2015高考英语北师大版一轮复习:book 4 unit 11(讲解及解析答案2)

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1、2015 高考英语北师大版一轮复习:Book 4 Unit 11(讲解及解析答案 2)1 However,not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.然而,并非所有的广告都是为了赢利而推销商品和服务的。句型公式:not all.not all.all.not 表示部分否定,也称半否定。具有总括意义的代词each,everybody,everything,all,both 等、形容词complete,whole 等和副词completely,always,wholly,altogether 等与否

2、定词 not 连用,构成部分否定,表示“不都;并非都”的意思。而no,none,never,nobody,neither,nothing,no more,no longer 等表示否定意义的词与谓语一起使用构成了全部否定。All my friends do not study well.Not all my friends study well.我的朋友并不是个个都学习好。Everything is not right.并非什么都好。夯实基础把下列半否定的句子改为全否定(1)Not everything she did pleased him.Nothing she did pleased h

3、im.(2)Both of them are not my brothers.Neither of them is my brother.(3)I do not remember all the formulas.I remember none of the formulas.(4)She is not always excited.She is never excited.2 According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday,people dont mind bad language on television a

4、s long as it is not used in programmes watched by children.据利兹大学昨天发表的一项研究称,电视中的不良语言,只要不用于儿童节目,人们并不介意。句型公式:as long as引导条件状语从句as long as so long as只要,引导条件状语从句。as long as 还可译为“长达,和一样长久” 。as far as 远至;就来说as well as 和一样好;不但而且也as soon as 一就In our life we may meet many failures,as long as we try our best,t

5、heres no need to feel regret for these failures.生活中我们可能遇到许多失败,但只要我们尽了力,就没有必要为失败而后悔。(2013湖南书面表达)夯实基础(1)You can make it so long as you work hard (只要你努力工作)(2)Ill inform you of the latest news as soon as he comes (他一来)3 At the last minute,he jumped out of the truck,hurting his ankle.最后时刻,他从卡车上跳了出来,伤着了脚踝

6、句型公式:现在分词短语作结果状语现在分词(短语)作结果状语常表示“意料、情理之中” ,这种分词的逻辑主语既可以是句子的主语,也可以是前边的整个句子,逻辑主语为前边的整个句子时,其作用相当于一个非限制性定语从句。不定式(短语)作结果状语常表示出乎意料的结果。The child fell,striking his head against the door.小孩摔了一跤,头在门上碰了一下。He hurried to the bus stop,only to find the bus had left.他匆匆地去了车站,结果发现车已离开。夯实基础(1)He got up late and hurri

7、ed to his office,leaving the breakfast untouched (早餐动都没动)(2)同义句改写A number of new machines were introduced from abroad,resulting in an increase in production.(改为 which 引导的非限制性定语从句)A number of new machines were introduced from abroad,which resulted in an increase in production.教材活用根据课文内容完成下面的短文World N

8、ewsScotlandThe political leaders from eight of the worlds 1.wealthiest (wealthy) nations will meet in Scotland this summer.2.They will discuss the topic of Africa in detail.There are many problems 3.for African people to solve,such as poverty,sex education and health care.People from all over the wo

9、rld have demanded 4.that the leaders 5.(should) cancel (cancel) the debt of Africas 6.poorest (poor) countries to help them escape the painful pasts.LondonAt 1245 UK time today,London was being announced by the IOC in Singapore to be the host city for 7.the 2012 Olympic Games.London now has the dist

10、inction of being the first city 8.to host (host) the event three times.The good news makes the people in London so delighted 9.that they celebrate 10.it everywhere.课外拓展阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式AA:Any good news?B:Not really.I was talking without being 1.asked(ask) in class.So I was lef

11、t behind after school yesterday.A:Better keep quiet 2.in class.B:Sometimes I do.The day before yesterday,I was quiet in my history class but I still 3.had(have) to stay after school.A:I dont understand.B:Because I fell asleep.But it wasnt my 4.fault.The lesson was dull.A:I advise you to take school

12、more 5.seriously(serious)If you dont pass your exam,you will have to drop out and work 6.as a result.B:I dont think 7.it makes much difference.8.If I have a job,I have to do dull work every day.But now I am in school,I 9.must listen to dull teachers every day.A:Something must be wrong with you.Go to

13、 10.the psychologist first.BRegrets are painful emotionsbut surprisingly,there may be an upside to them.Painful 1.as/though they are,regrets can actually inspire us to future success,according to a latest study 2.by two US universities.Researchers identified two different types of regrets.One was ac

14、tion regrets,based on something that3.had happened (happen)The other was inaction regrets,which concerned something a person didnt do 4.but wished he or she had.According to the UKs Daily Mail,they surveyed 370 adults,evenly split between men and women,5.who were asked to discuss one strong regret i

15、n detail,whether it was 6.an action or inaction regret and how long the pain lasted for afterwards.The most common regrets were 7.about love,education and work.And results showed that action regrets in the beginning were very painful,but didnt last as long as inaction regrets.Also,women,who tended t

16、o value 8.social (society) relationships more than men,had more regrets of love pared(compare) to men.On the contrary,men were more likely to have workrelated regrets.Researchers also claimed that regretsparticularly inaction 10.onescan spur us on to future success,as they drive us to take chances and make sure we dont suffer the same feeling of missing out again.(一).阅读理解A“I cant find my sunglasses in broad daylight,but I ca


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