失效期 References 参考文献 Formula(Formulation) 分子式 Recommendations 建议 Remark

14、(s) 注意 Attention 注意 Tolerance 耐受性 Further information 补充资料 Batch No 批号 Made in 由制造 Produced by 由生产 Manufactured(Manfd)by 由制造,常用词及短语举例,be active against be intended to be administrated in be of value of be effective in (for,against) be recommended for be employed to be indicated in(for) for(in) the t

15、reatment(management)of,对有效 适用于 适用于 适用于 对有效 推荐用于 用于 适用于 用于治疗,1. Drug name 药品名称,2. Description 性状,3.Clinical pharmacology 临床药理学,4.Indications and usage 适应证和用法,5.Contraindications 禁忌证,6.Precautions 注意事项,7.Warnings 警告,8.Adverse reactions 不良反应,9.Overdosage 用药过量,10.Dosage and usage 剂量用法,11.Strength 规格,12.Storage 贮藏,13.Packages 包装,14. Batch No 批号,15 Validity data 有效期,16 Drug approval number 批准文号,17.Manufacturer生产厂商,药品说明书翻译术语(Package Insert),



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