【原创】江苏省2015届高三第一学期英语(牛津译林版)导学案:unit 2 of module 10 project

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1、 课题:课题:Unit 2 of Module 10 Project 姓名: 一:学习目标一:学习目标 1. Get to know some important information about the Romany. 2. Learn some important words and expressions. 3. Get ready for the classroom display about the Jewish people. 二:课前预习二:课前预习 Answer the following questions:1. Where did the Romany first com

2、e from?2. What is the Romanys main characteristic?3. What happened to the Romany during the second World War?4. What are some modern nations trying to do? 三:课堂研讨三:课堂研讨.Language points1. editiona. 版本(出版形式) a paperback/hardback/hardcover edition 平装/硬皮/精装版 b.(报纸、杂志的)一份;(广播、电视节目的)一期,一辑 The story was in

3、Tuesdays edition of “The New York Times”._。 limited edition 限量版 first edition 首版 c. 动词:edit 编辑;剪辑;主编 名词:editor 编辑,主编;剪辑师 2.booma.(可数名词,拟声词) (蜂等的)营营声;(炮、雷等的)隆隆声;轰轰 声;(波涛的)澎湃声 b.突然的好景气;声望之突然提高;繁荣 (时期) ;遽增 a boom industry 突然繁荣的工业 c.(不及物动词)作隆隆 轰轰 声;作营营声;发出低沉之声音突然繁 荣起来;忽然大得人心 Alaska boomed with the disco

4、very of oil._。 d.(及物动词)以隆隆 低沉 声报知;高声朗读;(以广告等)大力捧 红,大肆宣传;力捧(候选人) (竞选) ,力促 for That record boomed the singers popularity._。 3.privilegea.n C 特有的权利、利益或好处 Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents. _。 U ( 贬) (有钱有势者的)特权,特别待遇 They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society

5、. 他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为公平的社会。备 注She had _ _ _ _ luxury and _ 她过着养尊处优的生活。 C 特别给予的好处或待遇;特别的荣幸 Older pupils enjoy special privileges. _。 It was _ _ _ _ her sing/hearing her sing. 能听她唱歌十分荣幸。 b.privileged adj 享有特权的;享受特殊待遇的;获得优待的;无须公开 的;有权保守秘密的 She came from a privileged background. _。 This information is pri

6、vileged. _。 4. word of mouth 口传的 I have informed them by _ _ _. 我已口头通知他们了。 word 相关表达相关表达 Actions speak louder than words. _。 eat/swallow ones words 承认自己说错话 have sbs word for it (that .) 得到某人的许诺 go back on ones word食言 the last word辨论中最后的谈话(最后决定权,定论) have a word (with sb) (about sth)(对某人)说(某事) (尤指私下的或秘密的) have words (with sb) (about sth) _. in a word一句话;简言之 in other words换句话说;也就是说 a man/woman of his/her word _word for word逐字地;(在翻译方面)一字对一字、 .四:学后反思四:学后反思


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