广东省惠州市惠阳市第一中学实验学校人教版英语学案《b6 u4-4》

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1、Class_Name:_Group:_Assessment:_ Unit 4 Global Warming Period 4 Using Language Learning aims: 1. Know well the global warming 2. Enable the students to talk about different sources of energy. Important point: Learning about effect the global warming brings human being. Difficult point: To improve the

2、 skills of reading. 使用说明及学法指导:1. 通过阅读课本 P30,完成预习案。2. 完成时间:30 分钟。 预习案预习案 Previewing Case Task1 重点单词及短语翻译 代表一方_提倡; 主张_ 承诺;交托_贡献 _ 忍受_ 污染_等等_只有 _ 有影响;很重要_ 增长_ 环境 _ 随便的,不经心_使恢复_教育家_ 微波炉_ 吸收_可回收材料_Task 2 Scan the first e-mail, answer the two questions and get the main idea. 1) Who are the writers of the

3、letter? _ 2) What is the purpose of writing the letters? _ 3) Main idea: The letter is written by_ _ _Task 3 Scan the second e-mail, answer the two questions and get the main idea. 1) Who are the writers of the letter? _ 2) What is the purpose of writing the letters? _ 3) Main idea: The letter is wr

4、itten by _ _ _Task 4 Read the second e-mail carefully and fill in the blanks. 1) Turn a(n) _ off when youre not using it. 2) Put on more clothes instead of turning up the_. 3) Walk or _ instead of taking motor vehicles. 4) _ cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers. 5) Buy things made from _. 6) Buy p

5、roducts that are made to save _. 7) _ in your garden or your school yard. 8) Talk with your family and friends about _.我的迷惑我的迷惑探究案探究案 Exploring Case 探究一重点词汇探究一重点词汇 1. on behalf of 代表 很荣幸在这儿代表我的学校演出。 Im greatly honored to put on performance here _. 2. make a difference 有影响;很重要 锻炼对你的健康产生很大的影响。 _ _ 3.

6、put up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦 我不能忍受我吵闹的室友。 _ 4. so long as / as long as 只要 留得生命在,不怕没希望. _ 5. make contributions to 为 做贡献 contribute to .把贡献给 contribute to 有 助于 我们学生应该要努力学习为社会做贡献。 _ 6. circumstance n. 环境;情况 in/under the circumstances 在此种情况下 in/under no circumstances 决不; 无论如何都不 在这种情况下, 最好别告诉他事故的情况。 _, it is be

7、tter not to tell him about the accident. 你无论如何都不要借钱给他。_you lend him money. 探究二探究二 分析句型分析句型 1. The growth of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide in the air actually comes as a result of many things we do every day. 译:_ _ 2. Recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers if circumstances allow you

8、to. 译: _ _ 3. Get your parents to buy things that are economical with energy - this includes cars as well as smaller things like fridges and microwaves. 译:_ _ 4. Plant trees in your garden or your school yard, as they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and refresh your spirit when you look at them.

9、译: _训练案训练案 根据括号内的提示将下列句子补充完整。 1.If she could _ (忍受那里的条件), we would take her with us. 2. I dont mind your knowing it _ (只要事情不进一步发展). 3. If you want to save energy, youd better not use the air conditioner, the heater _ (等等) when it is not necessary. 4. I realized that she was right and it _ (有影响). 5.

10、Youll need three large c_ of paint. 6. I got out of the car but left the m_ running. 7. They decided to set up a(n) _ (核的) power station. 8. Ill heat it up in the _ (微波炉). 9. Its difficult for me to be _(轻松的,随意的)about anything. 10. I apologize _(代表)the hotel. 11. It is our duty to _(为做贡献)our motherl

11、and. 12. Dry earth _(吸收)water quickly.课后巩固课后巩固 完成同步检测完成同步检测The letter is written by a student who is asking for suggestions for his project global warming. The second letter is written by an editor of Earth Care magazine. He offers the student some suggestions on what to do about global warming. Exercise can mak



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