2016山东高一英语教案m 6 u 2 reading 教案 详案

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1、 教学设计教学设计Module6 Unit 2 ReadingThe search for happinessTeaching aims:1. Grasp Reading Strategy on how to read an interview. 2. Read an interview on happiness and learn how to stay happy in difficult times. 3. Interview Sang Lan.Teaching important and difficult points1.Make the students have a better

2、 understanding of Sang Lan 2.Make the students master the reading strategy 3.Reinforce their reading abilities Teaching facilities1.Multi-media 2.Black boardTeaching procedures:Step 1. Brainstorming T:Good morning, boys and girls. Before our new lesson, I want to ask you a question, Are you happy? T

3、: somebody says yeswhile some one says no, so if you are not happy, could you tell me what can make you happy? or can you tell any things that can make you happy? there are some useful sentence patterns for you: 1.I will feel happy when_. 2._ can make me feel happy. 3. _ _will bring me happiness. S1

4、: being healthy can make me feel happy S2:winning the first place in an important competition will bring me happiness. S3: I will feel happy when being allowed to do whatever I want to S4: Possible answers : 1.being allowed to do whatever I want to 2.receiving a present that I have longed for(渴望) 3.

5、winning the first place in an important competition 4.being respected by others because of my hard work 5.having a chance to meet my favourite pop or sports star6.travelling to the countryside to breathe fresh air and enjoy beautiful scenery 7.being healthy 8.watching comedy films and reading funny

6、stories show the picture of Bill Gates and ask who he is, and what is happiness to him. T: what is happiness to these people? S: Happiness is achieving success in something or earning much money. 2.Let students share their understanding about happiness. Then the teacher can make a conclusion: T:To s

7、ome students, happiness is getting high marks or entering a famous university. To some, happiness is being surrounded by family or friends. To others, Happiness is achieving success in something or earning much money. But to those disabled people, happiness is simply a day without happiness. 3.Show

8、a picture of Sang Lan and ask who she is. Then the teacher lead in the article by these words: Sang Lan cant walk, but she amazed the whole world by the way she remained cheerful. Today well learn an interview about Sang Lans attitude towards happiness.Step 2. Fast readings Let students read the int

9、erview as fast as possible and try to find out who the interviewer and interviewee are and the topic of the article. Then let students find out what question are mentioned and mark out mainly mentioned questions. T: This class we are going to learn an interview about Sang Lan. First , what is an int

10、erview ? what does an interview include? what is the topic? And what questions does the interviewer ask the interviewee about? Task: Skim the text and find the related information Interviewer:_ _host_ Interviewee:_ _Dr Brain_ Topic:_ _happiness_ Questions: 1.Can you tell us a little bit about Sang L

11、an and who she is? 2.How old was she when this happened? 3.How has Sang Lan adapted to her new life? Step 3 careful reading Let students read the text carefully and finish the following exercises. T: now, please read the text carefully, and finish the following exercises ,true or false questions. Ta

12、sk 1. ture or false ( )1.The topic of the TV interview was the story of Sang Lan. ( )2. Dr Brain studies happiness. ( )3. Sang Lan became a gymnast when she was eleven years old. ( )4. Sang Lan was injured in China in 1998, while practicing for the Goodwill Games. ( )5. Before her accident, Sang Lan

13、s best event was the vault.( )6. Sang Lan broke her legs and will never walk again. ( )7. Leonardo DiCaprio visited Sang Lan in the hospital. ( )8. Sang Lan believes doing no work keeps her happy Answers: 1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8 .F. Task 2. Detailed reading Ask students to read paragraph 5, a

14、nd find out SangLans state at 3 different periods. Before the accident: Happy and successful in her sport While in hospital : Remained cheerful Now: Find happiness through reaching much smaller goals and through the love of the people around her. Task 3. Read para( 7-8) to complete SangLans file. Le

15、t students read paragraph 7to 8 and finish SangLans file File(档案) NameSang Lan Birth year1981Birth PlaceNingbo, China Best eventthe vaultPersonalityenergetic, happy and hard-workingExperiences: 1987(at 6) 1991 1998(at 17)She began learning gymnastics She started winning competitions. She made a mist

16、ake while practicing vaults. She fell and broke her neck.Task 4:Task-based readingLet students summarize Sang Lan s experience with the help of following table exerciseBefore going to hospitalBeing (1) _ in her sport when she was young Being described as (2) _, happy and hard- working Working towards something special Trying to ma


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